

《安徽太和县文件汇编3: 上级交办信访重点案件》








    单位: 太和县局                          审批人:                                              填表时间:     11月    30日 

序号    姓名    住址    主要诉求    包案领导         责任警种    包案单位         化解方案    化解情况                                                   

                  姓名    职务         责任人  联系电话         破案    追逃    进入诉讼程序    纠正错案赔偿    做通工作停访    个案救助停访    救助金额  信访终结    依法处置闹访    未息访落实稳控  非公安管辖  精神病  交办单位

1   高炯    太和县城关镇    对其子高天甲伤害吕静案中的鉴定结论不服。   鲍宇  副局长  城北所  徐晓辉  13956763353                                                            公安部

2   耿万坤  太和县税镇耿楼村    反映2007年被韩林诈骗50多万元等问题。    李扬    副政委  经侦大队    池涛    13805680598  已化解                                                      公安部

3   城关镇友谊路68号72户居民   太和县城关镇友谊路68号    太和百太世纪豪景开发商李素兰勾结他人伤害无辜等问题。 刘德松  局长                                                                          公安部

4   王士新  太和县城关镇    举报2011年2月,太和县新特药公司总经理梁峰酒后驾车撞死两人后肇事逃逸,后找人顶替,逃避责任。  陈德奎  政委    交警大队  王洪斌  13909689299                                                            公安部

5   于斌    太和县城关镇    反映被人以网上卖车为由,诈骗其钱财问题 李扬    副政委  法制室  周辉    13965533988                                                            公安部

6   张庆海  太和县双浮镇    反映双浮北街王家彬兄弟将其家房屋扒掉等问题 李志中    副政委  双浮所  马心建  13705687289                                                           公安部

7   张淑琴  税镇镇史老家村  1998年12月24日下午,其弟张磊因琐事被张杰捅死,张杰已归案,但涉嫌包庇的张峰等三人没有归案,要求追究张峰等三人的刑事责任.    刘金标  副局长  刑侦大队    范吉祥  13909686220                                                           公安部

8   张子鹏  太和县苗集镇镇西村  2010年9月28日,其遭窦化运等人伤害等问题。 张文    党委委员    苗集所  王春晓  13865888998  已化解                                                       公安部

9   赵秋良  山东省菏泽市牡丹区李村镇大刘庄行政村    孙协佩等人对其非法拘禁并抢走价值二十六万余元的财物,要求处理。 刘金标  副局长  刑侦大队    范吉祥    13909689220  已化解                                                       公安部

10 张韶峰  太和县三堂镇火车站北路  反映被人在淮北骗走价值46万元玉器等问题  李扬    副政委  法制室  周辉    13965593988                                                           公安部

11  赵秀玲  太和县蔡庙镇刘新宇村    1997年3月,其家三口被人投毒,致使其女儿死亡、儿子和丈夫留下后遗症。来访要求公安机关尽快破案   刘金标  副局长    刑侦大队    范吉祥  13909689220                                                            中央政法委

12 高广灿  太和县原墙镇刘楼行政村高小庄    反映2011年7月26日下午1时许,其女儿高宇新在原墙镇变电所门口被车撞伤致死,要求依法处理。  张文    党委委员    专案组  贾峰    13905680308                                                           省  厅

13 陶素荣王道连    太和县坟台镇陶王庄  反映其子王士才被打成轻伤,至今未处理结束  张松    党委委 员   坟台所  龚耕    13956768772                                                           市      局

14 李晓娟  太和县双庙镇北街    反映其夫王献礼被高振伟杀死,高振伟至今未归案  刘金标  副局长  刑侦大队    范吉祥  13909689220                                                           市      局

15 付钦峰  太和县五星镇付腰庄  对太和县2009[84]号交通事故认定不服 陈德奎    政委    交警大队    王洪斌  13909689299                                                           市      局

16 高治山  太和县洪山镇卫生院  反映2000年其子和侄子被杀死,案件至今未破  刘金标  副局长  刑警大队    范吉祥  13909689220                                                           市      局


    单位: 太和县公安局                                                        填表时间:2012年5月17日                       

序号    姓名    住址    主要诉求    包案领导         包案单位         要求结案时间和化解方案    化解情况                                                   

                  姓名    职务    责任人  联系电话         破案    追逃    进入诉讼程序  纠正错案赔偿    做通工作停访    个案救助停访    救助金额    信访终结  依法处置闹访    未息访落实稳控  非公安管辖  核销    交办单位

