
温家宝任政治体制改革小组总顾问,年底政治体制改革领导小组。沈丹阳派系背景。厦大帮是大外宣说法。黄守宏挤掉习近平马仔吉林,吉林和景俊海一样提前退休 1
中国交通部党组书记刘伟的派系背景 7
兰州大学校长杨勇平的派系背景 8
习近平要死了:2024年10月2日凌晨,6万年一遇的彗星横扫北京上空 10
温家宝如约出来打卡辅佐胡春华,福建省长赵龙任浙江省委书记,上海政协胡文容任福建省长。孙政才大秘下属于绍良升任正部级。孙政才是哪个派系的? 13
贪污26.08亿:习近平亲自提拔的福建卫生厅长杨平的大秘林圣魁跳楼 17
习近平福建再被抄家,亲自提拔的局长林圣魁跳了。梁光烈缺席中共篡政75周年仪式,大概率被抓 21
夏林茂升任北京市委副书记,会不会是未来的政治局常委。蔡奇到底有多忠于习近平。蔡奇有没有出卖习近平 24
习近平在福建是谁提拔的?西藏副主席王勇为何被抓,田庆盈接替于立军担任四川组织部长。四川副省长左永祥任四川省委秘书长。 31
传:洛阳66基地火箭军司令薛今峰带队进京抓拿习近平 37
王岐山终于,终于退休了。2024年10月10日,韩正接替王岐山担任中国红十字会名誉会长 44
习仲勋大秘曹志斌被抓?习近平私生子藏身法国。吴邦国畏罪自杀,同时韩正密友齐同生被抓 46
致死孙志刚的收容条例是温家宝废除的,与吴邦国没有关系 50
林友案会影响习近平吗?熊四皓的李克强苗圩背景。谁抓了李克强大秘肖捷的秘书?武汉市长周先旺为什么甩锅习近平? 51
习近平心灰意冷,四中全会胡春华还是胡海峰接班总书记?装都不装,演戏演全套,上午演戏,下午回家喝茅台了。两个上海市长候任人选都有周永康背景 56
新梗发布:维尼给吴邦国送了花圈 66
栗战书没有给吴邦国送花圈。八宝山不会连这点纸都省吧? 67
习仲勋下属被抓,习近平再被剪裙边。窦万贵杨发森是习仲勋下属提拔的。上海副市长陈宇剑两个上级周波陈寅都要被抓,陈宇剑会提拔青海政法委书记吗? 68
胡春华大秘孟祥锋接替蔡奇任中办主任,栗战书没有给吴邦国送花圈,唱红打黑总后台传言要走,彭清华,许达哲被抓,温家宝加速对薄熙来余党大清洗。习近平福建漳州毕业旅行 72
中国未来的总书记的两三个候选人之一袁家军 76
习近平弄死李克强是一招臭棋,吓坏了所有还犹豫不决的退休常委和退休军委副主席 77
习近平拜关二爷,见山就拜,见佛就拜。未来可能的4个总书记候选人。丁薛祥的可能性是零。习近平失去军权的实锤证据。马伊磊和雪克来提,扎克尔 79
改朝换代的历史重复了,福建省长赵龙马上任浙江省委书记 84
习近平视察火箭军安徽池州市六十一基地611旅 85
丁薛祥会接任总书记吗?丁薛祥的秘书张宏亮升任中国国务院办公厅秘书二局局长 87
李洪志是共匪的自供状 90
江胡习武后,山河再重头,22大总书记周金星登上历史舞台,一颗冉冉升起的政治新星诞生 94
江湖习武后,山河再从头。22大总书记周金星登上历史舞台。王幼鹏与华为 96
这是要抓栗战书给习近平背锅的节奏啊,哈尔滨公安局副局长于涛是黑社会,后台是栗战书和习仲勋秘书曹志斌 102
阎维文早就被彭丽媛炼成了药渣,彭丽媛欲火焚身,欲在舞台当场强奸将军戴玉强 103
揭秘动机:习近平为什么要弄死李克强?彭丽媛情人戴玉强为何享受正国级待遇? 105
中国电建原董事长范集湘贪污金额,习远平王彤宙的白手套 111
四中全会习蔡下,增补袁陈进常委,21大接班,22大周姜接班。重庆市副市长张国智的派系分析。张又侠为何秘密访问越南? 114
最新21大常委预测名单。总书记三大候选人,李强,袁家军,胡春华。李干杰是薄熙来余党,有可能被抓。 122
三大左媒不再背书卡马拉《华盛顿邮报》《今日美国报》《洛杉矶时报》摒弃一贯做法 126
孙政才秦城火力全开,王浩任浙江书记,林红玉任山西副省长,陈建文任人民日报总编辑。胡锦涛当年考察孙政才画面曝光 128
Dabao News October 2024
《Dabao News October 2024》
Table of Contents
Wen Jiabao serves as the chief consultant of the political system reform group and the leading group of the political system reform at the end of the year. Shen Danyang’s factional background. The Xiamen University gang is a big foreign propaganda statement. Huang Shouhong squeezed out Xi Jinping’s henchman Jilin, and Jilin retired early like Jing Junhai 1
The factional background of Liu Wei, secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Transport of China 7
The factional background of Yang Yongping, president of Lanzhou University 8
Xi Jinping is going to die: In the early morning of October 2, 2024, a comet that occurs once in 60,000 years swept across the sky over Beijing 10
Wen Jiabao came out to punch in as scheduled to assist Hu Chunhua, Fujian Governor Zhao Long served as Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, and Shanghai CPPCC Hu Wenrong served as Governor of Fujian. Sun Zhengcai’s chief secretary Shao Liang was promoted to the ministerial level. Which faction does Sun Zhengcai belong to? 13
Embezzlement of 2.608 billion: Lin Shengkui, the chief secretary of Yang Ping, the Fujian Health Department Director promoted by Xi Jinping himself, jumped off the building 17
