
序号 案件来源 姓名 户籍地详细(现居住地)地址 问题管辖单位 简要案情 信访时间 案发时间 所涉地市 信访诉求 涉及警种 包案领导 承办单位 姓名 职务

346 中政委交办 朱宏伟 黑龙江省七台河市桃山区桃山街道七委1组 潍坊 2009年6月10日,其子孙盛在昌乐劳动监察大队支取9600元工资后,被原雇主刘建伟带人打伤并夺走4600元。 2009年 2009年 潍坊 对处理不服 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 昌乐县公安局

401 中政委交办 于明霞 山东省潍坊市潍城区向阳路 潍坊 2010年8月30日、9月3日寒亭公安区公安分局接到鞠秀坤两次报警称“被于明霞带人打伤并抢走羊93只”。2010年9月1日区公安分局法医对鞠秀坤的伤情鉴定为轻伤。于明霞对鞠秀坤伤情鉴定结果不服,要求重新鉴定,但拒绝提出书面申请,同时反映公安机关违法办案。 2010年 2010年 潍坊 申诉-对鉴定结论不符 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 寒亭区公安分局

757 中政委交办 陈家光 山东省潍坊市寒亭区开元乡 潍坊 1983年7月19日早上,陈甲光之妻卢子芳喝农药死亡。陈家光认为其妻死亡系被本村村民王来国强奸所致,要求公安机关处理王来国。 2010年 1983年 潍坊 查处案件 – 举报案件线索 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 寒亭区公安分局

850 中政委交办 王纯云 潍坊市青州 潍坊 2010年5月10日,女儿王翠萍在柳树湾小区坠楼死亡。其怀疑系李天智将其推下楼所致。要求追究李天智的刑事责任。 2010年 2010年 潍坊 查处案件 – 举报案件线索 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 青州市公安局

2164 公安部交办 陈宝明 山东省潍坊市临朐县 山东省 来信反映有人欠他1500万元,可是欠条被他抢了,报案后,公安局认为这是侵占罪,是自诉案件,法院认为这不是侵占罪,应由公安机关管辖并立案侦查。他就这么来回奔跑,没个结果,而案犯却逍遥法外。请求正确定性,尽快立案侦办。 2010/1/13 2009/7/19 潍坊 查处案件 – 重新定性核查 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊临朐县局
2199 公安部交办 范永龙 山东省潍坊市高密市 山东省 对其子范金海被逮捕不服。 2010/6/24 2009/5/14 潍坊 申诉 – 逮捕 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊高密市局

2209 公安部交办 付全武 山东省潍坊市昌邑市 山东省 反映以韩良忠兄弟为首的黑恶势力武力控制、垄断当地运输市场,并强迫交易、敲诈勒索,严重影响昌邑市经济发展。自2009年6月至2009年11月,韩氏兄弟黑恶势力先后殴打11家纺织业商户,敲诈当地货运站老板,要求每月缴纳保护费5000元,并强迫高价承运其货物。他们还要求昌邑市所有运输纺织品车辆必须在其处登记缴费,领取其个人发放的通行证,无证车辆一律不准进出昌邑市。要求查处。 2011/7/11 2009/6/1 潍坊 查处案件 – 举报案件线索 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊昌邑市局

2239 公安部交办 胡银河 安徽省阜阳市太和县 山东省 2007年正月初四后,其孙子胡绅被昌邑一家单位招工,当年9月,山东警方打电话告诉他胡绅已经在山东死亡,要求查明死因,严惩凶手。 2011/7/7 2007/9/28 潍坊 查处案件 – 受案立案 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊昌邑市局

2240 公安部交办 环卫职工 山东省潍坊市 山东省 反映李红旗在潍坊杀害了姜涛,要求查处。 2010/4/6 1905/7/1 潍坊 查处案件 – 举报案件线索 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊市潍城区分局

2242 公安部交办 黄玉美 山东省潍坊市临朐县 山东省 反映其8月25日被临朐商务区工地人员打成轻伤,报案后,至今派出所未处理,不满,要求依法追究打人凶手刑事责任并赔偿。 2011/9/14 2011/8/25 潍坊 查处案件 – 抓捕嫌疑人员 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊临朐县局

