
作者:王思明 田雄
关键词: 宗教 调查



[内容摘要] 从对关中地区南村基督教会的历史变迁过程的观察可以看出,农民参加基督教会,其原因还在于当前农村中的正式制度和组织难以满足农民的复杂而多样化的需求。乡村基督教信徒由最初认同的“基督教会”转变为“家庭教会”,基本不再受基层国家权力的直接约束和管制,因而具有一定的“自治”和“自组织”色彩。在社会功能方面,南村基督教与国家乡村治理作用呈现嵌入关系,而在社会整合和规范方面,则与国家呈现出疏离关系。嵌入与疏离混合构成了当前乡村基督教的实践形态。基于此,国家需要以制度的完善去容纳、培育和引导乡村基督教与现代社会的良性发展相一致。




基督教传入陕西省已是光绪二年(1876年)。这一年内地会(China Inland Mission)的鲍康宁(F.W. Baller)与金辅仁(George King)自汉口出发,进入陕西境内。这一事件被基督教会认为是陕西开教之始[1]。光绪十四年(1888年)内地会所属的瑞华会(Swedish Mission in China)才从山西境内进入相邻的关中地区同州府大荔县。后来由于关中农村经济凋敝,农民生活极端贫困,社会动荡不安,农民缺乏社会保障、救济和心理安慰,生活单调、沉闷,缺少必要的娱乐活动,因此,农民入教后,“吃教”、“依教”、“靠教”,基督教在关中自然而然地蓬勃发展起来。光绪十五年(1893年),北美瑞挪会首先在西安建立总堂,民国元年(1912年)在Y永寿县建堂[2]。




“在‘文化大革命’时期,当时禁止信基督教,好多成员都是偷偷地聚会。”改革开放以后, 1982年,中共中央的宗教政策发生了转变【3】,为宗教正名,重新恢复我国的宗教信仰自由政策。南村基督教会教徒数量开始增加,六爷购买了南村的一孔窑洞作为教会固定的聚会点。1995年,一直负责教会的六爷去世,临终前把教会的重任托付给LC、BK和HN三人负责。此时正值村里的小学搬迁,信徒于是集资约三千元从村委会购买了原来的校舍,并又由信徒捐款三万元左右重新修葺了教堂。教堂大概有120平方米左右,能容纳近200人。同时他们还添置了两间偏房和锅灶等。至此,南村基督教会有了固定的活动场所。而南村正位于Q乾县(XY咸阳市)、LY麟游县(隶属于BJ宝鸡市)和Y永寿县交界处。其影响力越来越大,成员数量在500人左右,遍及周边近20个村子。其成员主要以30—70岁的中老年妇女为主,男性成员在10名左右。








从中可以看到,WY身份更多的是代表国家体制的一部分,是实现国家与南村基督教组织之间互动的主要中介和纽带。但由于个人行为问题而使国家和南村基督教之间的关系有所变化,信徒也开始对他有所排斥。此时, XX牧师开始进入了基督教并逐渐对它形成指导性的作用。据南村信徒说,她是西安的一名退休工人,其具体活动地点在河南省。目前教会与外界交流主要由XX牧师联系,二三十岁的年轻信徒一般都亲切地称她为肖姨。但XX牧师具体身份究竟是什么,许多普通信徒目前无从所知。这种前后的变化最终的客观后果又是如何?




LC:原来教会的经费主要由教徒捐献,内部设出纳和会计。每次经费支出都有发票,并且在捐款之后都会当场点清是多少。以前较大聚会活动时,县政协、统战部和公安局都会派工作人员来。现在没有出纳和会计, XX牧师来后这都取消并重新指定了哪些人是同工。我负责了几十年却连同工都不是。当然现在也不知道钱是如何花费的,而我当时经手的账单现在都保存着。






































【3】参见: 1982年中共中央《关于我国社会主义时期宗教问题的基本观点和基本政策》。


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[3]高师宁:从实证研究看基督教与当代中国社会[J].浙江学刊, 2006(4).
[4]罗纳德·L·约翰斯通:社会中的宗教:一种宗教社会学[M].成都:四川人民出版社, 1991.
[5]姚力:我国改革开放以来基督教发展的原因探析[J].当代中国史研究, 2004(3).
[6]埃米尔·涂尔干:社会分工论[M].渠东,译.北京:三联书店, 2000.
[7]杨善华:侯红蕊.血缘、姻缘、亲情与利益[J].宁夏社会科学, 1999(6).
[8]费孝通:乡土中国[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 1998.
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Rural Christian Practice Form: Embedding and Alienation【1】——Taking the Historical Changes of Nancun Christian Church in Guanzhong Area as an Example
Author: Wang Siming Tian Xiong
Keywords: religion survey

