





我们看一下袁古洁的简历,看看我是如何快速确定了袁古洁是江泽民派系的。2004年12月 – 2006年12月,35岁的袁古洁任华南师范大学法学院院长、教授、博士生导师,校长王国健(2004年3月 – 2008年)。2011年10月 – 2015年12月,42岁的袁古洁任广东省阳江市委常委、宣传部部长。当时的市长是魏国强 (2011年9月 – 2014年7月)。当时的阳江市委书记是林少春(2008年3月 – 2012年9月),魏宏广(2012年10月 – 2016年3月)。











邓小平和胡耀邦都在这个12人名单上面。应该就是胡耀邦和江泽民提拔的张德江。我们基本就破解了广东省政法委书记袁古洁。我提一句魏宏广,2012年10月 – 2016年3月,51岁的魏宏广担任阳江市委书记。魏宏广的前任阳江市委书记正是林少春,而魏宏广还曾经给林少春担任大秘。2020年1月,魏宏广被抓。当时的广东省纪委书记是施克辉。










我们看看李蓓芬所谓的少量现款援助是多少。2019至2020年,棉花出口创汇2670亿西非法郎,占农业总收入近70%。2020至2021年,贝宁棉花产量72.8万吨。 2670亿西非法郎=30亿人民币。整个贝宁的棉花产业是30亿元人民币的规模。就说20年前,那不援助一个小目标,不援助1个亿好使吗?当时的形势就是要棉花播种,要钱买种子买农业机械买化肥。也就是中国驻贝宁大师的口中的少量现款援助。起码是一个亿,再少也得5000万。


查看中共公安部网站,关于2025年1月10日警察节的报导有点异常。第一段有一句 “切实将习近平总书记和党中央的关心关怀转化为强大动力” 提到了习近平。除此之外,通篇报导再无提到习近平,连 “二四四二” “确立、维护” 等标配效忠之语也没有。这情况若在2024年和2023年是根本不会出现的。

2024年1月10日,公安部发布的新闻除了和2025年相同的 “切实将习近平总书记和党中央的关心关怀转化为强大动力” 一句外,还几次提到习,比如 “持续掀起学习贯彻习近平重要回信精神热潮” “紧密地团结在以习近平为核心的党中央周围” “深入学习贯彻习近平法治思想特别是习近平关于新时代公安工作的重要论述”。为了表达效忠,新闻中还有坚持 “两个确立、两个维护” 之语。

2023年1月10日,公安部发布的新闻,对习近平的效忠意味十分明显。新闻开篇就提到习近平的指示。之后的段落,还提到 “坚决捍卫 ‘两个确立’ ,坚决做到 ‘两个维护’ ,对党绝对忠诚”;要以 “习思想” 为指导, “深入学习贯彻习近平法治思想特别是习近平关于新时代公安工作的重要论述” “始终在思想上政治上行动上同以习近平为核心的党中央保持高度一致”,并且再次重复 “二四四二” 效忠之语。









Did Wang Xiaohong, Zhang Jun, and Ying Yong jump ship, or were they punished? Mao Ning replaced Hua Chunying and donated 100 million yuan to Benin. The date of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee

Hello everyone, today we are talking about Yuan Gujie, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Guangdong Province. The common saying is Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, but in China’s political map, it is Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Beijing, and Beijing can only be ranked third. Let’s look at the top 15 provinces in politics. The political and legal committee secretaries of Chongqing, Shandong, Anhui, and Fujian have been taken down recently and have not been replaced. I didn’t look closely at Wang Chengguo, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Zhejiang Province, but he might be Xi Jinping’s man. Yuan Gujie is a bit annoying, so I cracked her. Jiang Zemin’s man. Let me talk about it in detail.

The second one is: abnormal statements, including Li Xi, Wang Xiaohong, Zhang Jun, Ying Yong, and Li Shulei two days ago. I said that I personally think these are weak evidence. One or two are not surprising. So many together, then it should be taken seriously. Among these people, Wang Xiaohong is the deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Zhang Jun and Ying Yong are members of the Political and Legal Committee. The issue of the knife handle that I talked about yesterday, that is, the secretaries of the Political and Legal Committees of 31 provinces, can all be echoed with Yuan Gujie, the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Guangdong Province that I will talk about today. I have said this before, first clean up the gun barrel, and when the gun barrel is almost done, we must clean up the knife handle. None of Xi Jinping’s lackeys can escape.

