
大家好,我给大家讲讲安徽省委常委,合肥市委书记张红文的前世今生。张红文就一个造飞弹的,鹰击8号,反舰飞弹。我不知道他的水平, 他到底是技术专家还是行政官僚。這是中國的飛彈專家刘庆楣,张红文的师傅。鹰击8号,反舰飞弹,就是刘庆楣研制的。但是刘庆楣似乎只是技术专家,不走行政这条线。中国好多系统都是这样的。行政和技术是两条线,虽然关系也很密切。张红文搞技术的师傅刘庆楣应该没事,就是一个退休的老太太,技术专家。













但是只能航天部和冶金工业部一样,只是陈云习近平派系的官员比较多,是他们的大本营,但并不是全家桶。这么多年来两代总书记江泽民和胡锦涛,肯定要往里面塞人。张庆伟和袁家军都不是习近平的人。 袁家军百分百不是习近平的人,把习近平亲自提拔的周江勇都给抓了。不抓的话,周江勇百分百要被习近平提拔成正部级。张庆伟我不确定,但是我猜张庆伟是江泽民的人,张庆伟应该和吉林省委书记黄强绑定的。如果张庆伟是江泽民的人,那么黄强也应该是江泽民的人。我没有深入研究他们两个人。




2025年第1期《党建》杂志刊发吉林省委书记黄强的署名文章,题为《凝心聚力推动改革行稳致远 奋力开创吉林高质量发展崭新局面》。黄强在文章中写道。在改革过程中,我们不能“拍脑袋决策、拍胸脯蛮干、拍屁股走人”,要严防急功近利、走偏走虚;也不能假借发展之名搞大拆大建,甚至干“拆真古迹建假古董”的蠢事。大家看这话茬,拍脑袋决策、拍胸脯蛮干、拍屁股走人。话里话外感觉在骂习近平,因为习近平被大家的公认的烂尾帝,干什么事情都烂尾。







我们六四镇压就知道了,1989年6月12日人民日报 第1版《聂帅写信慰问戒严部队全体官兵 向死难烈士表示深切的哀悼》。聂荣臻是邓小平还是陈云的人,我暂时没有研究,但是无论是哪一派的,慰问戒严部队,那就是支持六四镇压的罪人。《宋任穷等慰问戒严部队官兵武警官兵和公安干警 赞扬子弟兵为党为国为民立新功》中共中央顾问委员会副主任宋任穷和中顾委部分常委,今天上午来到天安门内院慰问首都部分戒严部队官兵、武警官兵和公安干警。



资料写的很清楚,我就不展开说了。从“两弹一星”到载人航天:因为我记得1978年,宋任穷担任七机部部长的时候,给邓小平汇报航天 … 1992年李鹏支持会议,林宗棠要我汇报,气氛很热烈,大家都很热情,积极支持,就这样方案通过了。总之,李鹏就是习近平的干爹,又有网友给我发来照片。大家注意,这两张照片里面都有彭丽媛,大家想想为什么。

2013年左右,38岁的张红文任中国航天科工集团第三研究院副院长、党委委员、总研究师、科技工程中心主任。当时的航天科工集团董事长是高红卫 (2013年4月25日 – 2020年),总经理是曹建国 (2013年4月25日 – 2016年3月)。张红文技术上的师傅是刘庆楣,但是行政上的师傅是曹建国。梗要来了。








Zhang Hongwen’s arrest is evidence of Xi Jinping’s resignation. Zhang Hongwen’s relationship with June 4th butchers Chen Yun and Song Renqiong. Zhang Hongwen’s past and present life are fully revealed. Xi Jinping’s political group completely used the blood of the June 4th students to dye their hats and feathers red. There is also a big foreign propaganda fantasizing that Xi Jinping “rehabilitated June 4th”? Zhao Yide’s bloody clearing of the scene in Pucheng, Shaanxi, prison guards’ salary of 170,000 yuan, and civil servants’ salary increases are only for suppression

Hello everyone, I will tell you about the past and present life of Zhang Hongwen, member of the Standing Committee of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Hefei Municipal Party Committee. Zhang Hongwen is just a missile maker, Eagle Strike 8, an anti-ship missile. I don’t know his level, is he a technical expert or an administrative bureaucrat. This is Liu Qingmei, a Chinese missile expert, Zhang Hongwen’s master. Eagle Strike 8, an anti-ship missile, was developed by Liu Qingmei. But Liu Qingmei seems to be just a technical expert and does not follow the administrative line. Many systems in China are like this. Administration and technology are two lines, although they are also closely related. Zhang Hongwen’s technical master Liu Qingmei should be fine, just a retired old lady, a technical expert.