[Abstract] From the observation of the historical changes of Christian churches in Nancun, Guanzhong area, it can be seen that the reason why farmers join Christian churches is that the current formal system and organization in rural areas cannot meet the complex and diverse needs of farmers. Rural Christian believers have changed from the “Christian churches” they initially identified to “house churches”, and they are basically no longer directly restricted and controlled by the grassroots state power, so they have a certain “autonomous” and “self-organizing” color. In terms of social functions, Nancun Christianity has an embedded relationship with the country’s rural governance, while in terms of social integration and norms, it has an alienated relationship with the country. The mixture of embedding and alienation constitutes the current practice pattern of rural Christianity. Based on this, the country needs to accommodate, cultivate and guide rural Christianity with a sound system consistent with the benign development of modern society.

Key words: rural areas; Christianity; house churches; social integration

As a foreign culture, “Christianity” allows farmers to “gather together to teach, and gather to form a meeting” in the vast rural areas of China. At present, the research on rural Christianity is mostly based on regional research, so it presents a certain “fragmentation” status quo. In the Guanzhong area of Shaanxi, in terms of Christianity, there are Christianity guided by the “Three-Self Patriotic Movement Committee”, as well as various cults such as “Three Redemption Christs” and “Eastern Lightning”. In addition, there are house churches that have branched out from institutional Christianity in recent years [2]. Against this background, from 2004 to February 2008, the author conducted a case study on the historical evolution of the Christian Church in Nancun, Yongshou County, Y Yongshou County, Guanzhong District, using on-the-spot observations and focused interviews. The focus of this article is: by what mechanism did Christianity achieve its goal of gradual expansion? From the analysis of its historical evolution and current practice, what kind of relationship does Christianity have with the state? This article attempts to expand on the basis of case studies. On the other hand, seek the research conclusions with general significance.

  1. The Origin of Nancun Christian Church
    Christianity was introduced into Shaanxi Province in the second year of Guangxu (1876). This year, F.W. Baller and George King of the China Inland Mission set off from Hankou and entered Shaanxi. This event is considered by the Christian Church to be the beginning of teaching in Shaanxi[1]. In the 14th year of Guangxu (1888), the Swedish Mission in China (Swedish Mission in China), which was affiliated with the Inland Mission, entered Dali County, the capital of Tongzhou, the neighboring Guanzhong region, from Shanxi. Later, due to the recession of the rural economy in Guanzhong, the peasants lived in extreme poverty, the society was turbulent, and the peasants lacked social security, relief and psychological comfort. Their lives were monotonous and dull, and they lacked necessary entertainment activities. Christianity naturally flourished in Guanzhong. In the 15th year of Guangxu (1893), the American Reno Association first established the main hall in Xi’an, and in the first year of the Republic of China (1912) built the hall in Yongshou County, Y [2].

The Nancun Christian Church, which the author conducted field investigation, is also a product of the above-mentioned historical development. Because there are no paper files related to its development, the author can only trace the historical evolution of Christianity in Nancun through the oral narration of the interviewees.

LC: As early as the 1940s, the earliest religious believer in the village was my uncle (other people in the village called him Liu Ye according to his seniority). He had two sons when he was young, but in less than seven months later Neidu fell ill and died one after another. After being hit, he began to believe in God with his uncle. Later, when the other children grew up healthily, his faith in God was further strengthened. At that time, less than ten people gathered at his home to pray together, and the ceremony was relatively simple. At that time, I often saw other people praying and worshiping, and I liked it in my heart. It has been almost 40 years now.