Let’s take a look at Yuan Gujie, the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Guangdong Province. First of all, Yuan Gujie is an academic, and I remembered that a netizen said before, a good way to simply identify factions: those who look smart are most likely Jiang Zemin’s people, and those who look loyal but have firm eyes are basically Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao’s people. At first glance, they are the rich people in their hometowns, and they are basically Xi Jinping’s people. I think it is definitely not accurate to use this to judge factions. But it can reflect Jiang Zemin’s tendency to use people. To go deeper, it is not Jiang Zemin’s tendency to use people, but Jiang Zemin has been retired for too long and there is no one available, so this is the case.

I have found some vice-ministerial officials with academic tendencies, including Yuan Gujie, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Guangdong Province, Wang Yongli, Executive Vice Governor of Fujian Province, Yuan Yikun, Vice Minister of the Ministry of State Security, Chen Gang, Secretary of Guangxi Province, Xiong Jijun, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Li Jiuhong, Vice Governor of Shaanxi Province. The first three people, Yuan Gujie, Wang Yongli, and Yuan Yikun, are all people who have written many articles, and Wang Yongli also gives lectures. Chen Gang is not engaged in academics, but he went to college at the age of 15. He graduated with a doctorate at the age of 25. Xiong Jijun is the president of North University of China. It is unknown whether he is engaged in academics or administrative management. Li Jiuhong, Vice Governor of Shaanxi Province, was a university teacher before. Of course, he was just a teacher. Maybe he also gave lectures, but he was not engaged in academics or research.

This netizen said that Li Jiuhong was my teacher, and he was Zhao Leji’s man. If we talk about Shaanxi Institute of Mechanical Engineering, it should be Zeng Qinghong’s alma mater. We can see that Yuan Yikun and Xiong Jijun are from the Hu Jintao faction. The others are from the Jiang Zemin faction. That is to say, is it because Jiang Zemin is a man of culture and likes to use intellectuals, or is it just because Jiang Zemin has been retired for too long. No one is available, so he is forced to use university teachers. This needs further research. However, we have gradually summed up some rules. Jiang Zemin was suppressed by Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping for two terms, and Hu Jintao was suppressed by Xi Jinping for one term. This ability to survive in the cracks is obviously due to Jiang Zemin’s rich experience.

Let’s take a look at Yuan Gujie’s resume and see how I quickly determined that Yuan Gujie is from Jiang Zemin’s faction. From December 2004 to December 2006, 35-year-old Yuan Gujie served as the dean, professor, and doctoral supervisor of the School of Law of South China Normal University, and the president Wang Guojian (March 2004-2008). From October 2011 to December 2015, 42-year-old Yuan Gujie served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Yangjiang Municipal Party Committee of Guangdong Province and Minister of the Propaganda Department. The mayor at that time was Wei Guoqiang (September 2011 – July 2014). The party secretaries of Yangjiang at that time were Lin Shaochun (March 2008 – September 2012) and Wei Hongguang (October 2012 – March 2016).

First of all, Yuan Gujie was already the dean, professor, and doctoral supervisor of the School of Law of South China Normal University at the age of 35. He was considered young to be promoted to professor at the age of 35. According to our 35-year-old ministerial level law. Yuan Gujie met a general secretary at South China Normal University. It should be Jiang Zemin, but I don’t know how they met. In the third step later, we can come back to explain this first step. I haven’t confirmed that Yuan Gujie is in the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress. The Standing Committee of the People’s Congress is rare. If he can enter the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress, he may be the governor of Guangdong Province before retirement. Even if he is not the governor, he is the executive vice governor. Even if he is not promoted to the ministerial level, he is a senior vice minister. That is, he is qualified to be promoted to the ministerial level. But due to various reasons, there are too many people and too little porridge. In the end, they didn’t get promoted. But these people’s backers are also very strong. So there must be three factions in the Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee. So which faction does Yuan Gujie belong to? At this step, it is difficult to guess.

I determined her faction through Yuan Gujie’s situation in Yangjiang City. This is still inspired by the main plot of Xi Jinping. Chen Yi, Gu Mu, Jia Qinglin, Xi Jinping. Gu Mu was Chen Yi’s chief secretary in the East China Bureau. Gu Mu went to Shanghai to serve as the Minister of Propaganda, and was appointed by Chen Yi. The Minister of Propaganda, to some extent, is the chief secretary of the municipal party secretary or mayor. When Yuan Gujie served as the Minister of Propaganda of Yangjiang City, the secretaries of Yangjiang Municipal Party Committee were Lin Shaochun and Wei Hongguang. Yuan Gujie served as the Minister of Propaganda for Lin Shaochun for 1 year and as the Minister of Propaganda for Wei Hongguang for 4 years. Lin Shaochun and Wei Hongguang are from the same family. Wei Hongguang later became the Deputy Secretary-General of the Guangdong Provincial Government, Lin Shaochun later became the Deputy Governor of Guangdong Province, and Wei Hongguang served as the chief secretary of Lin Shaochun.