Zhang Hongwen’s political master has been arrested
Although Liu Qingmei is indeed Zhang Hongwen’s master. However, I emphasize that the key point is here, Zhang Hongwen’s political master has been arrested. It is from this big melon that we can see it. The big melon of the CCP regime change. On October 18, 2024, Xi Jinping was in Anhui. What is the story behind it? Some idiots are still boasting that Zhang Hongwen has become the successor. Zhang Hongwen is also stupid, and he can still laugh. Simply put, when this photo was taken, Zhang Hongwen’s master had been arrested. Zhang Hongwen is still smiling foolishly here. Do you think Xi Jinping can laugh? If Xi Jinping sees Zhang Hongwen laughing, he will go up and slap her with a big slap. You are kidding. Xi Jinping is probably so angry.

I will interpret the reasons behind Xi Jinping’s inspections for everyone, reveal the secrets, and give everyone a God’s perspective. Just use this timeline to check what happened at each time point, and we can see it clearly. I don’t know whether I should or shouldn’t tell you so much. First of all, we have to open our little notebook to see if there is this content in the notebook I prepared. It is this list of 12 people. Those who are not on the list of 12 people are all small fry. Not worth mentioning. The godfather-level figures here, in addition to Deng Xiaoping, are Chen Yun. Xi Jinping is just a spokesperson for Chen Yun’s political group.

Let’s look at the news first. Recently, the death of a vocational school student in Pucheng, Shaanxi, has attracted widespread attention from the society. On the evening of January 5, 2025, a large number of people gathered at the gate of Pucheng Vocational Education Center to seek justice for the student who fell from the building. During the period, it was suspected that someone was arrested, and the people shouted the slogan “Release him!” The next day, the protest escalated further. According to videos and news circulated on the X platform, more than 10,000 people broke through the police blockade, rushed into the school to smash facilities, and beat up the principal. The scene was in chaos. The police used batons to disperse the demonstrators. Some students who participated in the demonstration were beaten with blood.

Zhao Yide, Secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and First Political Commissar of the Provincial Military Region, signed and approved the “Report on the Request for Instructions on the “014” Mass Incident in Pucheng County” submitted by the Weinan Municipal Party Committee on January 6, 2025, stating: “The Spring Festival is approaching, and we must resolutely prevent and eliminate the vicious spread of mass violent terrorist incidents to ensure the overall stability of the society. In particular, we must resolutely prevent hostile elements from taking the opportunity to sabotage, and severely punish criminals who organize violent resistance to the law, hinder the performance of official duties, and advocate chaos and counter-attack. The Weinan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government must fulfill their main responsibilities and ensure that the crowd is completely evacuated before 0:00 on January 8.”

Zhao Yide, Secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, should be Xi Jinping’s henchman. I have not studied Zhao Yide, but Zhao Yide appeared in the interpersonal relationships of Zhou Jiabin, Secretary of the Guilin Municipal Party Committee in Guangxi. Zhou Jiabin has been arrested. I don’t know whether Zhao Yide should be arrested or not. I have not mentioned Zhou Jiabin, so I will try to tell you as soon as possible and also cover Zhao Yide. Let’s see what the background of Xi Jinping’s thug Zhao Yide is.

The Weinan Detachment, Fuping Squadron, and Pucheng Squadron of the Armed Police will cooperate in carrying out the armed clearing mission starting from January 7, 2025. Mission determination: “Block the encircled area of ​​Beihuan Road, Qingnian Road, Yaoshan Street, and Junmin Lane. From the county party school and Yaoshan Middle School of the county education bureau, attack the vocational education center and complete the clearing mission.”