“During the ‘Cultural Revolution’ period, believers in Christianity were banned, and many members gathered secretly.” After the reform and opening up, in 1982, the religious policy of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China changed [3]. Freedom of Religion Policy. The number of believers in the Nancun Christian Church began to increase, and Liu Ye bought a cave dwelling in Nancun as a regular meeting point for the church. In 1995, Liu Ye, who had been in charge of the church, passed away. Before his death, he entrusted the responsibility of the church to LC, BK and HN. At this time, the primary school in the village was being relocated, so the believers raised about 3,000 yuan to buy the original school building from the village committee, and the believers donated about 30,000 yuan to renovate the church. The church is about 120 square meters and can accommodate nearly 200 people. At the same time, they also added two side rooms and pots and stoves. So far, the Nancun Christian Church has a fixed venue for activities. And Nancun is located at the junction of Qgan County (XY Xianyang City), LY Linyou County (belonging to BJ Baoji City) and Y Yongshou County. Its influence is growing, with about 500 members in nearly 20 surrounding villages. Its members are mainly middle-aged and elderly women aged 30-70, and there are about 10 male members.

In 2000, with a certificate issued by the Religious Affairs Bureau of Y Yongshou County, the meeting place of the Nancun Christian Church was legalized in the form of a text issued by the state.

  1. Rural Christianity’s Identity Transformation and Power Identification
    In the Nancun Christian Church, farmers did not have strict religious ceremonies such as baptism when they joined the Christian church. At the same time, after entering the church, many farmers did not strictly follow Christian rules to participate in worship or other activities very piously. According to the author’s observation, many religious women will freely choose to go out to work during the slack season, and some are even the core members of the church – co-workers [4]. Responsible and conscientious believers will do the same. Before 2003, the activities of the Nancun Christian Church had been under the specific guidance of Y Yongshou County Three-Self Patriotic Movement Committee and WY director of the Christian Educational Affairs Committee, and he was also a member of the county CPPCC. connection and expression. So far Director WY has almost never visited Nancun Church.

Author: Why are you no longer in contact with the County Christian Church?

BK: After WY came here, he had to eat, drink, and give gifts during the holidays. When the church was built at that time, WY did not give a penny here. Instead, after taking a group photo with believers here, I got Nanjing to ask for 80,000 yuan in funding. There’s something wrong with this guy’s style.

XQ: When WY comes to church, usually the person he appoints cooks for him, and also appoints someone to sit and eat with him. He gets annoyed if other churchgoers eat before him. When staying in the church, people need to serve him. After each meeting, there are unused things left in the church, and he will let other people prepare them for him to take home. BK asks me to help with the cooking every time, so some things are clear to me.

LC: WY usually comes here, you have to give them good food and drink. The pastor X who came now is very good, and often gives money and things to some believers who are living in difficulties out of his own pocket. People are also very easygoing, not so particular.

It can be seen from this that the WY identity is more representative of a part of the state system, and it is the main intermediary and link to realize the interaction between the state and Nancun Christian organizations. However, due to personal behavior problems, the relationship between the state and Nancun Christianity has changed, and believers have also begun to reject him. At this time, Pastor XX began to enter Christianity and gradually formed a guiding role for it. According to Nancun believers, she is a retired worker in Xi’an, and her specific activity location is in Henan Province. At present, the church communicates with the outside world mainly through Pastor XX. Young believers in their 20s and 30s generally call her Aunt Xiao affectionately. But what is the specific identity of Pastor XX, many ordinary believers have no way of knowing. What is the ultimate objective consequence of this change before and after?

Author: Why did Pastor XX come to Nancun Christianity?

XQ: When people in the church had more and more opinions on Pastor WY, HN’s aunt knew Pastor XX in Xi’an, so she introduced Pastor XX to the head of the church, HN.

Author: Has the church management changed since Pastor XX came?

LC: It turns out that the funds of the church are mainly donated by believers, and cashiers and accountants are set up internally. There is an invoice for each expenditure, and the amount will be counted on the spot after the donation. In the past, when there were large gatherings, the county CPPCC, the United Front Work Department and the Public Security Bureau would all send staff to come. Now there are no cashiers and accountants. After Pastor XX came, these were canceled and who were designated as co-workers. I have been in charge for decades but I am not even a co-worker. Of course, I don’t know how the money was spent now, and the bills I handled at that time are all kept.

XQ: Church donations used to be placed in a wooden box, but now they are packed in a plastic bag, and then managed by BK and HN. Others don’t know exactly how it was spent.

Author: How are your usual donations spent and supervised?

BK: Usually we never waste a penny. Because God is in our hearts, He inspires and guides us all the time.