Xi Jinping’s Fujian home was searched again, and Lin Shengkui, the director promoted by Xi Jinping himself, jumped off the building. Liang Guanglie was absent from the 75th anniversary ceremony of the CCP’s usurpation of power, and he was likely to be arrested 21
Xia Linmao was promoted to deputy secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee. Will he be a future member of the Politburo Standing Committee? How loyal is Cai Qi to Xi Jinping? Did Cai Qi betray Xi Jinping? 24
Who promoted Xi Jinping in Fujian? Why was Wang Yong, the vice chairman of Tibet, arrested? Tian Qingying replaced Yu Lijun as the head of the Sichuan Organization Department. Zuo Yongxiang, the vice governor of Sichuan, was appointed as the secretary-general of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee. 31
Rumor: Xue Jinfeng, the commander of the Rocket Force of the 66th Base in Luoyang, led a team to Beijing to arrest Xi Jinping 37
Wang Qishan finally, finally retired. On October 10, 2024, Han Zheng replaced Wang Qishan as the honorary president of the Chinese Red Cross Society 44
Xi Zhongxun’s chief secretary Cao Zhibin was arrested? Xi Jinping’s illegitimate son is hiding in France. Wu Bangguo committed suicide out of fear of punishment, while Han Zheng’s close friend Qi Tongsheng was arrested 46
The detention regulations that killed Sun Zhigang were abolished by Wen Jiabao and have nothing to do with Wu Bangguo 50
Will the Lin You case affect Xi Jinping? Xiong Sihao’s Li Keqiang and Miao Wei background. Who arrested the secretary of Li Keqiang’s secretary Xiao Jie? Why did Wuhan Mayor Zhou Xianwang blame Xi Jinping? 51
Xi Jinping is disheartened. Will Hu Chunhua or Hu Haifeng take over as General Secretary at the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee? Not even pretending, acting out the whole thing, acting in the morning and going home to drink Maotai in the afternoon. Both candidates for Shanghai mayor have Zhou Yongkang’s background 56
New meme released: Winnie sent a wreath to Wu Bangguo 66
Li Zhanshu did not send a wreath to Wu Bangguo. Babaoshan will not even save this little paper, right? 67
Xi Zhongxun’s subordinates were arrested, and Xi Jinping’s skirt was cut again. Dou Wangui and Yang Fasen were promoted by Xi Zhongxun’s subordinates. Shanghai Vice Mayor Chen Yujian’s two superiors Zhou Bo and Chen Yin are both being arrested. Will Chen Yujian promote the Secretary of the Qinghai Political and Legal Affairs Commission? 68
Hu Chunhua’s chief secretary Meng Xiangfeng replaced Cai Qi as the director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee. Li Zhanshu did not send a wreath to Wu Bangguo. The general backstage of the “Sing Red and Fight Black” campaign is rumored to be leaving. Peng Qinghua and Xu Dazhe were arrested. Wen Jiabao accelerated the purge of Bo Xilai’s remnants. Xi Jinping’s graduation trip to Zhangzhou, Fujian 72
Yuan Jiajun, one of the two or three candidates for China’s future general secretary 76
