







刘建超星期二在总部位于纽约的美国外交关系协会(Council on Foreign Relations)出席一场纪念美中建立外交关系45周年的公开活动上说,台湾问题是中国核心利益中的核心,是一条“不得越过的红线”。中联部是中国共产党负责党际外交的部门,刘建超也是中共主管外交的中央外事工作委员会办公室副主任。


分析人士认为,刘建超虽然是前资深外交官,但他以中联部部长的身份访美并不寻常。华盛顿资深美中关系专家、德国马歇尔基金会印太项目主任葛来仪(Bonnie Glaser)表示,有传言称刘建超可能会出任中国外交部长。日本《日经亚洲》(Nikkei Asia)星期二也在一篇文章里说,刘建超是下一任中国外长最有力的竞争者。










全球最大政治风险咨询公司欧亚集团(Eurasia Group)发布的《2024年世界头号风险》报告提到了美中之间可能发生的危机。报告说,今年将是美中关系的又一个动荡之年,一些刺激因素有可能破坏双方在2023年实现的关系解冻,而首先就是台湾的总统大选。如果赖清德赢得大选,北京将采取积极的军事和经济措施来阻止他的独立野心。而华盛顿的政策制定者将做出回应,对台湾表示支持。

华盛顿智库战略与国际研究中心(CSIS)中国研究副主任麦艾维(Lily McElwee)在该中心主办的一场有关台湾大选的媒体吹风会上表示,华盛顿也意识到台湾大选可能会对美中关系造成的影响。她说:“我认为,基本上我们在关注赖清德胜选所带来的担忧,我们要为北京加强对台军事和经济压力做好准备。而对于侯友宜,这并不是官方的立场,我认为人们担心的是,对台湾未来的防卫能力和防务投资的影响,因为改善与中国的关系会被提上日程。”


分析人士预测,如果民进党候选人赖清德赢得大选,中国将在选后的几个星期或者几个月内举行军事演习,可能与之前解放军在2022年8月时任美国众议院议长南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)访台和2023年4月台湾总统蔡英文过境美国后所采取的行动类似。




刘建超的这番表现也与欧亚集团总裁兼创办人伊恩·布雷默(Ian Bremmer)对中国在2024年的表现预测一致。 他此前表示,中国最近因国内经济面临严峻挑战而发起的魅力外交攻势(charm offensive)很可能会在2024年继续。但他相信,这只是一种战术性的退让,并不真正反映习近平改变了他的初衷。由于中国的经济困境不会很快得到改善,因此北京很可能会继续其在地缘政治上规避风险的策略。



























Pan Gongsheng, Lan Fo’an, Zhou Liang, Liu Jianchao: Wang Qishan regains control of China’s financial and diplomatic powers. Xi Jinping has accepted the reality that the DPP will be re-elected. Li Qiang and He Lifeng stood aside while Wen Jiabao and Liu He were chased and beaten by Xi Jinping

Hello everyone,
Today I will talk to you about 3 topics
The first topic is
Wang Qishan’s direct descendant Liu Jianchao will succeed Wang Yi as China’s Foreign Minister
The second topic is
Although the new central bank governor Pan Gongsheng comes from the background of Zhou Xiaochuan and Wen Jiabao, he is also a financial helper.
He also has Wang Qishan’s background
The three major factions of the financial gang, Zhou Xiaochuan, Wang Qishan, and Liu He
Xi Jinping is now suppressing Wen Jiabao and Liu He and promoting Wang Qishan
Finance Minister Lan Fo’an is former Finance Minister Liu Kun’s long-term subordinate in Guangdong.
Liu Kun is from Wang Qishan, which is equivalent to Lan Foan being from Wang Qishan.
Wang Qishan’s secretary Zhou Liang is the deputy director of the State Administration of Financial Supervision.
Now Wang Qishan’s subordinate at the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Liu Jianchao, will take over as China’s foreign minister.
Why does this happen

The third topic is that the timing of everything is Xi Jinping’s visit to San Francisco
Including China’s interference in Taiwan’s election, the appointment of China’s Finance Minister, and the appointment of new Foreign Minister Liu Jianchao
All after Xi Jinping’s visit to San Francisco

The first topic is

Wang Qishan’s direct descendant Liu Jianchao will succeed Wang Yi as China’s Foreign Minister
Let’s look at the news first
Then let me explain what the two most important points are.

As Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election enters the final countdown, Liu Jianchao, director of the International Liaison Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, who is considered likely to become China’s new foreign minister, leads a delegation to visit the United States. Liu Jianchao shouted at a seminar on Tuesday (January 9, 2024) that Washington should not cross the “red line” on the Taiwan issue. Prior to this, a well-known U.S. political risk consulting firm said on Monday that Taiwan’s presidential election in 2024 may undermine the short-term stability that the leaders of the United States and China brought to relations between the two countries in November last year.

Candidate for new foreign minister? Are you here to control U.S.-China relations after the Taiwan election?

Speaking at a public event commemorating the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China at the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations on Tuesday, Liu Jianchao said that the Taiwan issue is at the core of China’s core interests and is a “barrier that must not be crossed.” red line”. The International Department of the CPC Central Committee is the department responsible for inter-party diplomacy of the Communist Party of China. Liu Jianchao is also the deputy director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission, which is in charge of diplomacy.

Liu Jianchao said: “The United States and China have been in contact for a long time, and both sides are very clear about each other’s core interests and uncrossable red lines. For China, the Taiwan issue is the core of core interests and a red line that cannot be crossed.” He also said, China takes seriously the U.S. statement that it does not support Taiwan’s independence and hopes that “the U.S. will honor this commitment.”

Analysts believe that although Liu Jianchao is a former senior diplomat, his visit to the United States as head of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is unusual. Bonnie Glaser, a senior Washington-based expert on U.S.-China relations and director of the Indo-Pacific Program at the German Marshall Fund, said there are rumors that Liu Jianchao may become China’s foreign minister. Japan’s Nikkei Asia also said in an article on Tuesday that Liu Jianchao is the most powerful contender to be the next Chinese foreign minister.

As the head of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, Liu Jianchao should not come to the United States unless he has inter-party exchanges with the Republican and Democratic parties in the United States. But this is impossible. Therefore, Liu Jianchao’s task is to talk to the United States about post-election control in Taiwan. question.

Democratic Progressive Party presidential candidate and current Taiwan Vice President Lai Ching-te is generally favored by all parties and is considered the favorite to win the January 13 presidential election. He said on Tuesday that if elected, he would maintain the status quo across the Taiwan Strait, seek peace through strength, and be open to contact with Beijing on the premise of equality and dignity. But Beijing accuses Lai of being a “Taiwan independence” separatist and warns that any attempt to push for Taiwan’s formal independence would mean conflict.

When asked how Beijing would respond if Lai Ching-te wins the election, Liu Jianchao, head of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, said that China’s position on the Taiwan issue is clear, firm and unchanged.

China steps up civil and military attacks on Taiwan
In recent days, China has stepped up its civil and military attacks on Taiwan. On Tuesday (January 9, 2024), Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense sent several national-level air defense alert text messages to the mobile phones of all Taiwanese people, telling the public that a satellite launched by China that day flew over southern Taiwan, and called on the public to pay attention to safety. The initial English translation of the alert said “missiles” flew over the southern part of the island, but Taiwanese officials quickly corrected the error. Over the past few months, Chinese officials have described Taiwan’s upcoming presidential election as a choice between peace and war, suggesting the risks of conflict would escalate if the Democratic Progressive Party wins again after eight years in power.

Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu called China’s satellite launch part of a campaign of harassment against Taiwan. When Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense issued a mobile phone warning about China’s satellite launch, Joseph Wu was holding a press conference for dozens of foreign reporters. He said that China’s satellite launches, like previous balloon releases, are harassment to Taiwan. “All these tactics are defined as gray zone behavior and are a continuing reminder to the Taiwanese people of the danger of war between Taiwan and China,” Joseph Wu told a press conference.

Prior to this, China’s air balloons frequently entered Taiwan’s airspace and even flew over it. Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense also pointed out on Tuesday that in the 24 hours before 6 a.m. on January 9, 2024, four Chinese airborne balloons were again detected crossing the central line of the Taiwan Strait, and two of the balloons flew over Taiwan’s main island. Glaser of the German Marshall Fund said Beijing’s move was clearly a clear signal to Taiwanese voters. “Beijing wants to warn the people of Taiwan that voting for the DPP will lead to more tense cross-strait relations,” she said. “I think this is one of the ways Beijing interferes in Taiwan’s elections.”