2274 公安部交办 李敬祥 山东省潍坊市寿光市稻田镇李营村 山东省 反映寿光周法医枉法鉴定等问题。 2011/7/5 2010/5/19 潍坊 控告 – 其他 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊市寿光市局
2298 公安部交办 李召从 山东省潍坊市安丘市 山东省 反映自己被打至今未结案。 2010/3/30 2009/7/27 潍坊 查处案件 – 其他 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊安丘市局

2317 公安部交办 刘玲玲 上海市虹口区西平路 山东省 其丈夫丁为民2008年被毒打致死,要求立案侦查,将嫌疑人绳之以法 2010/3/12 2008年 潍坊 查处案件 – 受案立案 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊市昌乐县局
2321 公安部交办 刘瑞华 山东省潍坊市青州市 山东省 反映2009年底,其子王国伟被打后由青州市车站派出所出警送医院。住院期间,公安机关一直未通知家属。直到2010年3月29日,其丈夫的同事告诉,才知道儿子住院。到医院后得知,其子已于3月26日死亡。后向青州刑大反映该情况,至今未有任何解释和查案结果。 2010/7/9 1905/7/2 潍坊 查处案件 – 受案立案 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊青州市局

2403 公安部交办 孙沈阳 山东省潍坊市昌邑市 山东省 昌邑市南玉联运有限公司的业务员和车主联名来信反映潍坊华达织造有限公司董事长、潍坊市人大代表韩良忠、赵宝君涉黑,控制垄断运输市场,强买强卖、敲诈勒索,要求查办。 2010/1/13 2009/9/6 潍坊 查处案件 – 受案立案 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊昌邑市局

2418 公安部交办 王纯云 山东省潍坊市青州市 山东省 2010年5月10日,其女王翠萍被其夫李天智母子杀害,要求公安机关尽快破案。 2010/9/1 2010/5/10 潍坊 查处案件 – 举报案件线索 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊青州市局

2448 公安部交办 王玉田 山东省潍坊市寿光市古城街道后王村 山东省 反映其哥王玉丰于1994年12月9日被杨明堂、韩江川杀害后伪造现场,不服公安机关认定其哥煤气中毒死亡的结论,要求依法追究杀人凶手刑事责任。 2011/8/1 ######### 潍坊 申诉 – 死因鉴定 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊寿光市局 2453 公安部交办 王治安 陕西省西安市新城区 山东省 反映2007年8月10日在青州市被金春乐勾结青州市警察合伙抢劫一清代佛像,要求依法查处等问题。 2011/8/30 2007/8/10 潍坊 查处案件 – 受案立案 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊青州市局
2483 公安部交办 杨德平 山东省潍坊市高密市柏城镇堤东村349号 山东省 反映其与杨耀武发生纠纷,遭其诬陷,后派出所以故意伤害将其取保候审,使其蒙受不白之冤。 2010/3/3 2006/7/28 潍坊 申诉 – 监视居住 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊高密市局

2502 公安部交办 岳林平 山东省潍坊市高密市阚家镇西方戈庄村 山东省 反映其家于4月被人实施爆炸,报案后,当地公安机关至今未破案,其提供了几个嫌疑人,要求尽快破案。 2011/9/13 2011/4/25 潍坊 查处案件 – 要求尽快破案 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊高密市局

2511 公安部交办 张凤晨 山东省潍坊市高密市柴沟镇北村 山东省 反映其于1999年5月31日被刘吉文指挥刘新军、周勇等人打成重伤,至今公安机关未抓捕刘吉文使该案无法起诉,不满,要求依法追究刘吉文刑事责任,尽早结案。 2011/1/5 2007/9/21 潍坊 查处案件 – 抓捕嫌疑人员 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊奎文分局

2524 公安部交办 张树魁 山东省潍坊市昌乐县 山东省 反映赵延庚今年以来多次带人持械到其修理厂抢劫公章、帐簿、财物等,并将其打伤,其行为是黑社会性质,报案后公安机关至今没有处理。 2011/9/2 2009/1/31 潍坊 查处案件 – 受案立案 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊昌乐县局

2538 公安部交办 赵国庆 河南省许昌市鄢陵县望田镇望田北村2组 山东省 2009年2月25日,其被人毒打,右手拇指骨折,屁股被刀刺伤,经鉴定为轻伤。要求严惩凶手,赔偿损失。 2010/7/29 2009/2/25 潍坊 查处案件 – 重新定性核查 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊临朐县局
2551 公安部交办 禚金花 山东省潍坊市高密市密水街办梨园新二村 山东省 其丈夫死亡,对公安认定为自杀的结论不服。 2010/3/15 2008/6/20 潍坊 申诉 – 死因鉴定 刑侦 吴鹏飞 省长助理、省厅厅长 潍坊高密市局