Author: What is the difference between the Christianity you believed in before and the Christianity you believe in now?

XQ: After Pastor XX came, he said that we believe in false gods and worship idols, not the real God, not Jesus Christ. At that time, when preaching in the church, other people in charge of the church would sit high on the podium facing other ordinary believers. XX said that this is wrong, everyone in the church is a child of God, and everyone is equal. Now there are no directors, cashiers, accountants, etc., these are secular. Now there are only governors, co-workers and ordinary believers.

LC: “Patriotism, love for people, love for God” should be unified, all should be loved. Now it is only advocating “love to teach”. Logically speaking, Christianity is part of the country anyway, and all activities must be consistent with national policies. When I gave suggestions to my colleagues, I was criticized by BK and HN.

BA: A lot of people ask me how many years I have been a Christian. In fact, this church cannot save people. Only Christ Jesus of this Church can save you. My mother has joined the “Three-Self” church for more than ten years, and she knows nothing. In the “Three-Self” church, patriotism is the first priority, and God is the second. What they worship is religion and political power, and what they worship is idols. In house churches, love God first, love country second, and love people third. They worship Jesus Christ. Only this kind of love is holy and pure, and can bring peace to the country and the people.

People from outside came to explain to me that she is Sister XX. It turned out to be Christianity, and he understood the truth after listening to missionaries abroad. “Teaching” cannot get you saved and eternal life, only God is in our hearts. You just asked me how many years I have been a believer. In fact, what I believe in now is a house church, and what I believe in is God, not “religion” [5].

Among the ordinary believers of Nancun Christianity, there are not many who can reach the same level of understanding as BA and other believers. But BA is one of the co-workers of Christianity, they are in the leadership role of the church. They can clearly understand the main difference between the original “Three-Self” Christian churches and the current house churches, that is, they put “divine power” above “secular power”. This kind of understanding is obviously not what they consciously realized, but after the arrival of Pastor XX, they doubted and resisted the national identity symbol represented by Pastor WY. This is an important reason for the profound changes in the value orientation of Nancun Christianity. In the end, Nancun Christianity was placed in a “non-mainstream and marginal position”[3], showing a trend of alienation from the grassroots representatives of the country. Director WY’s personal behavior is only an inducement for Nancun Christian to break away from his work-supervising relationship.

  1. The Social Function and Expansion Mechanism of Christianity
    Charles Y. Glock mentioned that the emergence of sects is related to five “deficiencies”, namely economic deficiencies, social deficiencies, physical deficiencies, ethical deficiencies, and psychological deficiencies [4] 128-130. Judging from the historical process of the spread of Christianity in Guanzhong and the research conclusions of other scholars, there are many similarities with Charles’s point of view [5]. In Nancun and other villages in other regions, most of the peasants play mahjong and cards in their spare time except watching TV, and women rarely participate in similar gambling activities. When farmers were sick for a long time and had no money for medical treatment, they joined Christianity, hoping to seek peace and health. Others are widowed or stay-at-home women. In Nancun, the single agricultural planting structure and outward and scattered economic income make the economic cooperation and mutual needs among farmers not very strong. As Durkham believes, rural society is a mechanically united society, which consists of many similar homogeneous links, and external factors are most likely to invade [6] 139-142. Due to the monotonous life of farmers and poor medical conditions, the actual needs of farmers are diverse. Therefore, in addition to the functions of spiritual comfort and moral education for farmers in rural society, Christianity also has the following functions:

Recreation at leisure. In addition to meeting once every Sunday at Nancun Church, believers usually also hold meetings at their own homes. Such as singing hymns, speaking the Bible and praying together. During Christmas and Spring Festival, believers watch DVDs, learn dances and perform programs.

social interaction. Since the implementation of the household contract responsibility system in rural areas, the market economy has invaded rural society, and the original “different order pattern” among farmers has become “rational” [7]. Therefore, believing in God expanded their circle of life to a certain extent, and promoted communication and interaction among farmers.

cultural transmission. Among the 25 people interviewed randomly by the author in 2004, 16 were originally illiterate. Since they believed in God, they mainly read the Bible and Canaan Poems. The repetition rate of Chinese characters is high and the learning time is relatively long. Know and write many Chinese characters.

