


李九红在副局级上,被赵正永,娄勤俭,胡和平三个人打压了9年。我不是随便说的,肯定是有特别有意思的铁证,我才说的。首先我们要看一下,赵乐际的弟弟赵乐秦是谁提拔的。我们直接就看赵乐际的弟弟赵乐秦的正局级。因为再往前的资料太久远,级别又低,资料不太好找。2005年8月 – 2008年1月,45岁的赵乐秦任汉中市委副书记、市长。期间,2006年3月 – 2009年3月,37岁的李九红挂职陕西省汉中市人民政府党组成员、市长助理(挂职)。



这里面还有一个人是谁呢,是现在的中纪委书记李希。李希按照我的分析是胡锦涛的人。李希给同样是胡锦涛派系的李建国当大秘。省委书记的大秘80%和省委书记是一个派系的。我们看李九红是怎么晋升正厅级的。是怎么被三任陕西省委书记赵正永,娄勤俭,胡和平打压的。2018年3月 – 2020年11月25日,49岁的李九红任陕西省杨凌示范区党工委副书记、管委会常务副主任(正厅级)。李九红被打压了9年,终于晋升正厅级。

李九红担任陕西杨凌示范区的常务副主任,自然就要问主任是谁?杨凌区也是一个特别怪的地区,特别别扭,应该是正厅级单位。高配一个副省长,担任主任。李九红担任杨凌常务副主任的时候,杨凌区没有主任。前任的杨凌区主任是陕西副省长冯新柱。刚刚被赵乐际给抓了。我给大家捋一下时间线, 2017年10月,赵乐际当上中纪委书记。2018年1月,陕西副省长,杨凌区主任冯新柱被抓。
















而荣毅仁和陈毅之间的关系十分密切,不要太明显啊。1957年1月,41岁的荣毅仁任上海市副市长、市工商联副主委。当时的上海市委书记是柯庆施(1954年 – 1965年),上海市长是陈毅 (1949年5月28日 – 1958年11月)。因为荣毅仁之前是一名商人,他也没有从政的经历。一上来就是副部级,上海市副市长。市长就是陈毅。陈毅就是习近平枪杆子的来源,所以习近平下台了,荣家的靠山倒台了,才跑了。

1957年1月9日 上海市第二届人民代表大会第一次会议闭幕前夕,陈毅到会讲话,并为红色资本家荣毅仁助选。陈毅说:“这次匆匆赶回来,毛主席给了我一个特殊的任务,要我和上海的同志们商量一下,请投荣毅仁一票,把他选上副市长。”“荣家现在把全部企业都拿出来和国家合营了,在国内外起了很大影响。因为他确实既爱国又有本领,堪当重任;而且凭着他的特殊身份,在国内外资产阶级中还能够发挥出我陈毅起不到的作用哩。”




Xi Jinping used white gloves to flee the Rong family. Xi required the transfer of 1.5 trillion yuan (204.5 billion U.S. dollars) in assets to the United States. Xi Jinping stepped down, the Rong family’s backers fell, and they fled and immigrated. Li Jiuhong: The fight between Zhao Leji and Hu Heping in the officialdom of Shaanxi

Hello everyone, let’s continue to talk about Li Jiuhong, the vice governor of Shaanxi Province. Li Jiuhong is from Xinxiang County, Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province. And Jiang Zemin’s old superior Fan Muhan in the First Machinery Industry Department is from Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province. Although both are in Shanxi Province, the two places are 500 to 600 kilometers apart, which is still quite far. However, Fan Muhan’s father was the county magistrate of Wanrong County, Yuncheng City, which was called Ronghe County at the time. How they met, I don’t know, but they were already two counties not far apart in a prefecture-level city.

Fan Muhan is the director of the Revolutionary Committee of Shaanxi Institute of Mechanical Engineering, the predecessor of Xi’an University of Technology. In other words, Li Jiuhong met Jiang Zemin through Fan Muhan’s relationship before she was 35 years old. Li Jiuhong was the assistant mayor of Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province. The mayor of Hanzhong at that time was Zhao Leji’s younger brother Zhao Leqin. Li Jiuhong was promoted from the assistant mayor of Hanzhong to the deputy mayor of Hanzhong. The secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee at that time was Zhao Leji himself. Li Jiuhong was promoted to the deputy bureau level in 2009 and was suppressed until 2018 when he was promoted to the bureau level. The three governors of Shaanxi Province during this period, Zhao Zhengyong, Lou Qinjian, and Hu Heping, were undoubtedly Xi Jinping’s people. All three of them were promoted to the secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee.