In other words, Yuan Gujie, Lin Shaochun, and Wei Hongguang belong to the same faction. Lin Shaochun is Zhu Senlin’s secretary, and Zhu Senlin was once the governor of Guangdong Province. So as long as we determine Zhu Senlin’s faction, we can know Yuan Gujie’s faction. I simply judge that Zhu Senlin is Jiang Zemin’s man. Zhu Senlin succeeded Ye Xuanping as the mayor of Guangzhou and the governor of Guangdong Province. Guangdong cannot avoid the Ye Jianying family. Especially in the 1980s and 1990s. In the 1980s, it was Ye Jianying, and in the 1990s, it was Jiang Zemin. Ye Jianying and Yu Qiuli, who promoted Jiang Zemin, are in-laws. Ye Jianying’s third daughter is Ye Wenshan, who married Yu Qiuli’s son Yu Fangfang.

With this relationship, it is not difficult to understand why the Ye family has always ruled Guangdong. Zhu Senlin served as the governor of Guangdong Province in 1991. At that time, Jiang Zemin was the general secretary, but Jiang Zemin also had two mothers-in-law, Deng Xiaoping and Chen Yun. The ministerial level was first decided by Deng Xiaoping and Chen Yun. But Guangdong is special. Guangdong was originally the territory of Ye Jianying’s family. The secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee is a member of the Politburo. Then the Ye family may not be able to decide. But the governor of Guangdong Province should be decided by Ye Xuanping and Jiang Zemin. Therefore, Zhu Senlin is from the Ye Jianying faction and the Jiang Zemin faction. Then Yuan Gujie is from the Jiang Zemin faction. So, I have cracked it for everyone. The top 15 provincial party committee political and legal committee secretaries, the knife handles, on the Chinese political map.

Everyone, just look, that’s it, the knife handles, and which province is in Xi Jinping’s hands. Wang Chengguo, the secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Political and Legal Committee, I roughly judge, not very accurately, is Xi Jinping’s man. If so, then Wang Chengguo will get out immediately, either arrested or retired. Some of the 16 provincial party committee political and legal committee secretaries at the bottom are Hu Jintao’s people. Some may be Xi Jinping’s people. If they are Xi Jinping’s people, then they will either be arrested or replaced. Until all the knife handles are settled. This ranking of the political map also makes sense. Hu Jintao first dealt with the political and legal committee secretaries of the provinces with the highest ranking, and then dealt with the political and legal committee secretaries of the provinces with the lowest ranking. The political map is Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing, not Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Look at the progress, it’s only three or four months away. The Fourth Plenary Session should be held in the first half of the year, not the second half. Some netizens have posted historical data to me. But the historical data is usually in September, so it should be held in September 2024. It has been postponed now because the Third Plenary Session was postponed. So I think it’s still reliable to replace Zhao Ziyang. The Fourth Plenary Session should be held in May or June 2025 this year. Even if the Fourth Plenary Session is held in May 2025, it will be postponed by 8 months compared to the usual September 2024. It should be this rhythm. In many things, the situation is stronger than people.

A congress of unity and victory. Guns are on the head and knives are on the waist. Is it okay if there is no unity? Is it okay if there is no victory?
You can keep an eye on the rhythm of the Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission and you can grasp it. There are now vacancies in five provinces, Chongqing, Shandong, Anhui, Fujian, and Hainan. These five provinces need to be filled by Hu Jintao’s people. In the following 16 provinces, which province is not Hu Jintao’s people, or Jiang Zemin’s people? As long as they are Xi Jinping’s people, they must be replaced. They have all been replaced. Chen Wenqing and Wang Xiaohong, the two secretaries and deputy secretaries of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, have become commanders without troops. It is time to hold a meeting. The CCP’s usual rhetoric is a unity conference and a victory conference. All the people have been replaced, guns are on the head, knives are on the waist, is it okay not to be united? Is it okay not to be victorious? A lot of homework has been done behind the scenes.