Xi Jinping’s killing of Li Keqiang was a bad move, which scared all the retired Standing Committee members and retired vice chairmen of the Military Commission who were still hesitant 77
Xi Jinping worships Guan Erye, worships whenever he sees a mountain, and worships whenever he sees a Buddha. Four possible candidates for the general secretary in the future. Ding Xuexiang’s possibility is zero. Solid evidence that Xi Jinping has lost military power. Ma Yilei and Xue Kelai, Zaker 79
The history of changing dynasties is repeated, Fujian Governor Zhao Longma took office as Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee 84
Xi Jinping inspected the Rocket Force’s 611th Brigade of the 61st Base in Chizhou City, Anhui Province 85
Will Ding Xuexiang take over as General Secretary? Ding Xuexiang’s secretary Zhang Hongliang was promoted to Director of the Second Secretary Bureau of the General Office of the State Council of China 87
Li Hongzhi is a confession of the Communist bandit 90
After Jiang Hu practiced martial arts, the country started again. Zhou Jinxing, General Secretary of the 22nd National Congress, stepped onto the historical stage, and a rising political star was born 94
After Jiang Hu practiced martial arts, the country started again. Zhou Jinxing, General Secretary of the 22nd National Congress, stepped onto the historical stage. Wang Youpeng and Huawei 96
This is the rhythm of arresting Li Zhanshu to take the blame for Xi Jinping. Yu Tao, deputy director of Harbin Public Security Bureau, is a gangster. His backstage is Li Zhanshu and Xi Zhongxun’s secretary Cao Zhibin 102
Yan Weiwen has long been reduced to dregs by Peng Liyuan. Peng Liyuan is so lustful that she wants to rape General Dai Yuqiang on the stage 103
Revealing the motive: Why does Xi Jinping want to kill Li Keqiang? Why does Peng Liyuan’s lover Dai Yuqiang enjoy the treatment of a state-level official? 105
The amount of corruption by Fan Jixiang, former chairman of China Power Construction, and Xi Yuanping and Wang Tongzhou’s white gloves 111
Xi and Cai will be removed from the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, and Yuan Chenjin will be added to the Standing Committee. The 21st National Congress will take over, and Zhou Jiang will take over the 22nd National Congress. Faction analysis of Chongqing Vice Mayor Zhang Guozhi. Why did Zhang Youxia visit Vietnam secretly? 114
The latest predicted list of the 21st National Congress Standing Committee. The three major candidates for the general secretary are Li Qiang, Yuan Jiajun, and Hu Chunhua. Li Ganjie is a remnant of Bo Xilai and may be arrested. 122
The three major left-wing media no longer endorse Kamala. The Washington Post, USA Today, and Los Angeles Times abandon their usual practices. 126
Sun Zhengcai is in Qincheng with full firepower. Wang Hao is the secretary of Zhejiang, Lin Hongyu is the vice governor of Shanxi, and Chen Jianwen is the editor-in-chief of People’s Daily. The picture of Hu Jintao inspecting Sun Zhengcai was exposed. 128