Summary of the clearing plan of the emergency response headquarters of mass incidents in Pucheng County “The patrol special police brigade of the county public security bureau cooperated with the armed police force to block the encircled area of ​​Beihuan Road, Qingnian Road, Yaoshan Street, and Junmin Lane, and assisted in protecting key targets such as the county party school, the county education bureau, and Yaoshan Middle School.” “The county party committee propaganda department integrated media center will do a good job in propaganda and public opinion supervision and guidance.” “The county health and health commission coordinated Pucheng Hospital and Beihuan Psychiatric Rehabilitation Hospital to do a good job in treating the wounded and sick.”

This is murderous, and it’s going to be ruthless. No wonder the civil servants are getting a raise. Not long ago, a Chinese netizen shared his salary benefits on the online community. This netizen is a civil servant who works in a prison in Changsha, Hunan Province, which is what we often call a prison guard. He has been working for 18 years and holds a full-time position in the unit. His current salary includes a monthly basic performance salary of 8,400 yuan, a transportation subsidy of 500 yuan, a provident fund of 3,000 yuan, a year-end salary of 3,100 yuan, an overtime subsidy of 9,500 yuan, a year-end performance bonus of 12,500 yuan, and a union benefit of 2,400 yuan. Calculated throughout the year, the total amount reached more than 170,000 yuan, an average of about 14,000 yuan per month.

Let’s list it at a glance. It has to be said that this income is really good in China, which is in a downturn. No wonder the competition for recruiting civil servants in China, the so-called national examination, has always been very fierce. For example, in 2025, the national examination in Changsha, Hunan, only recruited 193 people, but more than 7,000 people signed up, and the competition ratio was about 35 to 1. This is probably the logic of the Chinese Communist Party government to increase the salary of civil servants. When it comes to the Pucheng Incident in Shaanxi, when it is necessary to suppress the people, the CCP’s base must be used. We are not afraid of Zhang Xianzhong, but we are afraid of Li Zicheng.

Let’s continue to talk about Zhang Hongwen. Let’s start with Chen Yun’s big man, the June 4th butcher Song Renqiong. Song Renqiong’s wife Zhong Yuelin was Chen Yun’s wife when she was young. Why do we have to start with Song Renqiong? We have to look at the history of the Aerospace Group. It was the Fifth Academy of the Ministry of National Defense at first, then became the Seventh Ministry of Machinery Industry, then the Ministry of Aerospace Industry, then the Aerospace Industry Corporation, and then split into two companies, one is the Aerospace Science and Technology Group, and the other is the Aerospace Science and Industry Group. These two groups are still inextricably linked.

Let me explain the knowledge points here. The first is Gu Jingsheng. You can tell what’s going on by looking at this name. The political commissar of the Fifth Academy of the Ministry of National Defense, Bo Gu Kailai’s father, Bo Guagua’s grandfather, and Bo Xilai’s father-in-law. The people behind are Ma Xingrui, Xu Dazhe, Lei Fanpei, Zhang Hongwen, and Yuan Jie. These are all Xi Jinping’s people. So from here, Bo Xilai and Xi Jinping are also a family. No matter which angle you use to prove it, Bo Xilai and Xi Jinping are a family. I said that even if you find 100 pieces of evidence, you can find it. Because Bo Xilai and Xi Jinping are actually a family, of course you can find a lot of evidence.

But it can only be the same as the Ministry of Aerospace and the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry, but there are more officials from the Chen Yun and Xi Jinping faction, which is their base camp, but not the whole family. Over the years, the two generations of general secretaries Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao must have stuffed people in. Zhang Qingwei and Yuan Jiajun are not Xi Jinping’s people. Yuan Jiajun is 100% not Xi Jinping’s people. They arrested Zhou Jiangyong, who was promoted by Xi Jinping himself. If he didn’t arrest him, Zhou Jiangyong would definitely be promoted to the ministerial level by Xi Jinping. I’m not sure about Zhang Qingwei, but I guess Zhang Qingwei is Jiang Zemin’s person. Zhang Qingwei should be tied to Huang Qiang, secretary of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee. If Zhang Qingwei is Jiang Zemin’s person, then Huang Qiang should also be Jiang Zemin’s person. I haven’t studied the two of them in depth.