Let’s continue to look at Yuan Gujie. In April 2019, 51-year-old Yuan Gujie was appointed mayor of Maoming City, Guangdong Province. In April 2021, 53-year-old Yuan Gujie was appointed secretary of the Maoming Municipal Party Committee of Guangdong Province. These two mayors and secretaries of prefecture-level cities are very important. It is customary for the mayor and secretary of the prefecture-level city to be promoted to deputy governor or member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. It is the director of a department or the president of the Council for the Promotion of International Trade. These are also at the bureau level, but they are not promoted to deputy provincial level. At that time, the secretary of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee was Li Xi, the governor was Ma Xingrui, and the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee was Wang Weizhong. Li Xi was Hu Jintao’s man, Ma Xingrui was Xi Jinping’s man, and Wang Weizhong was Jiang Zemin’s man. There were three factions.

Who of the three promoted Yuan Gujie? It was Wang Weizhong. Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao had already cooperated at that time. Wang Weizhong wanted to promote Yuan Gujie, and Li Xi acquiesced. Ma Xingrui was Xi Jinping’s man, but he couldn’t compete with a governor, the secretary of the provincial party committee and the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. Wang Weizhong should have been promoted by Zhang Dejiang. Otherwise, why did Wang Weizhong become the governor of Guangdong Province? Zhang Dejiang also served as the secretary of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee. Zhang Dejiang should be Jiang Zemin’s man. Zhang Dejiang was the Korean translator of Deng Xiaoping and Hu Yaobang. It is difficult to know whether it was Deng Xiaoping who promoted Zhang Dejiang or Hu Yaobang.

Deng Xiaoping and Hu Yaobang were both on the list of 12 people. It should be Hu Yaobang and Jiang Zemin who promoted Zhang Dejiang. We have basically cracked the case of Yuan Gujie, the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Guangdong Province. Let me mention Wei Hongguang. From October 2012 to March 2016, the 51-year-old Wei Hongguang served as the Secretary of Yangjiang Municipal Party Committee. Wei Hongguang’s predecessor as the Secretary of Yangjiang Municipal Party Committee was Lin Shaochun, and Wei Hongguang once served as Lin Shaochun’s chief secretary. In January 2020, Wei Hongguang was arrested. The Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection at that time was Shi Kehui.

Xi Jinping and Wang Qishan’s people are arresting Jiang Zemin’s people
Shi Kehui is said to be an old subordinate of Xi Jinping and Wang Qishan, and also an old subordinate of Xia Baolong, Director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office. If this statement is reliable, then Xi Jinping and Wang Qishan’s people are arresting Jiang Zemin’s people. The big foreign propaganda said that Xi Jinping was promoted by Jiang Zemin, which is pure nonsense. Then this article of the big foreign propaganda is also taking Xi Jinping’s black money every day to whitewash Xi Jinping. “Analysis of the Inspection of CITIC Group: The Spearhead Points to the Deng Family”. Xi Jinping has been the General Secretary for 12 years, and Xi Jinping’s people have long been replaced from top to bottom. Otherwise, Xi Jinping would be the general secretary in vain. Xi Guohua, the current chairman of CITIC, was born in Zhuzhou Electric Vehicle Research Institute. Geng Biao is from Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province. Xi Jinping is Geng Biao’s secretary.

Xi Jinping sent Wang Qishan’s man, Shi Kehui, to inspect CITIC Group, which was to protect Xi Guohua. Because Li Xi is Hu Jintao’s man, Li Xi is arresting Xi Jinping’s people everywhere. If Xi Jinping did not send Shi Kehui to inspect CITIC Group, Xi Jinping’s henchman, CITIC Group Chairman Xi Guohua, would be arrested by Li Xi. The big foreign propaganda is using Xi Jinping’s black money to clean up the ground here every day. It’s really shameless.

The latest information in the “Information Department” column of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website shows that Mao Ning is currently the Director of the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the deputy directors are Jiang Xiaoyan (female), Lin Jian, and Guo Jiakun. On January 15, 2025, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website was updated to show that Hua Chunying had resigned as the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This netizen said, interpret Mao Ning as the Director of the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Hua Chunying no longer serves concurrently. I don’t have an insider, it’s just a coincidence. I can honestly say that I guessed everything. It’s just that the probability of guessing correctly is higher.