In the field of economy and trade, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce of China stated on the evening of January 9, 2024 that further measures are being studied to suspend tariff concessions for products such as agriculture, fishery, machinery, auto parts, and textiles from Taiwan. This is another step after taking such measures on some petrochemical products from Taiwan starting from January 1, 2024. A statement from the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said that since the announcement, the DPP authorities have not taken any effective measures to lift trade restrictions on the mainland. Instead, they have engaged in political manipulation in an attempt to frame the situation and avoid responsibility.

U.S.-China relations may be affected by Taiwan election
The “World’s Top Risks in 2024” report released by Eurasia Group, the world’s largest political risk consulting firm, mentioned the possible crisis between the United States and China. The report said that this year will be another turbulent year for U.S.-China relations. Some stimulating factors may undermine the thaw of relations between the two sides in 2023, and the first is Taiwan’s presidential election. If Lai wins the election, Beijing will take aggressive military and economic measures to thwart his independence ambitions. And policymakers in Washington will respond by expressing support for Taiwan.

Lily McElwee, deputy director of China studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Washington think tank, said at a media briefing on the Taiwan election hosted by the center that Washington is also aware that the Taiwan election may have an impact on U.S.-China relations. the impact caused. She said: “I think basically we are paying attention to the concerns caused by Lai Ching-te’s victory, and we need to be prepared for Beijing to increase military and economic pressure on Taiwan. As for Hou Youyi, this is not the official position, and I think people The concern is the impact on Taiwan’s future defense capabilities and defense investments, as improving relations with China will be put on the agenda.”

McAvoy also said that resolving the U.S.-China crisis triggered by the Taiwan election requires intensive diplomatic efforts. “I think the Biden administration recognizes this: heavy use of communication channels; constant reaffirmation of the importance of peace, stability and the status quo,” she said.

Analysts predict that if Democratic Progressive Party candidate Lai Qingde wins the election, China will hold military exercises in the weeks or months after the election, which may be similar to the PLA’s previous military exercise in August 2022. Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan is similar to the actions taken by Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen after she transited through the United States in April 2023.

Beijing has recently taken advantage of the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China to send messages to Washington, demanding that the United States abide by its commitment to “not support Taiwan independence.” This also highlights that Beijing has no hope that the KMT candidate will win Taiwan’s presidential election.

When Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi delivered a speech at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing on January 9 on the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China, he mentioned that Biden promised at the summit with Chinese leader Xi Jinping in San Francisco last November that the United States “will not support Taiwan independence.” On January 9, Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng delivered a video speech at a Carter Center seminar commemorating the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China, asking the United States to implement its statement that it does not support “Taiwan independence.” He said: “The United States should take concrete actions to abide by the one-China principle and the provisions of the three Sino-US joint communiqués, implement the US leader’s statement that he does not support ‘Taiwan independence’ and does not seek to use the Taiwan issue as a tool to contain China, and work with China to Maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and the overall interests of China-U.S. relations.”

Liu Jianchao also uncharacteristically said on Tuesday that Beijing was not seeking to reshape the global order but rather seek to strengthen cooperation with the United States, a sharp departure from past hawkish comments.

Liu Jianchao’s performance is also consistent with the prediction of China’s performance in 2024 by Ian Bremmer, president and founder of Eurasia Group. He previously said that China’s recent charm offensive (charm offensive) launched due to severe challenges faced by the domestic economy is likely to continue in 2024. But he believes that this is just a tactical concession and does not really reflect Xi Jinping’s change of his original intention. Since China’s economic woes are not expected to improve anytime soon, Beijing is likely to continue its geopolitical risk-aversion strategy.

Liu Jianchao succeeds Wang Yi as China’s new foreign minister.
I think there are two points of concern in this matter.
The first point to note is that Liu Jianchao can speak relatively fluent English.
Liu Jianchao participated in this forum and spoke in English.
In fact, although Qin Gang was arrested, Qin Gang and Liu Jianchao can both speak English.
Although they are not pro-American, they are at least those who know beauty.
From the perspective of Xi Jinping’s appointment of foreign minister
He still wants to have good relations with the United States.
But he can’t find talents. Xi Jinping can’t find the same diplomatic talents as Jiang Zemin.
Doesn’t Xi Jinping want both?
We must kneel down and lick the United States, but we must also respect ourselves
He can’t find a diplomatic talent who can handle Wall Street and the United States.