Huang Qiang has been quite active recently. I don’t know if he wants to join the Politburo or has been appointed to replace Li Shulei. I am just guessing. If Huang Qiang really replaces Li Shulei as the Minister of Propaganda, it is all coincidence. Huang Qiang has been doing a lot of things recently, showing off his English, holding a big red fish, and publishing a signed article by Huang Qiang, Secretary of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee, in the first issue of “Party Building” magazine in 2025. It feels a bit ironic to Xi Jinping.

On November 23, 2024, the opening of the 2024-2025 new snow season in Jilin Province and the 30th Jilin Rime Ice and Snow Festival opened at the Beida Lake Ski Resort in the High-Quality Development Experimental Zone of Ice and Snow Economy in Jilin City. According to reports, on the opening day, Huang Qiang, Secretary of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee, communicated cordially with foreign ski enthusiasts in English at the Beida Lake Ski Resort to promote Jilin ice and snow. Hu Yuting, Deputy Secretary of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee and Governor, opened the first ski with ski enthusiasts.

On the ice and snow, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee held up a big red fish. On December 28, 2024, the opening ceremony of the 23rd Ice and Snow Fishing and Hunting Cultural Tourism Festival of Chagan Lake in Jilin was held. Huang Qiang, Secretary of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee, attended and announced the opening, and Governor Hu Yuting attended the event. At the event, Huang Qiang and Hu Yuting watched the fishermen cast nets to catch fish. Huang Qiang also asked the fisherman in detail about the harvest year and the income of fishermen. He said that Chagan Lake winter fishing carries the beautiful expectation of having fish every year and having surplus every year. The picture shows that at the scene, Huang Qiang also held a big red fish with both hands.

The first issue of “Party Building” magazine in 2025 published a signed article by Huang Qiang, Secretary of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee, entitled “Concentrate on Promoting Steady and Long-term Reform and Strive to Create a New Situation of High-quality Development in Jilin”. Huang Qiang wrote in the article. In the process of reform, we cannot “make decisions on the spur of the moment, act recklessly, and walk away without a care”. We must strictly guard against being eager for quick success and instant benefits, and going astray and empty; we cannot use the name of development to engage in large-scale demolition and construction, or even do stupid things like “demolishing real monuments and building fake antiques”. Look at this sentence, making decisions on the spur of the moment, acting recklessly, and walking away without a care. It feels like he is scolding Xi Jinping, because Xi Jinping is recognized by everyone as the emperor of unfinished projects, and everything he does is unfinished.

What is Huang Qiang’s decision-making on the spur of the moment, and walking away without a care. Xi Jinping himself said that he would quit and sleep. In the end, he said that he did stupid things. It sounds like he is scolding Xi Jinping in a roundabout way. Aren’t all the things Xi Jinping does stupid? Just look at Huang Qiang’s English show, it’s not for Xi Jinping to see, and Xi Jinping doesn’t understand English.

Let’s first compare the difference between Song Renqiong and Song Ping. Song Renqiong and Song Ping are indeed Chen Yun’s lackeys. Although Song Renqiong served as the Minister of Aerospace Industry for only one year, he then served as the Minister of Organization for four years. That means he had a lot of say. Song Ping was far behind. Song Ping first served as the first secretary of Gansu Province. Then he served as the deputy director of the State Planning Commission for two and a half years. Then he served as the director for four years, and then served as the Minister of Organization for two and a half years. It took more than six years, almost seven years, for Song Ping to leave Gansu and become the Minister of Organization.

So it is completely nonsense that Song Ping promoted Hu Jintao. Not to mention that even the Minister of Organization had no power to promote provincial party secretaries. When Song Ping became the Minister of Organization, Hu Jintao had already served as the Secretary of Guizhou Province for two years. It doesn’t match at all. The State Planning Commission is equivalent to the current National Development and Reform Commission. Even if it has great power, it cannot manage personnel. I don’t understand how this lie can have a market. The timeline is clear at a glance. During the period when Song Ping served as the Director of the State Planning Commission, Hu Jintao served as the Secretary of Guizhou Province.