So far, I have guessed correctly. The first one is that I said that Wen Jiabao would be released, and he was released. This is a coincidence. The second one is that I said that Bo Xilai was Xi Jinping’s man. Bo Xilai’s son Bo Guagua endorsed my statement. This is a coincidence. Then I analyzed the factional backgrounds of China’s 24 major generals. Most of the generals I mentioned were Xi Jinping’s men, and they were also brought down. The most obvious mistake was Li Qiaoming. This Li Qiaoming was too difficult. Most people thought that Xu Shiyou was Deng Xiaoping’s man, but he was not. Xu Shiyou was Zhou Enlai’s man. Li Qiaoming and Miao Hua were in collusion. The fourth one was Zhu Zhisong, Jin Zhuanglong, and Ying Yong. Zhu Zhisong was arrested, Jin Zhuanglong was also arrested, but Ying Yong was still alive and kicking.

The fifth one was Deng Xiaogang, the vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture. I said that he would also be arrested, but he was fine. He retired to the second line at the age of 57. Let him go. Sixth, I said that the Politburo Standing Committee listed seven major sins for the Central Secretariat. The next day, Chen Wenqing was sent to the Chinese Law Society to serve as president and retired to the second line. Seventh, Mao Ning, Hu Jintao and Li Zhaoxing’s background. Today, I will analyze for you how much money Hu Jintao gave to Africa, Benin, and said that Taiwan is a silver bullet diplomacy. I thought China had some new tricks. Doesn’t China have to pay? Saying that others are silver bullet diplomacy. Just to grab diplomatic allies.

Li Zhaoxing was Deng Xiaoping’s diplomatic secretary, this is what Li Zhaoxing said
Li Zhaoxing was Deng Xiaoping’s diplomatic secretary, this is what Li Zhaoxing said himself, published in Deng Xiaoping’s hometown Guang’an Daily on September 20, 2019. The article “Recalling Comrade Xiaoping in Foreign Affairs Work” was published. Mao Ning also worked in Leshan, Sichuan. Mao Ning’s first job and the first position were attachés and third secretaries of the Office of the Commissioner in Hong Kong. The commissioner at that time, Ma Yuzhen, was Li Zhaoxing’s master. Ma Yuzhen and Li Zhaoxing both served as directors of the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China. Mao Ning is Ma Yuzhen’s apprentice. Mao Ning’s current deputy, Guo Jiakun, is Li Beifen’s apprentice, and Li Beifen is also Ma Yuzhen’s apprentice. They are apprentices and grandchildren, and they are from the same school.

Li Beifen said so herself. Cotton is Benin’s pillar industry. The early days of Yayi’s administration were the cotton planting period. Domestic cotton farmers were unwilling to plant cotton because of the debts owed by the previous government. The situation was very urgent. He urgently summoned ambassadors from the United States, Germany, China and other five countries for help. The ambassadors of Western countries put forward prerequisites and said that time was tight and there was no possibility of operation. Our embassy reported to the country overnight and made suggestions: spend money on the cutting edge, do things that Westerners cannot do, and provide Benin with a small amount of cash assistance urgently. The relevant domestic departments handled the matter specially and transferred the money in one week.

Let’s see how much the so-called small amount of cash assistance Li Beifen said is. From 2019 to 2020, cotton exports earned 267 billion CFA francs, accounting for nearly 70% of total agricultural income. From 2020 to 2021, Benin’s cotton production was 728,000 tons. 267 billion CFA francs = 3 billion RMB. The entire Benin cotton industry is worth 3 billion RMB. Let’s say 20 years ago, would it be useful if we didn’t provide aid for a small goal, 100 million RMB? The situation at that time was to plant cotton, and we needed money to buy seeds and agriculture. Machinery to buy fertilizers. That is the small amount of cash aid mentioned by the Chinese embassy in Benin. At least 100 million, and at least 50 million.

For such a large sum of money, let alone the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Li Zhaoxing, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, did not have the authority to approve 100 million, to fight in Africa and Benin, to compete with Taiwan for diplomatic relations. There was only one person who approved this money, that is, the then President Hu Jintao. Common sense, 100 million, such a large sum of money, Li Zhaoxing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not have enough authority. Only the President. So behind Mao Ning and Guo Jiakun was Hu Jintao. Otherwise, why did even Wang Xiaohong no longer express his loyalty. Wang Xiaohong is Xi Jinping’s iron henchman. There is only one reason why Wang Xiaohong dare not express his loyalty, that is, he dare not express his loyalty when someone points a gun at his head.