1   肖皖东  马集乡  反映因其27年前被判刑一年,影响到其子2011年入伍政审时被刷掉    李志中  副政委  赵连杰  13955856003  已化解                    √                                 公安部

2   张飞    双浮镇  反映在其家与夏磊等发生纠纷,被拘留3日不服,要求公正处理    李志中  副政委  马心建  13705687289   6月30日                                                      市局

3   赵广真  倪邱镇  其母女四人反映因与邻居刘帮奇家中发生纠纷,2011年10月18日,赵广真及女儿被刘帮奇持铁棍上门打伤,事后,刘帮奇之妻王淑芳还到医院护理其住院的父亲鉴定为轻伤。企图伪造伤情。要求对王淑芳重新鉴定   李志中    副政委  王永贵  13956763066  6月30日                                                      市局

4   时艳群  城关镇  举报太和县城关镇椿樱社区的时运德、时常青、时运杰、杨井乐等人在当地欺辱乡邻、为恶称霸一方。    刘金标  副局长  范吉祥    13909689220  6月30日                                                      市局

5   王中师  开发区  反映2011年3月22日,李阳因建房与其家发生纠纷,开发区派出所包庇李阳,对张小东的伤情被鉴定为轻伤不服,要求重新鉴定,依法公正处理。   鲍宇    副局长  张超    13805616868   6月30日                                                      市局

6   安秀云  赵集乡  反映2012年元月13日,其被刘树国等三人打伤未处理,要求查处并赔偿医疗费用等经济损失    鲍宇    副局长  刘祥军    13966592666  已化解                    √                                 市局

7   张建峰  双浮镇  反映2012年3月9日,太和县公安局以其殴打张莉为由,对其处治安拘留5天,其本人确实没有殴打张莉行为,对处治安拘留不服5天不服,要求查清事实,还其清白,追究伪证者责 鲍宇    副局长  张超    13805616868   6月30日                                                      市局

8   许瑞夫  大庙镇  反映2011年9月24日,其被人打伤一案,县、市局对其鉴定均为轻微伤不服,要求重新鉴定 鲍宇    副局长  王伟    13505660206  6月30日                                                      市局

9   张建俊  城关镇  反映2011年11月1日,其夫妻俩被孙鹏程夫妻俩找伤,要求给其本人做伤情鉴定,尽快依法处理   鲍宇    副局长  刘祥军    13966592666  6月30日                                                      市局

10 赵磊    原墙镇  反映08年2月4日,其夫解全红与村民管丽的丈夫解夫标发生争执,对管丽被鉴定为轻伤不服,认为管丽故意陷害,要求查处 张文    党委委员  孟庆喜  13866203607  6月30日                                                      市局

12 陈鹏    三堂镇  反映2009年9月24日,其子陈新伟与同村村民陈建国发生争执,陈新伟腿部被陈建国用铁叉扎伤,经法医鉴定为轻微伤。陈建国称自己左手小指被打伤,并经法医鉴定为轻伤。后其子陈新伟被以涉嫌伤害刑拘并报批捕。对此不服    张文    党委委员    朱永华  13705687767   6月30日                                                       市局

13 付涛    旧县镇  反映2011年10月,其被范峰等人殴打成轻伤,太和旧县派出所至今处理未果,要求尽快依法处理   李扬    副政委  张振林    13805676377   6月30日                                                      市局

14 张超奎  赵集乡  反映太和县公安局赵集派出所民警高山不认真办理案件,还辱骂信访人问题    李扬    副政委  赵亚华  13605671676   5月15日前                                                         市局

15 王磊    亳州市利辛县    反映张强以租车名义骗了其桥车6辆,后其被骗的轿车被太和开发区派出所查扣,要求退还其被扣车辆  李扬    副政委  池涛    13805680598  已化解                    √                                 市局

16 汪秀英  坟台镇  反映2011年9月2日,其与张力夫发生纠纷,对其本人轻微伤鉴定不服,要求重新鉴定;对张力夫轻伤鉴定不服 张松    党委委员    龚耕  13956768772   5月15日前                                                         市局

17 高国仁  郭庙乡 反映其女高影在丈夫李永强家失踪,至今十几年生死下落不明,其怀疑其女高影系李永强、名望谋害致死,要求公安机关破案   刘金标  副局长    范吉祥  13909689220  6月30日                                                      市局

