1. 最好不要带笔记本电脑和安卓手机进入中国。你可以入境后暂借家人朋友的电脑,可以提前买一个便宜安卓机随身备用。苹果手机安全性未知,但也最好别拿着进海关。
2. 入关时要删除设备里所有墙内不能访问的app,注销并抹除设备上的google/iCloud/windows账号,本地保留通讯录只保留中国联系人。
3. 只要上了中国航空公司的飞机就不要再显露任何翻墙软件,墙外社媒和通信软件,白纸运动后这类app是监控重点。
4. 如果你的墙外网络身份有一定可见度,不要去猜测自己是否触犯敏感点,中宣部自己都预测不了。直接假设自己可能被检测被识别被挂,做身份隔离,停留期间只用小号(身土不二原则)。
5. 一定要准备好VPN。中国网络长城已经近似白名单制,你的学校、政府、票务、水电煤气网站都可能已经被屏蔽,Gmail更不要想,墙禁止跨境联系到人。
6. 一定要准备至少2条VPN。中国严厉审查墙内的翻墙相关内容,白纸运动后几乎不留死角,于是形成悖论:你得先能翻墙才能获得翻墙工具。所以至少要2条。
7. 解决前几条之间冲突:入境时设备不能有翻墙软件→进去后翻不出来。因为墙屏蔽了谷歌几乎所有的IP,安卓机不装翻墙软件,进墙后便无法再通过play商店取得,你可以将软件的APK文件改后缀加密传到墙内网盘,墙内邮件草稿箱。iPhone海外版app store和icloud未被屏蔽,可在便签记密码,和重新下载翻墙app
8. windows海外版账号的云服务墙内也可正常使用。进墙后可以登录并恢复你的数据。
9. 不做VPN推荐,但目前广告打得响的主流商业VPN都没问题。不要信社交网络上水军的VPN广告和youtuber的广告,搜谷歌看高频出现的就行。
10. 如果喜欢硬件翻墙的,可以带一个soft router(mini PC)回去,墙内很难买到了
11. 如果你的身份不足硬(比如美国护照、配偶绿卡),而是还没完全润出去的新版反间谍法完美受害者比如学生、工签等,需知悉即使是仅仅翻墙,不需要知道你墙外说了什么,也构成犯罪,可以google”翻墙罪”,中国数字空间的词条记录了很多案例。最近中国也加大了翻墙违法的宣传。
12. 所以在中国停留期间你需要尽量少登录你的墙外数字身份,做身份隔离,并且使用备用机,第二备用机,这样可以逃过中国警方除了上门逮捕以外的审讯,比如威胁你去派出所报道“协助调查”等。
13. 注意墙内过往言论,微博“仅半年可见”功能的背景是敏感点不可捉摸,挖坟政审大举报大猎巫。而如今全中国公民个人隐私都泄露得差不多了,加上网络实名制,所有账号都几乎是透明的。如果你之前别管10年还是20年发表过近期“北极鲇鱼”姐那样的挑衅内容,都有被举报后无法出境的风险。注意关闭墙内账号
14. 注意3年来新产生的文化差异。比如不要在公开场合佩戴任何其他国家和其他文化元素的衣物饰品,参见星条旗披肩女子晨练被围攻和全国多地的围攻穿着日本元素(包括被误认为的)的人。
15. 不要中文夹杂英语,这不酷,也不是努力表达自己的坦诚,而是典型境外势力的标志。在公共场合这样说话会遭到围攻
16. 注意无孔不入的非必要的个人隐私收集,比如扫脸支付,最后会通知到公安,造成你之前的户籍、国籍模糊状态被取消。而如果你的身份不硬,比如政治庇护受益者,就会被收缴护照造成无法出境(这种情况可以办理所在国的旅行证做双保险)
17. 小心虚拟身份被送中。在中国使用苹果iCloud, office online,paypal和airbnb时不要绑定中国身份、手机号和支付方式,这些公司在中国区的数据是与世隔绝的,服务条款有排他性,一旦送中则无法迁回。
Points to note when returning to China during summer vacation
Many Chinese-Americans, Chinese-Canadians and Chinese will return to China this month for the first summer vacation after China ends its zero-zero policy. Let’s wait and see how many more people will be held hostage by China. The following are some points to note, and at the end, a list of active submissions is attached.
- It is best not to bring laptops and Android phones into China. You can temporarily borrow the computers of family and friends after you enter the country, and you can buy a cheap Android phone in advance as a backup. The safety of Apple mobile phones is unknown, but it is best not to take them into customs.
- When entering customs, delete all inaccessible apps in the device, log out and erase the google/iCloud/windows account on the device, and only keep Chinese contacts in the local contact list.