Transforming traditional culture: HN, head of Nancun Church, has four sisters and one younger brother, all of whom believe in God one after another. Their father passed away in 2006. According to Christian rules, they decided not to throw paper cones for their father, nor to call them Leren, which is completely different from the way of funeral for other elderly people in the countryside [6]. Afterwards, most of the farmers in the surrounding villages thought: “This is simply a loss to the ancestors and embarrassment to the ancestors.” In addition, fireworks and firecrackers are not allowed in the homes of believers during the Chinese New Year, thinking that this will “invite ghosts.” These are different from the traditional customs and customs in the rural areas of Guanzhong.

By the beginning of 2007, Yinan Village, as the activity center of fixed places of Christianity, had expanded to six nearby administrative villages, and each village had meeting points, including BZ Beizhuang Village, Yyan Village, YZ​Yanzhuang Village, FT Fotou Village, the location of GJ Ganjing Town and GX (belonging to LY Linyou County, Baoji City, BJ). Among them, Yyan Village and GJ Ganjing Town meeting points have built special churches. The person in charge of the Beizhuang Village meeting point in BZ is the younger brother of HN, the person in charge of the Nancun Christian Church, and the daughter of the person in charge of the Yanzhuang Village meeting point in YZ is a co-worker of the Nancun Church. At the same time, the most important channel for increasing the number of church members is through the influence of family members, followed by kinship, and lastly, neighborhood relations. In Nancun Christian Church, more than 20 mothers and daughters believe in religion at the same time, and more than 30 sisters believe in religion together. That is, the network relationship of blood and marriage constitutes the network foundation of Christian culture. In the process of the expansion of the church, the network function of blood relationship and marriage relationship was once again confirmed. The attribute of “different order pattern” in the rural society where peasant believers live still plays an important role [8]26-30. The social functions of Christianity and the attributes of rural society are integrated together, which has played a role in promoting the further spread of Christianity.

  1. The daily operation and practice of “quasi-autonomy”

The process of modern Christianity, initially as a foreign culture, gaining a foothold and spreading in the vast rural society of China is actually a process of its gradual integration and evolution with the rural social culture. As mentioned earlier, Christianity, which was initially directly or indirectly intervened by grassroots representatives of the state, has gradually evolved into a house church with a space for independent activities. How to understand the practice form of Nancun Christian Church needs to be understood and analyzed from its daily operation process.

(1) Activities and ceremonies of daily gatherings

  1. Learn to sing hymns in groups. When worshiping every Sunday, believers do not come every time and arrive on time every time. Generally, there are more people participating in the slack period, and the number of believers is usually between 70 and 80. When they first arrived, all believers stood up, sang hymns in unison, and sang while clapping. The rhythm is well-proportioned and full of melody. Believers with farmers as the main body appear in the daily life scenes of rural society with rare neat and orderly activities. Every believer is gradually integrated into a harmonious, harmonious and joyful atmosphere.

After the hymn, a co-worker randomly leads other believers to pray collectively, and a co-worker in the church recites the prayer.

  1. Preaching: Witnessing. Preaching is the second major part of worship. Among the co-workers, believers who have a certain level of knowledge, are familiar with the Bible and have good eloquence will preach for everyone. According to the author’s observation, one of the preaching believers only went to the fifth grade of elementary school. In the process of preaching, believers who preach sometimes use analogies, give examples, or use parallelism and rhetorical questions. What most believers agree with is “to bear witness”, that is, to give examples of being influenced by God in secular life. After each instance was explained, other believers were amazed.
  2. Prayer: Pray for “sinners”. At this time, all believers closed their eyes and prayed individually. Others fell on their knees, weeping, hoping for divine revelation or punishment for their sins.
  3. Trade unions. The service ends around 12 o’clock, and at the end, the staff of the church often stay behind to collectively discuss how to deal with the church’s recent affairs, which village or which sister’s house that has recently suffered misfortune needs to go to the gathering to pray. In fact, prior to this, HN and other governors had already decided that the meeting was just to announce the result. For example, every summer, HN and others designate individual sisters among the co-workers to go to some churches in Xi’an for exchange and study.

(2) Overall arrangements for large gatherings

Nancun Christian Church meets twice a year, in July of the Gregorian calendar and before and after the Lantern Festival, each time for about three days. The main content is to invite believers from other places to preach for all believers. The transportation expenses of these believers are borne by Nancun Christian Church. Usually during these few days, believers from other nearby meeting places will come. There are also organized believers to learn dance, watch discs and perform programs. The Christian Church has its own 29-inch color TV and disc player. These discs were obtained during the study and exchange in Xi’an, such as “Exodus”, “Ruan Zhiming” and “Science and Religion”.