18 赵秀玲  蔡庙镇  1997年3月,其家三口被人投毒,致使其女儿死亡、儿子和丈夫留下后遗症。来访要求公安机关尽快破案  陈德奎  局长    范吉祥    13909689220  6月30日                                                      第三批

19 李晓娟  双庙镇  反映其夫王献礼2006年12月被高振伟杀死,高振伟至今未归案  张广杰  政委    范吉祥  13909689220  6月30日                                                      市      局

20 高治山  洪山镇  反映2000年其外甥和侄子被杀死,案件至今未破 刘金标    副局长  范吉祥  13909689220  6月30日                                                      第三批

21 李峰    税镇镇  要求查处肖口派出所违法为更改高鹏户口    鲍宇    副局长    佘玉杰  13966593266  6月30日                                                      第三批

    填表人:       王为民                                         审批人:            李扬                     

Key petition case package registration form

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“Compilation of Documents of Taihe County, Anhui 3: Key Cases of Complaints and Visits Assigned by Superiors”

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The province’s public security organs carry out special treatment work plans for key petition cases

The special treatment work plan for key petition cases of public security organs in the county

Key petition case package registration form

     Unit: Taihe County Bureau Approval person: Time to fill out the form: November 30

No. Name Address Main appeal Case leader Responsible police type Case unit Resolution plan Resolution situation

                   Name Position Person in charge Contact number Solve the case, pursue escape, enter the litigation process, correct the wrong case, compensate for the work, stop the visit, stop the visit for the rescue of the case, end the letter and visit, deal with the noisy visit according to law, implement stable control of the uninterrupted visit, not under the jurisdiction of the public security, mental illness, assign the unit to handle it

1 Gao Jiong, Chengguan Town, Taihe County Dissatisfied with the appraisal conclusion in the case of his son Gao Tianjia injuring Lv Jing. Bao Yu Deputy Director Chengbei Institute Xu Xiaohui 13956763353 Ministry of Public Security

2 Geng Wankun, Genglou Village, Tax Town, Taihe County, reported that he was defrauded by Han Lin of more than 500,000 yuan in 2007 and other issues. Li Yang Deputy Political Commissar Economic Investigation Brigade Chi Tao 13805680598 Dissolved by the Ministry of Public Security

3 Residents of 72 households at No. 68 Youyi Road, Chengguan Town No. 68 Youyi Road, Chengguan Town, Taihe County Li Sulan, the developer of Taihe Baitai Century Haojing, colluded with others to harm innocent people. Liu Desong Director of the Ministry of Public Security

4 Wang Shixin, Chengguan Town, Taihe County, reported that in February 2011, Liang Feng, the general manager of Taihe County New Special Medicine Company, hit and killed two people while driving under the influence of alcohol. Chen Dekui Political Commissar Traffic Police Brigade Wang Hongbin 13909689299 Ministry of Public Security

5 Yu Bin, Chengguan Town, Taihe County Reported that someone defrauded him of money by selling cars online Li Yang Deputy Political Commissar Legal Affairs Office Zhou Hui 13965533988 Ministry of Public Security

6 Zhang Qinghai, Shuangfu Town, Taihe County Reported that Wang Jiabin’s brothers on Shuangfu North Street took down his house and other issues

7 On the afternoon of December 24, 1998, Zhang Shuqin’s younger brother Zhang Lei was stabbed to death by Zhang Jie for trivial matters in Shilaojia Village, Shuizhen Township. Criminal Responsibility. Liu Jinbiao, Deputy Director, Criminal Investigation Brigade, Fan Jixiang 13909686220, Ministry of Public Security

8 Zhang Zipeng, Zhenxi Village, Miaoji Town, Taihe County On September 28, 2010, he was injured by Dou Huayun and others. Zhang Wen Member of the Party Committee Miao Jisuo Wang Chunxiao 13865888998 Resolved Ministry of Public Security

9 Zhao Qiuliang, Daliuzhuang Administrative Village, Licun Town, Mudan District, Heze City, Shandong Province. Sun Xiepei and others illegally detained him and robbed him of property worth more than 260,000 yuan, and demanded that he be dealt with. Liu Jinbiao Deputy Director Criminal Investigation Brigade Fan Jixiang 13909689220 Dissolved Ministry of Public Security

10 Zhang Shaofeng, North Railway Station Road, Santang Town, Taihe County Reported issues such as being defrauded of 460,000 yuan worth of jade in Huaibei Li Yang Deputy Political Commissar Legal Affairs Office Zhou Hui 13965593988 Ministry of Public Security

