



近一段时间以来,我省各地相继发生诱骗在校或流浪青少年吸食毒品,将青少年手臂敲击骨折后带至各地故意碰车制造交通事故,对司乘人员敲诈勒索财物的恶性案件。6月19日省厅召开会议部署各地专门予以打击。我市公安机关各级领导高度重视,清远市副市长、市公安局局长何国森同志6月21日批示:“请伟文同志牵头,市刑警支队会佛冈县局落实省厅刑侦局的工作指示,全力配合做好项目侦查工作。”主管侦察的副局长刘伟文同志两度带领刑侦、技侦、网侦侦查员赴佛冈开展相关工作。 6月29日厅刑侦局杨江华局长带领大要案处精干力量亲赴佛冈,督导6.19项目侦办工作,明确此类犯罪为“南粤亮剑012”行动的第二类大案进行重拳打击,并对侦查工作提出具体工作意见和要求。6月30日,刘伟文副局长召集指挥中心情报科、刑警支队、技侦支队、网警支队主要领导和骨干召开紧急会议,传达省厅四位副厅长和刑侦局杨江华局长对“6.19”项目的指示精神,通报几天来清远开展工作的情况。会议上刘伟文副局长代表局党委作出决定:立即成立“广东省公安机关“6.19系列伤害勒索案”清远项目工作组”,由刘伟文副局长任项目组长,刑侦、技侦、网侦、指挥中心情报科、佛冈、英德公安局领导任副组长,相关单位骨干人员为成员,指定由刑警支队具体协调沟通侦查工作的开展。项目组领导根据各警种职能部署了以下四方面工作措施:







根据我市实际,项目组决定,尽快对“6.19”项目中的典型案件—佛冈4.19伤害致死案的在逃人员进行抓捕。 经项目组多次走访说服,4月20日中午,犯罪嫌疑人陈浩南、梁志滔、张飞超在家属带领下到公安局自首。5月30日专案组抓获蓝文广、罗邦想。7月9日,刘伟文副局长和张小平支队长亲自指挥,我项目组在广州技侦的全力配合下,将躲藏在广州花都区新华街东镜村市场附近一出租屋的4.19主要犯罪嫌疑人梁志明抓获。梁志明对自己从“老鬼”(刘靖团,陕西人, 6月16日被东莞中堂分局抓获)手中购买3名青少年,在诱骗其吸食毒品打断手臂过程中造成1名青少年死亡的犯罪事实供认不讳。目前,梁志明、梁志滔、罗邦想、黄世周等7名涉案嫌疑人均已到案,现此案已移交检察院审查起诉。





网侦部门在对224名涉案对象的网上活动情况进行严密排查,在工作中发现了有5个人(刘小云、刘兴旺、朱锦培、张小林、罗社锦)有作案嫌疑,在网上的交流中出现 “做骨、做酒、做手镯、碰车”。经进一步核查,物件刘小云(女)、罗社锦、等团伙在6-7月频繁在东莞、中山、广州、深圳、清远活动,有重大作案嫌疑,7月20日,侦控中获悉刘小云等2名成员在作案时被花都警方抓获。
















《中國警察文件彙編7: 廣東連南縣刑偵大隊6.19專案》







Qingyuan City Public Security Bureau’s “6.19 Series Injury and Extortion Cases” work report
“6.19” project meeting report materials