Handled by the Political Committee of Weifang Central Committee of Shandong Province and the Ministry of Public Security, some petition cases
No. Source of the case Name Detailed household registration (current residence) address Jurisdiction unit of the problem Brief case information Time of petition Time of incident Time of case Involved prefectures and cities Complaints and appeals Involved in the type of police Involved in the case leader Undertaking unit Name Position

346 Zhu Hongwei, assigned by the Central Political Committee, Group 1, Group 1, Seventh Committee, Taoshan Street, Taoshan District, Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province. On June 10, 2009, on June 10, 2009, his descendant, Sun Sheng, was beaten and injured by his former employer Liu Jianwei after receiving 9,600 yuan in wages at the Changle Labor Inspection Brigade. Take away 4600 yuan. 2009 2009 Weifang Dissatisfied with the handling Criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant to the Governor, Director of the Provincial Department Changle County Public Security Bureau

401 Yu Mingxia assigned by the Central Political Committee to handle the matter in Weifang, Xiangyang Road, Weicheng District, Weifang City, Shandong Province. On August 30 and September 3, 2010, the Public Security Bureau of Hanting Public Security District received two reports from Ju Xiukun, saying that “Yu Mingxia led someone to beat him and killed him. Stolen 93 sheep.” On September 1, 2010, the forensic doctor of the District Public Security Bureau identified Ju Xiukun’s injuries as minor injuries. Yu Mingxia was dissatisfied with the results of Ju Xiukun’s injury appraisal and requested a re-appraisal, but she refused to submit a written application, and at the same time reflected that the public security organs handled the case illegally. 2010 2010 Weifang Appeal-disagreement with appraisal conclusion Criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant to Governor, Director of Provincial Department Hanting District Public Security Bureau

757 Assigned by the Political Committee of the CPC Central Committee Chen Jiaguang Kaiyuan Township, Hanting District, Weifang City, Shandong Province On the morning of July 19, 1983, Chen Jiaguang’s wife, Lu Zifang, died after drinking pesticide. Chen Jiaguang believed that his wife’s death was caused by the rape of Wang Laiguo, a villager in his village, and asked the public security organs to deal with Wang Laiguo. 2010 1983 Weifang Investigate the case – report the clues of the case Criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant to the Governor, Director of the Provincial Department Hanting District Public Security Bureau

850 Assigned by the Central Political Committee Wang Chunyun Qingzhou, Weifang City Weifang On May 10, 2010, her daughter Wang Cuiping fell to her death in the Liushuwan community. His suspicion was caused by Li Tianzhi pushing him downstairs. Demand that Li Tianzhi be held criminally responsible. 2010 2010 Weifang Investigate the case – report the clues of the case Criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant to the Governor, Director of the Provincial Department Qingzhou Public Security Bureau

2164 Chen Baoming, assigned by the Ministry of Public Security, received a letter from Linqu County, Weifang City, Shandong Province, reporting that someone owed him 15 million yuan, but he robbed him of the IOU. After reporting the case, the Public Security Bureau believed that it was a crime of embezzlement and a private prosecution case. The court believed that this was not a crime of embezzlement. , should be under the jurisdiction of the public security organs and file a case for investigation. He just ran back and forth like this, to no avail, and the perpetrator was at large. Ask for correctness and certainty, and file a case for investigation as soon as possible. 2010/1/13 2009/7/19 Weifang Investigate and deal with the case – re-qualification verification Criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant to the Governor, Director of the Provincial Department Weifang Linqu County Bureau
2199 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Fan Yonglong Gaomi City, Weifang City, Shandong Province Shandong Province Resisted the arrest of his son Fan Jinhai. 2010/6/24 2009/5/14 Weifang Appeal – Arrest Criminal Investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant Governor, Director of Provincial Department Weifang Gaomi Municipal Bureau