11 Zhao Xiuling Liuxinyu Village, Caimiao Town, Taihe County In March 1997, three members of her family were poisoned, resulting in the death of her daughter, and her son and husband were left with sequelae. Visiting and asking the public security organs to solve the case as soon as possible Liu Jinbiao Deputy Director Criminal Investigation Brigade Fan Jixiang 13909689220 Central Political and Legal Committee

12 Gao Guangcan, Gao Xiaozhuang, Liulou Administrative Village, Yuanqiang Town, Taihe County Reported that at 1:00 p.m. on July 26, 2011, his daughter Gao Yuxin was hit by a car at the gate of the substation in Yuanqiang Town and died. Zhang Wen Party Committee Member Task Force Jia Feng 13905680308 Provincial Department

13 Tao Surong Wang Daolian, Tao Wangzhuang, Fentai Town, Taihe County Reported that his son Wang Shicai was slightly injured and has not been dealt with yet. Zhang Song Party committee member Gong Geng 13956768772 Municipal Bureau

14 Li Xiaojuan, North Street, Shuangmiao Town, Taihe County Reported that her husband, Wang Xianli, was killed by Gao Zhenwei, and Gao Zhenwei has not been brought to justice. Liu Jinbiao, Deputy Director, Criminal Investigation Brigade, Fan Jixiang 13909689220 City Bureau

15 Fu Qinfeng Fuyaozhuang, Wuxing Town, Taihe County Dissatisfied with the determination of No. 2009 [84] traffic accident in Taihe County Chen Dekui Political Commissar Traffic Police Brigade Wang Hongbin 13909689299 Municipal Bureau

16 Gao Zhishan Hongshan Town Health Center, Taihe County Reported that his son and nephew were killed in 2000, and the case has not been solved yet. Liu Jinbiao Deputy Director Criminal Police Brigade Fan Jixiang 13909689220 Municipal Bureau

Registration form for the handling of cases assigned by superiors for special management of key letters and visits cases (second and third batches)

     Unit: Taihe County Public Security Bureau Time to fill out the form: May 17, 2012

No. Name Address Main appeal Case leader Case unit Time required to close the case and solution Resolution situation

                   Name Position Person in charge Contact number Solve the case, chase after escape, enter the litigation process, correct the wrong case and compensate, stop the visit after completing the work, suspend the visit for the individual case assistance, stop the visit, the relief amount, end the letter and visit, deal with the noisy visit according to law, implement the stable control of the uninterrupted visit, not under the jurisdiction of the public security, write it off, and assign it to the handling unit

1 Xiao Wandong, Maji Township Reflected that because he was sentenced to one year in prison 27 years ago, his son was dismissed during the military trial in 2011 Li Zhizhong Deputy Political Commissar Zhao Lianjie 13955856003 Dissolved √ Ministry of Public Security

2 Zhang Fei, Shuangfu Town Reported that there was a dispute between his family and Xia Lei, and he was detained for 3 days and refused to accept it, demanding a fair treatment.

3 Zhao Guangzhen, his mother and daughter in Niqiu Town reported that due to a dispute with his neighbor Liu Bangqi’s home, on October 18, 2011, Zhao Guangzhen and his daughter were injured by Liu Bangqi holding an iron bar at their home. Afterwards, Liu Bangqi’s wife Wang Shufang went to the hospital to take care of him. His father was identified as having minor injuries. Attempt to fake injury. Request to re-identify Wang Shufang Li Zhizhong Deputy Political Commissar Wang Yonggui 13956763066 June 30 Municipal Bureau

4 Shi Yanqun, Chengguan Town, reported Shi Yunde, Shi Changqing, Shi Yunjie, Yang Jingle and others in Chunying Community, Chengguan Town, Taihe County, for bullying their neighbors and dominating one side for evil. Liu Jinbiao Deputy Director Fan Jixiang 13909689220 June 30 Municipal Bureau

5 Wang Zhongshi, Development Zone Reported that on March 22, 2011, Li Yang had a dispute with his family due to building a house. The police station in the Development Zone sheltered Li Yang, and Zhang Xiaodong’s injury was identified as minor. Bao Yu Deputy Director Zhang Chao 13805616868 June 30 Municipal Bureau