How can a small director of the Development and Reform Commission have the power to promote provincial party secretaries? Guan Gong vs. Qin Qiong, it’s a mismatch. So how much power do Song Renqiong and Song Ping have as the Ministers of the Organization Department? Where is the limit of their power? Let me dig a hole first. I can tell you through the case of Guan Zhiou, the youngest minister in China, the Minister of Natural Resources. Zeng Qinghong, as the Minister of the Organization Department, can promote a bureau-level official. It’s not a problem for him to promote a second-tier deputy ministerial official, the deputy director of the Provincial People’s Congress, or the vice chairman of the Provincial CPPCC. Only the general secretary or the prime minister can promote first-tier deputy ministerial positions, deputy governors, and provincial party committee standing committee members.

It’s discussed by the Politburo Standing Committee, and the general secretary and the prime minister lead. The Minister of the Organization Department is at most a member of the Politburo. First-tier deputy ministerial positions are completely beyond the power of the Minister of the Organization Department. That’s the power of the general secretary. There are only about 1,000 first-tier deputy ministerial officials in China, and there may be 3,000 people if you add the second-tier people in the National People’s Congress and the CPPCC. There are only 1,000 positions in total, divided by Jiang, Hu, and Xi, and the prime minister is also needed. It is not the turn of the Minister of the Organization Department. The General Secretary has the final say, and the Minister of the Organization Department has no right to intervene.

There is a saying that Chen Yun has a list of 10,000 or 20,000 people in his head. I don’t know whether this statement is reliable or not. In the 1980s, bureau-level cadres were central-level cadres. There were probably 10,000 or 20,000 people. The promotion of deputy ministerial officials was all decided by Chen Yun. Of course, Deng Xiaoping also had the final say. Song Renqiong and Song Ping were just lackeys. What is dictatorship? It is dictatorship when one person has the final say. In the 1980s, Deng Xiaoping and Chen Yun were the duopoly of power, and the words of others did not count. What is power in hand? Chen Yun is the real godfather-level figure. All the bad things were done by Chen Yun and Deng Xiaoping. Others were just errand boys.

We know it during the June 4th crackdown. On June 12, 1989, the People’s Daily, page 1, “Marshal Nie wrote a letter to express his condolences to all officers and soldiers of the martial law troops and expressed deep condolences to the martyrs who died.” I have not studied whether Nie Rongzhen was a member of Deng Xiaoping or Chen Yun, but no matter which faction he belonged to, he was a criminal who supported the June 4 crackdown by visiting the martial law troops. “Song Renqiong and others visited the martial law troops, armed police officers and public security officers, and praised the soldiers for their new contributions to the Party, the country and the people” Song Renqiong, deputy director of the Central Advisory Commission of the Communist Party of China, and some members of the Central Advisory Commission’s Standing Committee, came to the inner courtyard of Tiananmen this morning to visit some martial law troops, armed police officers and public security officers in the capital.

Everyone, please note that these are all said by Song Renqiong himself, and the Communist Party newspaper, People’s Daily, wrote them. Song Renqiong said it very clearly. First, we support the June 4 crackdown on behalf of the Central Advisory Commission, and I will not read the rest. So who is the Central Advisory Commission? Why can Song Renqiong represent the Central Advisory Commission? The director of the Central Advisory Commission at that time was Chen Yun, and the deputy directors were Bo Yibo and Song Renqiong. Bo Xilai’s father Bo Yibo and Song Renqiong were both Chen Yun’s lackeys. Song Renqiong made it very clear that Song Renqiong represented the Central Advisory Commission. Song Renqiong was already the third in command of the Central Advisory Commission, so he could only represent the first in command, Chen Yun, and the second in command, Bo Xilai’s father, Bo Yibo.

Song Renqiong, the butcher of June 4, promoted Lin Zongtang, the Minister of Aerospace Industry. Lin Zongtang promoted Cao Jianguo, the master of Zhang Hongwen. You can tell from the year that in April 1988, Lin Zongtang became the Minister of Aerospace Industry. The previous year, 1987, Hu Yaobang had just stepped down. In April 1988, Chen Yun was the director of the Central Advisory Commission, Li Peng was the Premier, and Song Ping was the Minister of the Organization Department. Li Peng and Song Ping were all Chen Yun’s lackeys. The former Minister of the Organization Department, Song Renqiong, was originally the Minister of the Seventh Ministry of Machine Building Industry, the predecessor of the Ministry of Aerospace Industry, just with a different name.