2209 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Fu Quanwu Changyi City, Weifang City, Shandong Province Shandong Province Reflects that the black and evil forces headed by the Han Liangzhong brothers control and monopolize the local transportation market by force, and force transactions and extortion, which seriously affect the economic development of Changyi City. From June 2009 to November 2009, the gangsters of the Han Brothers beat up 11 textile merchants, blackmailed the owner of the local freight station, demanded a monthly protection fee of 5,000 yuan, and forced them to ship their goods at a high price. They also demanded that all vehicles transporting textiles in Changyi City must register and pay the fee at the place, and receive a pass issued by them personally. Vehicles without a license are not allowed to enter or leave Changyi City. Ask for investigation. 2011/7/11 2009/6/1 Weifang Investigate the case – report the clues of the case Criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant to the Governor, Director of the Provincial Department Weifang Changyi Municipal Bureau

2239 Ministry of Public Security assigned Hu Yinhe to Taihe County, Fuyang City, Anhui Province. On the fourth day of the first lunar month in 2007, his grandson Hu Shen was recruited by a unit in Changyi. In September of that year, the Shandong police called to tell him that Hu Shen had died in Shandong. Ask to find out the cause of death and punish the murderer severely. 2011/7/7 2007/9/28 Weifang Investigate the case – accept the case and put on file Criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant to the Governor, Director of the Provincial Department Weifang Changyi Municipal Bureau

2240 Handled by the Ministry of Public Security Sanitation Worker Weifang City, Shandong Province Shandong Province Reported that Li Hongqi killed Jiang Tao in Weifang and demanded investigation and punishment. 2010/4/6 1905/7/1 Weifang Investigate the case – report the clues of the case Criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant to the Governor, Director of the Provincial Department Weicheng District Branch of Weifang City

2242 Huang Yumei, assigned by the Ministry of Public Security, Shandong Province, Linqu County, Weifang City, Shandong Province, reported that she was slightly injured on August 25 by workers at the construction site in Linqu Business District. After reporting the case, the police station has not dealt with it so far. She is dissatisfied and demands that the murderer be held accountable according to law. compensation. 2011/9/14 2011/8/25 Weifang Investigate the case – arrest suspects Criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant to the Governor, Director of the Provincial Department Weifang Linqu County Bureau

2274 Li Jingxiang, assigned by the Ministry of Public Security, Liying Village, Daotian Town, Shouguang City, Weifang City, Shandong Province, Shandong Province Reflected on Shouguang Zhou’s forensic examination and other issues. 2011/7/5 2010/5/19 Weifang Indictment – Others Criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant Governor, Director of Provincial Department Shouguang Municipal Bureau of Weifang City
2298 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Li Zhaocong Anqiu City, Weifang City, Shandong Province Shandong Province Reported that he was beaten and the case has not yet been closed. 2010/3/30 2009/7/27 Weifang Investigate cases – other criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant Governor, Director of Provincial Department Weifang Anqiu Municipal Bureau

2317 Liu Lingling assigned by the Ministry of Public Security, Xiping Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai, her husband, Ding Weimin, was beaten to death in 2008, requested to file a case for investigation and bring the suspect to justice 2010/3/12 Investigating the case in Weifang in 2008 – Accepted and filed for criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Province Assistant to the Governor, Director of the Provincial Department, Changle County Bureau of Weifang City
2321 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Liu Ruihua Qingzhou City, Weifang City, Shandong Province Shandong Province Reported that at the end of 2009, his son Wang Guowei was sent to the hospital by the Qingzhou Station Police Station after being beaten. During the hospitalization, the public security organ has not informed the family members. It was not until March 29, 2010, when her husband’s colleague informed her that her son was hospitalized. After arriving at the hospital, he learned that his son had died on March 26. After reporting the situation to Qingzhou Criminal University, there has been no explanation or investigation result so far. 2010/7/9 1905/7/2 Weifang Investigate the case – accept the case and put it on file Criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant to the Governor, Director of the Provincial Department Qingzhou Municipal Bureau of Weifang

2403 The Ministry of Public Security entrusted Sun Shenyang with a joint letter from the salesman and car owner of Nanyu Intermodal Transportation Co., Ltd., Weifang City, Changyi City, Shandong Province, reflecting that Han Liangzhong, chairman of Weifang Huada Textile Co., Ltd., deputy to the Weifang Municipal People’s Congress, and Zhao Baojun were involved in gangsters, controlling Monopolized the transportation market, forced buying and selling, extortion, demanded investigation. 2010/1/13 2009/9/6 Weifang Investigate the case – accept the case and put it on file Criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant to the Governor, Director of the Provincial Department Weifang Changyi Municipal Bureau