Li Jiuhong was suppressed by Zhao Zhengyong, Lou Qinjian, and Hu Heping for 9 years at the deputy bureau level. I am not saying this casually. There must be some particularly interesting evidence. I said this. First of all, we have to see who promoted Zhao Leji’s younger brother Zhao Leqin. Let’s directly look at Zhao Leji’s younger brother Zhao Leqin’s bureau level. Because the information before is too old and the level is low, it is not easy to find the information. From August 2005 to January 2008, 45-year-old Zhao Leqin served as deputy secretary of the Hanzhong Municipal Party Committee and mayor. During this period, from March 2006 to March 2009, 37-year-old Li Jiuhong served as a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Hanzhong Municipal People’s Government in Shaanxi Province and assistant to the mayor (on a temporary basis).

Serving under Zhao Leqin, this is not Zhao Leqin’s henchman, but Jiang Zemin’s henchman. It was Jiang Zemin who entrusted Zhao Leji’s younger brother Zhao Leqin to train Li Jiuhong. In March 2007, Zhao Leqin’s elder brother Zhao Leji served as the Secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Zhao Leqin was transferred to the Secretary of the Hezhou Municipal Party Committee of Guangxi in January 2008. Now the question is, before Zhao Leji went to Shaanxi to serve as the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, who promoted Zhao Leji’s younger brother Zhao Leqin? At that time, the Secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee was Li Jianguo, and the Governor of Shaanxi was Chen Deming. Li Jianguo is generally believed to be from the Deng Xiaoping and Hu Jintao faction, and Chen Deming is from the Jiang Zemin faction. According to this statement, Zhao Leji’s younger brother Zhao Leqin was promoted by then Shaanxi Governor Chen Deming.

Li Xi served as the chief secretary to Li Jianguo, who was also from Hu Jintao’s faction
Who is the other person here? It is Li Xi, the current Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. According to my analysis, Li Xi is a member of Hu Jintao. Li Xi served as the chief secretary to Li Jianguo, who was also from Hu Jintao’s faction. 80% of the chief secretaries of provincial party secretaries are from the same faction as the provincial party secretaries. Let’s see how Li Jiuhong was promoted to the level of a full-time department head. How was she suppressed by three Shaanxi provincial party secretaries, Zhao Zhengyong, Lou Qinjian, and Hu Heping? From March 2018 to November 25, 2020, 49-year-old Li Jiuhong served as the deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and the executive deputy director of the Management Committee of the Yangling Demonstration Zone of Shaanxi Province (at the level of a full-time department head). Li Jiuhong was suppressed for 9 years and was finally promoted to the level of a full-time department head.

Li Jiuhong served as the executive deputy director of the Yangling Demonstration Zone in Shaanxi Province. Naturally, we have to ask who the director is? Yangling District is also a very strange area, very awkward, and should be a full-time department head unit. A deputy governor was promoted to director. When Li Jiuhong was the executive deputy director of Yangling, there was no director in Yangling District. The previous director of Yangling District was Feng Xinzhu, the deputy governor of Shaanxi. He was just arrested by Zhao Leji. Let me give you a timeline. In October 2017, Zhao Leji became the secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. In January 2018, Feng Xinzhu, the deputy governor of Shaanxi and director of Yangling District, was arrested.

In other words, the first thing Zhao Leji did after becoming the secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was to arrest Feng Xinzhu. This was because Feng Xinzhu did not promote Li Jiuhong, the assistant mayor when Zhao Leji’s brother Zhao Leqin was the mayor of Hanzhong. That’s all. In March 2018, Li Jiuhong was the executive deputy director of Yangling District and was promoted to the level of a full department. At that time, there was no director in Yangling District at all because the director was arrested. Zhao Leji may not be because Feng Xinzhu did not promote his brother Zhao Leqin’s people. Because Li Jiuhong is not only Zhao Leqin’s people, but also Jiang Zemin’s people. Zhao Leji probably felt that he had lost face in front of Jiang Zemin and had long been angry. After Zhao Leji became the Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, he did nothing but arrest Feng Xinzhu.