Second point,

Liu Jianchao is from Wang Qishan’s faction
In September 2015, Liu Jianchao succeeded Fu Kui, who was transferred to the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial Committee and Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, as the head of the International Fugitive and Asset Recovery Office of the Central Anti-Corruption Coordination Group of the CPC Central Committee, the Director of the International Cooperation Bureau of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the Deputy Director of the National Corruption Prevention Bureau (full-time, Deputy Minister level).
The secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection at this time is Wang Qishan.
It is indeed quite rare to go from being a diplomat to serving in the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
In April 2017, Liu Jianchao was appointed Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection
The secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection at this time is Wang Qishan.

In April 2018, Liu Jianchao returned to serve in the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission. In September 2018, official media disclosed that Liu Jianchao had served as deputy director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission.
At this time, the Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was Zhao Leji, and Wang Qishan was semi-retired.

The second topic is
Although the new central bank governor Pan Gongsheng comes from the background of Zhou Xiaochuan and Wen Jiabao, he is also a financial helper.
He also has Wang Qishan’s background
The three major factions of the financial gang, Zhou Xiaochuan, Wang Qishan, and Liu He
Xi Jinping is now suppressing Wen Jiabao and Liu He and promoting Wang Qishan
Finance Minister Lan Fo’an is former Finance Minister Liu Kun’s long-term subordinate in Guangdong.

Let me briefly introduce the three major factions of the Financial Gang.

Among the three major systems, the “central bank system” headed by Zhou Xiaochuan is the strongest, generally having experience studying abroad and having strong academic expertise.
For example, Yi Gang, the former governor of the Central Bank, was a scholar and later worked in the Central Bank for a long time;
Yin Yong, the current mayor of Beijing, and Zhou Xiaochuan were students of Professor Zheng Weimin, the founder of the industrial automation and systems engineering majors at Tsinghua University. In December 2016, he was promoted to become the deputy governor of the central bank;
Li Chao, vice chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, once served as Zhou Xiaochuan’s secretary;
Xuan Changneng, deputy governor of the central bank, was recruited by Zhou Xiaochuan to return to China after receiving his doctorate from the United States. Officials in the “central bank department” have a high degree of international vision and rely on professional knowledge to navigate global finance.

Wang Qishan’s “CCB Department” is based on the old department of China Construction Bank that Wang Qishan used to lead.
Fan Yifei, former deputy governor of the central bank, was arrested
Tian Guoli, Chairman of China Construction Bank, is still in office
Zhao Huan, Secretary of the Party Committee of China Development Bank, is still in office
There are also some cadres who came from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
For example, Zhou Liang, the former vice chairman of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, was previously the deputy secretary-general of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

In addition, there are two other former Guangdong soldiers, Jiang Chaoliang and Liu Kun.
Jiang Chaoliang was born in the financial system and was once the secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee. He was once the favorite to take over the central bank.
Later, he was taken down due to the Wuhan epidemic, but Wang Zhonglin, who took over as Hubei Governor, was single-handedly promoted by Guo Shuqing of the Wang Qishan faction in Shandong. It can be regarded as replacing the Hubei Provincial Governor with the Hubei Provincial Party Committee Secretary.
Liu Kun was re-elected from the National People’s Congress as Minister of Finance, shouldering the important responsibility of managing and controlling local government debt risks. Now that he has just retired, Lam Foan has taken over as Finance Minister.
Lan Fo’an and Liu Kun worked together in Guangdong for many years
It means that Lan Fo’an still has Wang Qishan’s background.
Jiang Chaoliang and Liu Kun assisted Wang Qishan in resolving the bankruptcy of Guangxin in 1999 and cleaning up the financial mess.
And Lu Zhiyuan, whom Lan Fo’an squeezed out, was from Zhao Leji’s faction.

On May 27, 2012, Lu Zhiyuan, then mayor of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, and Wu Jun, secretary of the Party Committee of Suide Normal University, asked Xi Jinping Qixin alumni for their opinions on the design plan of the Suide Normal School History Museum.
Despite this relationship, Lu Zhiyuan still did not take over as Minister of Finance as he wished.
Because Lu Zhi was originally promoted by Zhao Leji, the last king of the Jiang faction.