6 An Xiuyun, Zhaoji Township, reported that on January 13, 2012, he was injured by Liu Shuguo and other three people and was not dealt with, and demanded to investigate and compensate for medical expenses and other economic losses. Bao Yu, deputy director, Liu Xiangjun 13966592666 resolved √ City Bureau

7 Zhang Jianfeng from Shuangfu Town reported that on March 9, 2012, the Taihe County Public Security Bureau sentenced him to public security detention for 5 days on the grounds that he beat Zhang Li. Dissatisfied, demand to find out the facts, return his innocence, and hold perjury accountable Bao Yu, deputy director, Zhang Chao 13805616868 June 30th Municipal Bureau

8 Xu Ruifu Damiao Town reported that on September 24, 2011, he was injured by someone. The county and city bureaus were not satisfied with the appraisal of his injuries as minor injuries. Bureau

9 Zhang Jianjun, Chengguan Town Reported that on November 1, 2011, his husband and wife were injured by Sun Pengcheng and his wife, and asked to have his injury identified and dealt with as soon as possible according to the law.

10 Zhao Lei from Yuanqiang Town reported that on February 4, 2008, his husband Xie Quanhong had a dispute with villager Guan Li’s husband Xie Fubiao. He refused to accept that Guan Li was identified as having a minor injury. He believed that Guan Li had intentionally framed her, and demanded that Zhang Wen, a member of the Party Committee, be investigated and dealt with. Meng Qingxi 13866203607 June 30 Municipal Bureau

12 Chen Peng Sandang Town Reported that on September 24, 2009, his son Chen Xinwei had a dispute with Chen Jianguo, a villager from the same village. Chen Xinwei’s leg was stabbed with an iron fork by Chen Jianguo, which was identified as a minor injury by the forensic doctor. Chen Jianguo claimed that the little finger of his left hand was injured, which was identified as a minor injury by the forensic doctor. Later, his son Chen Xinwei was arrested on suspicion of injury and reported for approval. Dissatisfied with this Zhang Wen Party committee member Zhu Yonghua 13705687767 June 30 Municipal Bureau

13 Fu Tao, Jiuxian Town Reported that in October 2011, he was beaten by Fan Feng and others and was slightly injured. The Taihe Jiuxian Police Station has not dealt with it so far and demanded that he be dealt with as soon as possible according to the law. Li Yang Deputy Political Commissar Zhang Zhenlin 13805676377 June 30 Municipal Bureau

14 Zhang Chaokui, Zhaoji Township Reported that Gao Shan, a policeman from the Zhaoji Police Station of the Taihe County Public Security Bureau, did not handle the case seriously and insulted the petitioner Li Yang Deputy Political Commissar Zhao Yahua 13605671676 Before May 15th Municipal Bureau

15 Wang Lei Lixin County, Bozhou City reported that Zhang Qiang cheated him of 6 bridge vehicles in the name of renting a car. Later, the defrauded cars were seized by the Taihe Development Zone Police Station and asked to return the detained vehicles. √ Municipal Bureau

16 Wang Xiuying’s Grave Terrace reported that on September 2, 2011, she had a dispute with Zhang Lifu, and she refused to accept the appraisal of Zhang Lifu’s minor injuries and demanded a re-appraisal; Municipal Bureau

17 Gao Guoren Guomiao Township reported that his daughter Gao Ying disappeared at her husband Li Yongqiang’s home, and her whereabouts have been unknown for more than ten years. He suspected that her daughter Gao Ying was murdered by Li Yongqiang and her reputation, and asked the public security organs to solve the case. Japan Municipal Bureau

18 Zhao Xiuling, Caimiao Town In March 1997, three members of her family were poisoned, resulting in the death of her daughter and the sequelae of her son and husband. Visited and asked the public security organs to solve the case as soon as possible Chen Dekui Director Fan Jixiang 13909689220 June 30 The third batch

19 Li Xiaojuan, Shuangmiao Town Reported that her husband Wang Xianli was killed by Gao Zhenwei in December 2006, and Gao Zhenwei has not been brought to justice Zhang Guangjie Political Commissar Fan Jixiang 13909689220 June 30 Municipal Bureau

20 Gaozhishan Hongshan Town Reported that his nephew and nephew were killed in 2000, the case has not been solved yet Liu Jinbiao Deputy Director Fan Jixiang 13909689220 June 30th third batch

21 Li Feng, Tax Town, demanded that Xiaokou Police Station illegally change Gao Peng’s household registration.

     Filler: Wang Weimin Approver: Li Yang