So the three Shaanxi Provincial Party Secretaries Zhao Zhengyong, Lou Qinjian, and Hu Heping must have suppressed Li Jiuhong, a close confidant of Zhao Leji’s younger brother Zhao Leqin. Zhao Zhengyong was later arrested by Zhao Leji. It is estimated that when Zhao Leji was the Secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and Zhao Zhengyong was the Governor of Shaanxi, Zhao Zhengyong did not stop Zhao Leji. Zhao Leji hated Zhao Zhengyong for a long time, so he personally directed and deployed. He arrested Zhao Zhengyong personally. We can see that the Secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee at that time was Hu Heping, who was the one who suppressed Li Jiuhong. The Governor of Shaanxi at that time was Liu Guozhong, and the Deputy Secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee was He Rong.

So at least one of the Governor of Shaanxi at that time, Liu Guozhong, and the Deputy Secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, He Rong, must have been Jiang Zemin’s man, Zhao Leji’s man. Only Li Jiuhong could be promoted to the level of a full-time department head, otherwise the provincial party secretary Hu Heping would be suppressing her. It is difficult for a governor or a deputy provincial party secretary to be the provincial party secretary alone. Although he is backed by the secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Zhao Leji. I tend to believe that Liu Guozhong, the then governor of Shaanxi Province, and He Rong, the deputy secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, were both henchmen of Jiang Zemin and Zhao Leji. Liu Guozhong and He Rong joined forces to work with Xi Jinping’s iron-clad henchman, Shaanxi Provincial Party Secretary Hu Heping.

I tend to believe that this is the plot. What is the evidence? The evidence is that He Rong is the superior of the Yangling Demonstration Zone, that is, the superior of Li Jiuhong. He Rong, the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, also serves as the leader of the provincial party committee’s rural work leading group. The full name of the Yangling Demonstration Zone is the Yangling Agricultural Demonstration Zone. On February 21, 2020, He Rong, the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and the leader of the provincial party committee’s rural work leading group, went to the Yangling Demonstration Zone for research. Li Jing, secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Yangling Demonstration Zone, and Li Jiuhong, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and executive deputy director of the Management Committee, accompanied him in the research. But it would be a bit difficult for He Rong, a deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, to fight against the provincial party committee secretary Hu Heping.

Liu Guozhong served as the deputy secretary of the party group of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions from October 2013 to 2016, the second or third in command. At that time, Xi Jinping had already come to power, and Liu Guozhong still went to the marginal position of the Federation of Trade Unions after Xi Jinping came to power. This shows that Liu Guozhong is not Xi Jinping’s man. I have not confirmed Liu Guozhong and He Rong for the time being. There is a 80% to 90% chance that the two are Jiang Zemin’s men and Zhao Leji’s men. The governor and the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee joined forces to fight against Xi Jinping’s lackey Hu Heping.

This netizen said that although he hoped it was true, if Xi Jinping was going to step down at the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee, why would the Rong family run away?

My reply at the time was that I guess Rong Yiren was Zhou Enlai’s man? Zhou Enlai was in charge of intelligence and united front work, so the Rong family was Xi Jinping’s man. This netizen said that the Rong family was the background of Zhou Enlai, Chen Yi and Chen Yun.

Miao Hua is on Chen Yi’s line, and the gun is the real thing
First of all, I have repeatedly emphasized that Xi Jinping’s main plot is Chen Yi, Gu Mu, Jia Qinglin, and Xi Jinping. Because Miao Hua is on Chen Yi’s line, the gun is there. The gun is the real thing. Miao Hua’s father-in-law Ye Hanlin promoted Ren Huancai, Ren Huancai promoted Liu Xiaorong, and Liu Xiaorong’s father Liu Peishan is Chen Yi’s iron-clad henchman. Xi Jinping’s gun is here with Chen Yi.