“6.19 Series Injury and Extortion Cases” work report

Qingyuan Public Security Bureau

Recently, there have been vicious cases in various parts of our province to lure school or homeless teenagers to take drugs, knock teenagers’ arms and break their bones and take them to various places to intentionally crash cars to cause traffic accidents, and extort money from drivers and passengers. On June 19, the provincial department held a meeting to deploy various places to fight against it. Leaders at all levels of the city’s public security organs attach great importance to it. Comrade He Guosen, deputy mayor of Qingyuan City and director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, issued an instruction on June 21: “Comrade Weiwen is invited to take the lead, and the city’s criminal police detachment and Fogang County Bureau will implement the work of the provincial department’s criminal investigation bureau.” Instructions, fully cooperate with the investigation work of the project.” Comrade Liu Weiwen, the deputy director in charge of investigation, led criminal investigation, technical investigation, and network investigation investigators to Fogang twice to carry out related work. On June 29th, Director Yang Jianghua of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice went to Fogang to supervise the investigation work of the 6.19 project, and made it clear that such crimes were the second type of major cases in the “Nanyue Liangjian 012” operation. Put forward specific work opinions and requirements for investigation work. On June 30, Deputy Director Liu Weiwen convened an emergency meeting of the main leaders and backbones of the Intelligence Division of the Command Center, the Criminal Police Detachment, the Technical Investigation Detachment, and the Internet Police Detachment, and conveyed the four deputy directors of the Provincial Department and Director Yang Jianghua of the Criminal Investigation Bureau to the “6.19” The guiding spirit of the project, to report the work carried out in Qingyuan in the past few days. At the meeting, Deputy Director Liu Weiwen made a decision on behalf of the Party Committee of the Bureau: immediately set up the “Guangdong Provincial Public Security Organs “6.19 Series Injury and Extortion Case” Qingyuan Project Working Group”, with Deputy Director Liu Weiwen as the project team leader, criminal investigation, technical investigation, network investigation, and command center The leaders of the Intelligence Section, Fogang, and Yingde Public Security Bureau served as deputy team leaders, and the key personnel of relevant units were members. The criminal police detachment was appointed to coordinate and communicate with the investigation work. The project team leader deployed the following four work measures according to the functions of each police department:

  1. Start the project detection mechanism. The project team holds a case meeting once a week, and has held six times so far. All participating units perform their duties and cooperate with each other, and the criminal police detachment is the main investigation unit to coordinate various departments to carry out project work;
  2. Carry out in-depth basic research among the 125 Fogang, British and German suspects identified in the preliminary investigation, use telecommunication data and big intelligence systems to analyze and control, expand case sources, and fully implement online combat strategies. Be sure to solidify the suspect’s situation before the provinces and departments unify the network collection operation;
  3. Based on the investigation of individual cases discovered in our city, increase the intensity of the chase and interrogation, dig deeper and expand the line, and crack down on gangs;
  4. Formulate and issue the “Notice on Strengthening the Work of Police Collision Party” to strengthen the guidelines for handling similar cases to the police, which will benefit future work.
  5. Work progress:
  6. Case cracked
    According to the reality of our city, the project team decided to arrest the fugitives of the typical case in the “6.19” project – Fogang 4.19 Injury and Death Case as soon as possible. After repeated visits and persuasion by the project team, at noon on April 20, the suspects Chen Haonan, Liang Zhitao, and Zhang Feichao surrendered themselves to the Public Security Bureau under the leadership of their family members. On May 30, the task force arrested Lan Wenguang and Luo Bangxiang. On July 9th, under the personal command of Deputy Director Liu Weiwen and Captain Zhang Xiaoping, our project team, with the full cooperation of Guangzhou Technical Investigation, took the 4.19 main suspect who was hiding in a rental house near Dongjing Village Market, Xinhua Street, Huadu District, Guangzhou. Liang Zhiming was captured. Liang Zhiming confessed to the fact that he bought 3 teenagers from the “old ghost” (Liu Jingtuan, from Shaanxi, captured by Dongguan Zhongtang Branch on June 16) and caused the death of 1 teenager during the process of tricking them into taking drugs and breaking their arms outspoken. At present, 7 suspects involved in the case, including Liang Zhiming, Liang Zhitao, Luo Bangxiang, and Huang Shizhou, have all arrived, and the case has been transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution.
  7. Basic work progress
    After the project team’s investigation, analysis, and analysis, as well as “three investigations bundled and joint operations” plus a large intelligence system, all relevant reconnaissance departments have worked together to truly achieve a good situation of online operations and intelligence guided investigations. At present, the city’s investigations have found There are a total of 224 suspects who committed similar crimes. The project team has entered 224 involved objects into the big intelligence system for clinical control, so that each person has one file. At present, 32 gangs have been identified from 224 criminal suspects. As of August 2, the intelligence platform had a total of 322 track information on the persons involved in the “6.19” project, involving 30 people. The investigation and comparison revealed 6 real-time, high-risk and suspicious gangs, whose activities were mainly in Guangzhou and Foshan , Dongguan, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and other places;