2418 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Wang Chunyun Qingzhou City, Weifang City, Shandong Province On May 10, 2010, his queen Cuiping was killed by her husband Li Tianzhi and his mother, and the public security organs were requested to solve the case as soon as possible. 2010/9/1 2010/5/10 Weifang Investigate the case – report the clues of the case Criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant to the Governor, Director of the Provincial Department Qingzhou Municipal Bureau of Weifang

2448 Wang Yutian assigned by the Ministry of Public Security, Houwang Village, Gucheng Sub-district, Shouguang City, Weifang City, Shandong Province. Shandong Province reported that his brother Wang Yufeng was killed by Yang Mingtang and Han Jiangchuan on December 9, 1994 and then faked the scene. The conclusions demand that the murderer be held criminally accountable in accordance with the law. 2011/8/1 ######### Weifang Appeal – Death Identification Criminal Investigation Assistant Governor Wu Pengfei, Director of Provincial Department Weifang Shouguang City Bureau 2453 Ministry of Public Security assigned Wang Zhian to report in 2007 in Xincheng District, Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, Shandong Province On August 10, in Qingzhou City, Jin Chunle colluded with the Qingzhou City Police to rob a Qing Dynasty Buddha statue, and asked to investigate and deal with it according to the law. 2011/8/30 2007/8/10 Weifang Investigate the case – accept the case and put it on file Criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant to the Governor, Director of the Provincial Department Qingzhou Municipal Bureau of Weifang
2483 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Yang Deping No. 349, Didong Village, Baicheng Township, Gaomi City, Weifang City, Shandong Province Shandong Province Reported that he had a dispute with Yang Yaowu, and was framed by him. Later, the police station intentionally injured him and released him on bail pending trial, causing him to suffer injustice. 2010/3/3 2006/7/28 Weifang Appeal – Residential Surveillance Criminal Investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant to Governor, Director of Provincial Department Weifang Gaomi City Bureau

2502 Yue Linping, assigned by the Ministry of Public Security, Xixigezhuang Village, Kanjia Town, Gaomi City, Weifang City, Shandong Province. Shandong Province reported that his home was bombed in April. After reporting the case, the local public security agency has not solved the case so far. They provided several suspects and demanded that as soon as possible solve the case. 2011/9/13 2011/4/25 Weifang Investigate the case – request to solve the case as soon as possible Criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant to the Governor, Director of the Provincial Department Gaomi, Weifang
Municipal Bureau

2511 Zhang Fengchen assigned by the Ministry of Public Security, Beicun, Chaigou Town, Gaomi City, Weifang City, Shandong Province Shandong Province reported that he was severely injured by Liu Xinjun, Zhou Yong and others under the command of Liu Jiwen on May 31, 1999. So far, the public security organs have not arrested Liu Jiwen. The case could not be prosecuted, dissatisfied, and demanded that Liu Jiwen be held criminally responsible in accordance with the law and close the case as soon as possible. 2011/1/5 2007/9/21 Weifang Investigate the case – arrest suspects Criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant to the Governor, Director of the Provincial Department Weifang Kuiwen Branch

2524 The Ministry of Public Security assigned Zhang Shukui, Changle County, Weifang City, Shandong Province. Shandong Province reported that Zhao Yangeng had brought armed people to his repair shop many times this year to rob official seals, account books, property, etc., and injured him. The post-public security organ has not dealt with it so far. 2011/9/2 2009/1/31 Weifang Investigate and deal with the case – accept and file criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant Governor, Director of the Provincial Department Weifang Changle County Bureau

2538 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Zhao Guoqing Group 2, Wangtian North Village, Wangtian Town, Yanling County, Xuchang City, Henan Province Shandong Province On February 25, 2009, he was severely beaten, his right thumb was broken, and his buttocks were stabbed with a knife, which was identified as a minor injury. Demand severe punishment for the murderer and compensation for losses. 2010/7/29 2009/2/25 Weifang Investigate the case – re-qualification verification Criminal investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant to the Governor, Director of the Provincial Department Weifang Linqu County Bureau
2551 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Ju Jinhua Liyuan Xiner Village, Mishui Street Office, Gaomi City, Weifang City, Shandong Province. Her husband died. 2010/3/15 2008/6/20 Weifang Appeal – Death Identification Criminal Investigation Wu Pengfei Assistant Governor, Director of Provincial Department Weifang Gaomi Municipal Bureau