Xi Jinping has been doing evil for 12 years
So why did the Rong family run away? That’s because Xi Jinping stepped down, and his backers fell. How could it be that Xi Jinping was doing evil? Xi Jinping has been doing evil for 12 years. Why didn’t you run away earlier? Why didn’t you immigrate earlier? Why immigrate now? Of course, even if Xi Jinping stepped down, I would not advise everyone not to immigrate. Even if Xi Jinping stepped down, it is still the Communist Party dictatorship, still the Communist bandits, the soup is changed but the medicine is not changed. At most, it can be said that a moderate dictator has been replaced. She should have immigrated long ago. A gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall.

Online rumor: Xi Jinping asked to transfer 1.5 trillion yuan (204.5 billion US dollars) of assets to the United States for his daughter Xi Mingze and his son-in-law. It is said that Peng Liyuan also wants to immigrate to the United States. Peng Liyuan should have American identity.

On March 22, 2021, Xi Jinping suddenly left Beijing after the National “Two Sessions” of the Communist Party of China and went to Fujian for inspection and research. In the official media reports, Peng Liyuan unexpectedly appeared.
This is Peng Liyuan’s first public appearance since she went to Macau with Xi Jinping to attend the 20th anniversary of the return in late December 2019.

Yin Li, the then Secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, sat behind Peng Liyuan and smiled brightly.

In other words, Peng Liyuan did not appear in public in 2020. Where is Peng Liyuan? Peng Liyuan is in New York, USA, looking after Xi Mingze’s children. It is unknown whether it is the nanny or Peng Liyuan herself.

The relationship between Rong Yiren and Chen Yi is very close, don’t be too obvious. In January 1957, 41-year-old Rong Yiren was appointed as the deputy mayor of Shanghai and vice chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce. The secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee at that time was Ke Qingshi (1954-1965), and the mayor of Shanghai was Chen Yi (May 28, 1949-November 1958). Because Rong Yiren was a businessman before, he had no experience in politics. He was deputy ministerial level and deputy mayor of Shanghai. The mayor was Chen Yi. Chen Yi was the source of Xi Jinping’s gun barrel, so Xi Jinping stepped down and the Rong family’s backers fell, so he ran away.

On January 9, 1957, on the eve of the closing of the first session of the Second Shanghai People’s Congress, Chen Yi spoke at the meeting and campaigned for the red capitalist Rong Yiren. Chen Yi said: “I hurried back this time. Chairman Mao gave me a special task. He asked me to discuss with my comrades in Shanghai and ask them to vote for Rong Yiren and elect him as the deputy mayor.” “The Rong family has now taken out all the enterprises to cooperate with the state, which has a great influence at home and abroad. Because he is indeed patriotic and capable, he is capable of taking on important tasks; and with his special status, he can play a role that I, Chen Yi, cannot play among the bourgeoisie at home and abroad.”

Chen Yi is not only Rong Yiren’s superior, Chen Yi is the mayor of Shanghai, and Rong Yiren is the deputy mayor of Shanghai. Chen Yi and Rong Yiren also have a very good personal relationship, which is very unusual. According to historical records, Rong Yiren wanted to host a dinner for Mayor Chen Yi at home. Rong Yiren was very happy and began to prepare for the dinner. Because Liu Jingji’s house is small, the venue was set in Rong Yiren’s newly built house. He had been living in his father Rong Desheng’s old house before, and just moved into this two-story new house a few months ago. He had a big round table set up under the big maple tree in the courtyard, and invited the famous Huaiyang chefs “Mo brothers” to cook, and prepared a table of rich and refreshing Yangzhou dishes. Chen Yi “brought a large family” – not only his wife Zhang Qian, but also two young sons who just reached the table. Later, Rong Yiren’s textile factory owed employees wages due to poor management. It was Chen Yi who helped Rong Yiren settle it. He drove away all the female workers who asked for wages. Just like the current communist bandits.

So the Rong family’s immigration can only prove that Xi Jinping has fallen, and the Rong family’s backers have fallen, so they immigrated, okay, thank you everyone.