During the Lantern Festival in 2008, Nancun Christianity invited believers from Jingyang County, JY, and a band composed of about 15 members to perform [7]. These programs are adapted from the “Bible” and “Anthology of Canaan Poems”. There are dances, solos and allegro, in various forms, and the content is easy to understand. Although the roads were muddy after the heavy snow melted, farmers from nearby villages who did not believe in God also came to watch the “lively”. Among them were an 80-year-old man with white hair like snow, young women and young men with babies in their arms, as well as the party secretaries, directors and group leaders of several villages.

During meetings, it is necessary to solve living problems such as food and lodging for believers who come from afar. Therefore, the church has a special person responsible for cooking and fetching water [8]. Firewood, rice, oil, salt, flour, vegetables, meat and eggs are generally brought by believers from their homes on their own initiative, and a small part is purchased through the market. Regarding accommodation, the person in charge of the church will arrange for all the “brothers and sisters” to live in the homes of believers in Nancun Honcun. During this period of expenses, in addition to the usual fundraising, believers from other villages and towns in Y Yongshou County who came to exchange donated 50 yuan or 100 yuan.

During this process, representatives at the grassroots level allowed Christianity to operate normally within a certain range with the acquiescence of “no support, no opposition”. According to church leader HN and other believers, “In the past, people from the United Front Work Department, the Civil Affairs Bureau, and the Three-Self Patriotic Committee came to inspect the gathering, but now they basically don’t come.” The deputy secretary of the Party Committee of GJ Ganjing Town believes: “The number of rural Christian believers The characteristic is that there are more than three, many old people, many women, many illiterates, and its activities are easy to understand, suitable for all ages, and mainly for entertainment, so there is no need to worry about the negative impact of rural Christian churches.” [9] The Civil Affairs Bureau in charge of religion put The distribution of religions in Y Yongshou County is identified as “Western Buddhism and Eastern Religion”. In fact, the author has learned from long-term research that there is only one Buddhism in the west of Yongshou County in Y, while Christianity is widely distributed in the east and west. Y Yongshou County Christian Church and the Civil Affairs Bureau jointly formulated the informer system, the purpose of which is to “understand and grasp the situation of religious activities at the grassroots level” [10], and it is stipulated that each informer must report the situation twice a month. There are no restrictive or punitive measures for Nancun’s conversion from a Christian church to a house church.

The external environment of Nancun Christianity has become more and more relaxed, gradually forming an independent activity space. As long as it continues to serve the needs of farmers in rural areas as spiritual sustenance and comfort, entertainment in leisure time, and social interaction, it will still show a tendency to spread and expand around. The process of Nancun Christian churches spreading to house churches shows that they actively seek contact with the outside world and have acquired a certain degree of “autonomousness” and “self-organization ability”. The reason why Christianity can expand in Nancun and more villages with the help of the above-mentioned network relations, and has a primary organizational form, is the biggest reality that runs through it: Nancun Christian believers formed and developed in the countryside. The first identity of believers is farmers, and secondly That is the identity of a Christian.

Fan Lizhu’s anthropological investigations in Hebei and Shaanxi have shown that “the widespread folk belief activities in rural areas contain a wealth of governance functions for social public welfare activities” [9]. The Nancun Christian Church was jointly established by internal members and outside believers, with little intervention from national grassroots representatives. Although it has a preliminary “autonomous” color, the behavior of believers is only within the scope of the church, and has not entered the wider rural public domain. Believers can “actively and generously donate” in the church, but as farmers, it is difficult to see similar behavior in the collective affairs of the village outside the church. Shi Gaoning also holds the same view on the research on the social service scope of Christian churches. Therefore, the logic of thinking and action of Christian believers in Nancun is not consistent with the logic of peasant identity and action. The root of this contradiction lies in the believers’ peasant attributes.