The information is very clear, so I won’t elaborate on it. From “Two Bombs and One Satellite” to Manned Spaceflight: Because I remember that in 1978, when Song Renqiong was the Minister of the Seventh Ministry of Machine Building, he reported to Deng Xiaoping on spaceflight… In 1992, at the Li Peng Support Conference, Lin Zongtang asked me to report. The atmosphere was very warm, everyone was very enthusiastic and actively supported, and the plan was passed. In short, Li Peng is Xi Jinping’s godfather. Another netizen sent me a photo. Everyone, please note that Peng Liyuan is in these two photos. Think about why.

Around 2013, 38-year-old Zhang Hongwen was appointed as the Central Deputy Director, Party Committee Member, Chief Researcher, and Director of the Science and Technology Engineering Center of the Third Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation. At that time, the Chairman of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation was Gao Hongwei (April 25, 2013 – 2020), and the General Manager was Cao Jianguo (April 25, 2013 – March 2016). Zhang Hongwen’s technical master was Liu Qingmei, but his administrative master was Cao Jianguo. The joke is coming.

Why not Chairman Gao Hongwei? Gao Hongwei may be Xi Jinping’s man, or maybe not. Even if Gao Hongwei is Xi Jinping’s man, he is not the focus of our attention. We only focus on the joke. The person who promoted Zhang Hongwen must be Cao Jianguo, not someone else. I’ll highlight the key points, and I’ll tell you the joke, and this joke is very simple. On October 18, 2024, Xi Jinping was in Anhui. Zhang Hongwen, member of the Standing Committee of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Hefei Municipal Party Committee, was grinning. There was a stupid foreign propaganda saying that this was the appearance of Zhang Hongwen’s successor. Zhang Hongwen is as stupid as the foreign propaganda. But in September 2024, Zhang Hongwen’s master Cao Jianguo had been taken away by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection for investigation.

So Xi Jinping’s visit to Anhui on October 17 and 18, 2024, and to the 611th Brigade of the 61st Base of the Rocket Force were all acting. Xu Xisheng, the political commissar of the Rocket Force, can’t act. He is staring at Xi Jinping here, and subconsciously stands far away from Xi Jinping.

So I don’t understand what Zhang Hongwen is laughing at. What about the successor? Qincheng will take over. The Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee is also destined to go to Qincheng. Whoever Singapore’s Lee Hsien Loong supports will be finished. Chen Min’er and Chen Jining are still successors. Chen Jining was arrested immediately, but Chen Min’er was fine.

Zhang Hongwen’s master Cao Jianguo’s rank is not low either. At the vice-ministerial level, Cao Jianguo is an alternate member of the Central Committee. The rank is very high, and many provincial governors are also alternate members of the Central Committee. Cao Jianguo was formerly the general manager of the Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, and is now the chairman of the Aviation Engine Corporation. These are all centrally-managed enterprises, and the first 49 of them are all at the vice-ministerial level.

Why must Zhang Hongwen’s master be Cao Jianguo? Cao Jianguo is from Huigong Town, Congyang County, Tongling City, Anhui Province. Why did Zhang Hongwen go from the Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation to Anhui to be an official? Is it a coincidence? Can he just pick a province to be an official? Congyang County was originally part of Anqing City, and was later assigned to Tongling City. Wang Yang is the mayor of Tongling. Wu Cunrong, who was just arrested, was once the head of Congyang County and the secretary of the Congyang County Party Committee. Lu Kehua, who was just arrested, is from Congyang County. Wu Cunrong and Lu Kehua have both served as deputy mayors of Chongqing. How can it be such a coincidence? It’s not a coincidence.

The Congyang Gang was destroyed and wiped out. Four people who had ties with Congyang County were arrested. Cao Jianguo and Lu Kehua are from Congyang County, and Wu Cunrong was the head of Congyang County and the secretary of the county party committee. Zhang Hongwen is the apprentice of Cao Jianguo, who is from Congyang County. Xi Jinping’s Anhui Congyang Gang was wiped out by Li Xi, and no one was left alive. This is the future of all officials of Xi Jinping’s faction, no one will be left alive, all will be purged, OK, thank you everyone.
