时间:2012 年 2 月 24 日
姓名 莫友芳
性别 女
年龄 58
单位 退休
现住址 东城区兴化西里
联系电话 15117977247
主要要求 2011年9月21日,莫友芳到市局上访,要求市局人口支队、东城分局人口支队解决其养母户口进京一事,据莫友芳讲:其养母曾全文今年81岁,文盲,不能独立生活,是三野南下老干部的遗孀,只能投靠其莫友芳。该人有其收养证明,司法局各级政府证明齐全。该人现居住其丈夫的房子。由于分局人口支队要求莫友芳提供其58年前的收养公证,莫友芳不能够提供该证明,故分局人口支队不予受理。该人对此事不满,多次到市局信访大厅反映此事。
否 否
以往过激行为 该人多次到市局上访
稳控措施 针对上访重点人莫友芳有可能在全国两会期间到信访部门上访,我所成立了管控小组,对莫友芳进行管控,同时小区民警郭军峰到莫友芳的家中做其思想工作,确保两会期不漏管失空,管控人员名单:
1、顾丽菊 女 60岁 住:兴化西里
2、邓海红 男 41岁 住:兴化西里
3、孙秀清 女 55岁 住:兴化西里
主管民警联系电话 郭军峰15901175923
主责领导联系电话 昝立顺13911830576
Hepingli reported Mo Youfang’s stability control situation
(table 3)
Completing the report on the work of the key persons in letters and visits
Unit: Hepingli Police Station
When: February 24, 2012
Name Mo Youfang
Gender: Female
age 58
unit retirement
Current address Xinghua Xili, Dongcheng District
Contact number 15117977247
The main request is that on September 21, 2011, Mo Youfang went to the Municipal Bureau to petition, asking the Population Detachment of the Municipal Bureau and the Population Detachment of the Dongcheng Branch to resolve the issue of her adoptive mother’s household registration entering Beijing. Living independently, she is the widow of a veteran cadre who went south in Sanye, so she can only rely on her Mo Youfang. The person has his adoption certificate, which has been fully certified by all levels of government in the Bureau of Justice. The person is currently living in his husband’s house. Since the Population Detachment of the sub-bureau asked Mo Youfang to provide the notarization of her 58-year-old adoption, Mo Youfang could not provide the certificate, so the Population Detachment of the sub-bureau refused to accept it. The person was dissatisfied with the matter and went to the Municipal Bureau’s Letters and Calls Hall many times to reflect the matter.
Is it reasonable
no no
partly justified
Past aggressive behavior The person has repeatedly petitioned the Municipal Bureau
Steady control measures: In view of the fact that Mo Youfang, a key petitioner, may go to the petition department to petition during the two sessions of the country, our firm has set up a management and control team to control Mo Youfang. If the pipe is not empty, the list of control personnel:
- Gu Liju, female, 60 years old, lives in Xili, Xinghua
- Deng Haihong, male, 41 years old, lives in Xinghua Xili
- Sun Xiuqing, female, 55 years old, lives in Xinghua Xili
The contact number of the police in charge Guo Junfeng 15901175923
The contact number of the leader in charge Zan Lishun 13911830576
Bureau Leader