Checking the website of the Ministry of Public Security of the Communist Party of China, the report on Police Day on January 10, 2025 is a bit abnormal. There is a sentence in the first paragraph “Effortlessly transform the care and concern of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee into a powerful driving force” mentioning Xi Jinping. In addition, the entire report did not mention Xi Jinping, not even the standard loyalty phrases such as “2442” and “establish and maintain”. This situation would never happen in 2024 and 2023.

On January 10, 2024, the news released by the Ministry of Public Security mentioned Xi several times, in addition to the same sentence as in 2025, “effectively transform the care and concern of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee into a powerful driving force”, such as “continue to set off a wave of learning and implementing the spirit of Xi Jinping’s important reply”, “closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core”, and “deepen the study and implementation of Xi Jinping’s rule of law thinking, especially Xi Jinping’s important expositions on public security work in the new era”. In order to express loyalty, the news also insists on “two establishments and two maintenances”.

On January 10, 2023, the news released by the Ministry of Public Security clearly implies loyalty to Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping’s instructions were mentioned at the beginning of the news. The following paragraph also mentioned “resolutely defending the ‘two establishments’, resolutely achieving the ‘two maintenances’, and being absolutely loyal to the Party”; it is necessary to take “Xi Jinping Thought” as a guide, “deepenly study and implement Xi Jinping’s thoughts on the rule of law, especially Xi Jinping’s important expositions on public security work in the new era”, “always maintain a high degree of consistency in ideology, politics and actions with the Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core”, and repeat the “two four four two” loyalty again.

Not only Wang Xiaohong, but also Li Xi is abnormal. On January 9, 2025, Li Xi only emphasized the “two establishments” and “two maintenances” at the Standing Committee of the Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and did not talk about the “four consciousnesses”. The “four consciousnesses” were cut off by Li Xi. Li Xi was originally Hu Jintao’s man, not Xi Jinping’s man. The reason why Li Xi and Wang Xiaohong’s statements are abnormal is that someone is controlling the tone of propaganda. This is artificial control, that is, you can neither scold Xi Jinping nor praise Xi Jinping. Anyway, the tone is neither up nor down. The purpose is to make people feel that if you say Xi Jinping has fallen, it will be a boast. If you want to say Xi Jinping is awesome, then quickly slap Xi Jinping twice and give him a knock.

Even Xi Jinping himself has been maintained by someone. Cai Qi controls the propaganda department. Cai Qi has no power for a long time. This is even more obvious from Zhang Jun and Ying Yong.

According to a report by Xinhua News Agency on January 13, Zhang Jun emphasized at the National Conference of Presidents of High Courts held on the same day that it is necessary to adhere to the guidance of “Xi Thought”, “implement the deployment of the Central Political and Legal Work Conference, adhere to the absolute leadership of the Party, strictly and impartially administer justice, and make solid decisions to stop disputes”.

On the same day, Ying Yong emphasized at the National Conference of Procurators that it is necessary to “focus on the main responsibilities and main business of legal supervision… better serve the overall situation… continue to promote the procuratorial practice of Xi Jinping’s rule of law thinking”; he also said that it is necessary to adhere to the “absolute leadership” of the Communist Party of China and “firmly safeguard the authority of the Party Central Committee and the centralized and unified leadership”.

However, on the websites of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the reports are not so simple. In reviewing the work of the past year, the Supreme People’s Court said in its report that the achievements were made under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core, and that the fundamental reason for the achievements was Xi Jinping’s “leading the way” and the guidance of “Xi Jinping Thought”. When talking about the work arrangements for the new year, it said that “we must put the study and practice of Xi Jinping Thought in the first place, implement the absolute leadership of the Party without compromise, and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core”. “Leading the way” and other words are standard flattering and loyal words in the past few years.

In the report of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, it was mentioned in the first paragraph that Ying Yong emphasized the need to adhere to the guidance of “Xi Jinping Thought” and mentioned the standard loyalty words of “2442”. Later, it also mentioned “Xi Jinping as the core” and “firmly safeguarding the authority of the Party Central Committee and the centralized and unified leadership”.

The Xinhua News Agency’s report has deleted those standard loyalty words such as “leading the way”, “Xi Jinping as the core”, and “2442”. In other words, Cai Qi and Li Shulei cannot be controlled at all, even in the propaganda department. Xi Jinping has long lost the power of the party, government and military. It was Hu Jintao who did it. Hu Jintao was the general secretary for 10 years. Wasn’t he just maintaining stability all day long? He only knew how to maintain stability. Okay, thank you everyone.