- As long as you get on the plane of China Airlines, don’t reveal any circumvention software, social media and communication software outside the wall. After the white paper movement, such apps will be the focus of monitoring.
- If your online identity outside the wall has a certain degree of visibility, don’t guess whether you have violated a sensitive point, the Central Propaganda Department can’t even predict it. Directly assume that you may be detected, identified and hanged, do identity isolation, and only use a trumpet during your stay (principle of individuation).
- Be sure to have a VPN ready. The Great Wall of China Internet is already close to a whitelist system. Your school, government, ticketing, water, electricity and gas websites may have been blocked, let alone Gmail, the wall prohibits contacting people across borders.
- Be sure to prepare at least 2 VPNs. China strictly censors content related to circumvention of the wall, and there are almost no dead ends left after the white paper movement, thus forming a paradox: you must first be able to circumvent the wall before you can get the tool for circumventing the wall. So at least 2 are required.
- Solve the conflict between the first few items: the device cannot have firewall software when entering the country → it cannot be turned out after entering. Because the wall shields almost all IPs of Google, the Android machine does not install the firewall software, and after entering the wall, it can no longer be obtained through the play store. You can change the suffix of the software APK file and encrypt it to the network disk in the wall, and the email draft in the wall box. The app store and icloud of the iPhone overseas version are not blocked, you can write down the password in the note, and re-download the over the wall app
- The cloud service wall of the Windows overseas version account can also be used normally. After entering the wall, you can log in and restore your data.
- No VPN recommendation, but the current mainstream commercial VPNs with good advertisements are no problem. Don’t believe the VPN advertisements of trolls and youtuber advertisements on social networks, just search Google to see the ones that appear frequently.
- If you like hardware over the wall, you can bring a soft router (mini PC) back, it is difficult to buy inside the wall
- If your identity is not strong enough (such as a U.S. passport, spouse’s green card), but is a perfect victim of the new version of the anti-espionage law that has not been fully exploited, such as a student, a work permit, etc., you need to know that even if you are just over the wall, you don’t need to know What you say outside the wall also constitutes a crime, you can google “crime of overcoming the wall”, and the entries in China’s digital space record many cases. Recently, China has also stepped up propaganda about the violation of the firewall.
- Therefore, during your stay in China, you need to log in to your digital identity outside the wall as little as possible, do identity isolation, and use a backup machine, a second backup machine, so that you can escape interrogation by the Chinese police other than door-to-door arrest, such as threatening you to go to The police station reported “assisting in the investigation” and so on.
- Pay attention to the past comments on the wall. The background of Weibo’s “only visible for half a year” function is that sensitive points are elusive. But now the personal privacy of all Chinese citizens is almost leaked, and with the Internet real-name system, all accounts are almost transparent. If you have published provocative content like the recent “Arctic Catfish” sister in the past 10 or 20 years, there is a risk that you will not be able to leave the country after being reported. Pay attention to close the account in the wall
- Pay attention to the new cultural differences in the past 3 years. For example, do not wear any clothing accessories from other countries and other cultural elements in public, see Stars and Stripes shawl women’s morning exercises being besieged and sieges in many places across the country who wear Japanese elements (including those who are mistaken).
- Don’t mix Chinese with English, it’s not cool, and it’s not trying to express your candor, but a typical sign of foreign powers. Talking like that in public will get you mobbed
- Pay attention to all-pervasive non-essential personal privacy collection, such as scanning your face for payment, and the police will be notified in the end, resulting in the cancellation of your previous household registration and nationality ambiguity. And if your identity is not hard, such as a beneficiary of political asylum, your passport will be confiscated and you will not be able to leave the country (in this case, you can apply for a travel permit from the country you are in for double insurance)
- Beware of fake identities being sent. When using Apple iCloud, office online, paypal and airbnb in China, do not bind your Chinese identity, mobile phone number and payment method. The data of these companies in China is isolated from the world, and the terms of service are exclusive. Once sent, they cannot be transferred back .
Reposted from @kycXbkDFTw1rwJq
Take the initiative to send the list
In 2017, Li Mingzhe
In 2021, Zhou Zhoukan was detained by the State Security when he returned to China to visit relatives
In August 2022, Yang Zhiyuan, vice chairman of the Taiwan National Party, was arrested in Wenzhou
In October 2022, Wang Zhan, an environmental protection scholar who advocated Manchuria’s independent residence in Finland, returned to China and was criminally detained
In March 2023, Li Yanhe, the editor-in-chief of Taiwan’s Eight Banners “Fucha”, went to China to visit relatives and was secretly arrested by the CCP’s national security