  1. Conclusion and Discussion

This article examines the origin of Christianity in Nancun, Guanzhong area, and the process of its transformation into a house church. Although it is difficult to infer the practice of rural Christianity in a wider range because of the characteristics of the case study itself, it is not difficult to see from the preliminary research results of this paper that the reason why farmers join Christian churches is that the majority of farmers in rural areas currently have culture, entertainment However, due to the constraints of the service concept and service ability of the grassroots state power, it is difficult to meet the complex and diverse needs of farmers by relying on formal systems and organizations. The social space and psychological needs of farmers are limited. When there is a lack of service subjects, Christianity can just fill in with its own social functions. After that, Christianity took advantage of the geographical and blood relationship of peasant believers in rural society to form a certain ability of self-organization and self-government, and further spread and expanded. In the process, because farmers identified themselves as members of house churches, under the default attitude of “no support, no opposition” from the grassroots representatives of the country, there was almost no direct relationship between house churches and grassroots representatives of the country.

Whether it is Christianity under the guidance of the state or the converted house church, its basic social functions have not undergone fundamental changes. In order to meet the multiple needs of farmers, it embeds the social functions of religion in various institutional functions of the state in the countryside. Embedding is because the fundamental nature of the state and Christianity is different, and the social division of labor and its social functions are also different, and the positive social functions it plays are obviously related to the current shortage of public goods such as culture, education, and medical care provided by the state in the countryside. related. This embedding, therefore, carries with it the initiative of Christianity itself. In the process of Christian believers transforming their identification with political power into identification with theocracy, their own negativity has not been interfered and controlled by the grassroots state power, but has been acquiesced to a certain extent by it. It can be seen from this that the embedding of functions and the alienation of norms together constitute the current practice form of rural Christianity.

Although Christianity has positive social functions, it also has strong conservatism and exclusiveness. “You can donate money to Jesus, but you will not donate money to the public affairs of the village collective, because that is a secular matter.” Obviously, the positive role of rural Christianity is only limited within a limited range, and cannot play a larger role in society. service role. This logic of thinking and behavior of believers reflects the fact that their own identities, that is, the separation and ambiguity of “farmers” and “Christians” exist. At the same time, due to the characteristics of rural believers, the fundamental reason why Christianity is in a marginal and non-mainstream social position is that it is doomed that after Christianity is transformed into a “house church”, the state can tolerate and acquiesce in this “alienated” state. exist. Still starting from the mixed identity of “peasant believers”, although they have a preliminary “self-organization” and “autonomous” color, they are not yet able to develop into the backbone of modern civil society.

“We must actively guide religions to adapt to socialist society. This is a scientific judgment made by our party based on the basic national conditions of the primary stage of socialism and summarizing the successful experience of religious work since the founding of New China. It is the correct direction for the development of religion in our country.” [10] In the current practice of Christianity, if the country cannot provide effective public goods for rural development through formal institutions, the trend of Christianity’s proliferation will continue. Therefore, under the institutional guarantee of new rural construction and the realistic demands of building a harmonious society, the state and Christianity should compete on an equal footing, actively assume the responsibility for the material and cultural needs of the vast number of farmers, and build a modern civil society that is conducive to the budding and The institutional environment for growth, to accommodate the sound development of society with the perfection of the system.


[1] During the writing process of this article, the names of places and people have been dealt with, and the responsibility for the article is at your own risk.
【2】Institutional Christianity refers to Christian activity places officially approved by government departments. On the other hand, house churches are meeting places set up by Christian believers themselves, and they have not yet obtained legitimacy.
【3】Refer to: 1982 Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, “Basic Viewpoints and Basic Policies on Religious Issues in my country’s Socialist Period”.
【4】Co-workers: Christians who work in the same way as God generally refer to more devout and faithful believers.
【5】According to the author’s observation, the house where the interviewee lives is about 50 square meters, and there are twenty or thirty small stools in the house. According to them, these are prepared for the gathering of believers. Every Wednesday and Friday night, 20 or 30 people from nearby villages come to the interviewee’s home to pray and worship together.
【6】Wrecking the paper basin is an important and indispensable ceremony for burying the elderly in the Guanzhong area. Generally, the son or other heir of the old man will drop the paper money containing ashes from the top of his head at the intersection of the funeral. Musicians refer to those who play suona and other music for the deceased.
【7】After inviting believers from Jingyang County to form a band to perform in February 2008, Nancun Church decided to form its own band. Roles are assigned according to member registration, and then people are sent to Xi’an to buy musical instruments, which are currently being rehearsed.