The leaders of the Public Security Bureau of Yingde City and Fogang County attached great importance to the project work, and immediately convened a meeting with the directors of the police stations in the areas involved in the case to study and deploy related work. After investigation and deployment of secret forces, 44 suspects.

  1. Internet detectives grasp clues
    The Internet investigation department is conducting a rigorous investigation of the online activities of 224 people involved in the case, and found 5 people (Liu Xiaoyun, Liu Xingwang, Zhu Jinpei, Zhang Xiaolin, Luo Shejin) suspected of committing crimes during their work. Make bones, make wine, make bracelets, bump cars”. After further investigation, the object Liu Xiaoyun (female), Luo Shejin, and other gangs were frequently active in Dongguan, Zhongshan, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Qingyuan from June to July, and they were suspected of major crimes. On July 20, it was learned that Liu Xiaoyun, etc. Two members were arrested by Huadu police while committing the crime.
  2. The situation of technical investigation and control
    The technical investigation department carefully checked the relevant clues, actively carried out line operations, and obtained a large amount of actionable and early warning information. On July 30, at work, it was discovered that Luo Shejin, the object involved in the case, contacted a man in Dongguan to buy an 18-year-old teenager to commit crimes for the gunman, and made an appointment to meet at Shijie Hospital in Dongguan.

Our project team reported all the above situations to the provincial department, and the provincial department coordinated with Dongguan and other places to carry out verification, investigation, control and crackdown.

Second, the problems encountered in the work:
First, criminals are highly mobile, and it is difficult to control them in real time. Although Fogang and Yingde in our city are the main export places of criminal suspects in such cases, the suspects involved in the case are time-sharing and highly mobile, and there are problems in actual work. Difficulty in obtaining evidence and identification;

Second, it is difficult to strike in real time. At present, the city conducts surveillance and analysis through the big intelligence system, but it is unable to grasp its real-time and early warning in-depth intelligence, and the target commits the crime in a different place. Under the strict law enforcement requirements, it cannot be effectively control and fight against it;

The third is that it is difficult to collect evidence in different places. Information such as Internet access and accommodation of the object involved in other places can be obtained through big intelligence, but relevant evidence cannot be collected for their activities, such as surveillance videos of accompanying personnel;

Fourth, the information feedback and linkage is difficult. After the information obtained by us is provided to the provincial government or relevant cities, the information feedback and linkage response are not timely enough. It is believed that under the unified leadership and command of the provincial department, all cities will strengthen information communication and linkage to form a joint force to crack down on this type of crime.

Three, the next step work ideas:

  1. Coordinated by the provincial department to formulate intelligence analysis standards for similar cases, combined with basic investigations, technical investigation and network investigation information, and a mechanism for upgrading intelligence warnings for persons under surveillance. Strengthen the linkage between various types of police, and implement online operations in an all-round way. The provinces and departments will coordinate the local public security organs to crack down on such cases;
  2. Increase investigation efforts based on the current case, strengthen interrogation of arrested criminal suspects, dig deeper and expand lines, strengthen awareness of evidence, make every effort to collect criminal evidence, and turn current cases into “iron cases” and “classic cases”;
  3. Continue to carry out in-depth basic investigation work, grasp the perpetrator’s personal, family, relationship, accomplice, crime pattern, terminology and other related information, and report in a timely manner. At the same time, conduct research on the establishment of an information database for similar cases.

Qingyuan City Public Security Bureau “6.19” Task Force

August 2, 2012