Maybe I didn’t flatter Qi Xin well back then.

In the “Office of Central Economic Affairs”, in addition to Xi Jinping’s confidant Liu He, who was once the Vice Premier of the State Council in charge of finance, there are also a group of cadres who have worked long-term in the Central Economic Leading Group (renamed the Committee after March 2018) and are distributed to the financial system. ,like
Liu Guoqiang, former deputy governor of the central bank,
Fang Xinghai, former vice chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, etc. In addition, there are also some “dissociated elements”, such as Chen Yulu, the former first deputy governor of the Central Bank, who is a scholar and is said to be an official approved by both Xi Jinping and Wang Qishan.

In June 1998, when the Economic Restructuring Commission (National Economic Structural Reform Commission) officially announced that it would no longer be part of the State Council, Liu He, then executive deputy director of the National Information Center, took the lead and found someone who had emerged from the central bank. Yi Gang and young economist Fan Gang jointly launched the “China Economic 50 Forum”.

In addition to gathering a large number of retired cadres and scholars, such as Song Xiaowu, Cao Yuanzheng, Shi Xiaomin, Li Jiange, Zhang Weiying, Lou Jiwei, Zhou Xiaochuan and other veteran comrades, the forum also included Yi Gang, Guo Shuqing, Han Jun (Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs) Minister), Xiao Jie (Secretary-General of the State Council), Ma Jiantang (Executive Vice President of the National Academy of Administration), Han Wenxiu (Deputy Director of the China Finance Office), Xie Fuzhan (

President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) and other current officials.

Hubei Governor Wang Zhonglin
Finance Minister Lam Phu An
The common feature is that they are all subordinates of Wang Qishan’s subordinates
Wang Zhonglin was promoted by Guo Shuqing, Wang Qishan’s subordinate.
Lan Fo’an is Liu Kun’s long-term subordinate.

The third topic is that the timing of everything is Xi Jinping’s visit to San Francisco
Including China’s interference in Taiwan’s election, the appointment of China’s Finance Minister, and the appointment of new Foreign Minister Liu Jianchao
All after Xi Jinping’s visit to San Francisco

It turned out that Xi Jinping failed to visit San Francisco and was scolded by Biden. He learned from the experience and re-enabled Wang Qishan.
Wang Qishan’s 20 major supporters are Xi Jinping, and now they are back on good terms
Xi Jinping wants to rely on Wang Qishan to regain control of Wall Street.
He Lifeng also stood aside.
Everyone still remembers that before Xi Jinping visited San Francisco
In addition to Wang Yi, He Lifeng also visited the United States
He Lifeng failed to fix the United States for Xi Jinping, and Xi Jinping was very angry

Xi Jinping thinks Li Qiang and He Lifeng are all trash
If we can’t handle the United States, we can only let Wang Qishan come out.
Liu He’s trade war didn’t defeat the United States, and he got too close to Jiang’s Zhao Leji.
Liu He’s son Liu Tianran is doing business with Jiang Faction
Liu He’s brother-in-law, the mayor of Shanghai, is also involved with the Jiang faction.
Both Wen Jiabao and Zhao Leji are targeted by Xi Jinping
Where is Li Qiang and He Lifeng? Although he is loyal to Xi Jinping
But the ability is too poor, and the mud cannot hold up the wall.
In the end, we weigh ability and loyalty.
Your general secretary has reactivated his old gay friend Wang Qishan

China’s economy is in such bad shape, even when Xi Jinping went to San Francisco he was disgraced
After losing face, Xi Jinping turned to Li Qiang, Liu He, and He Lifeng, and Wang Yi took the blame for him.

Equivalent to the rumors of the past week
Although it may all be fake news, and the plot and details may be a bit exaggerated, they are all true and they are all true.
Why do you say that?
Li Qiang’s resignation may be fake and a bit exaggerated, but Xi Jinping’s dissatisfaction with Li Qiang and He Lifeng is true.
It may be fake and a bit exaggerated that Liu He was arrested and beaten by Xi Jinping, but it is true that Xi Jinping is dissatisfied with Liu He and is dissatisfied with the close relationship between Liu He and Zhao Leji.
It may be false that Geng Shuang abandoned the dark side and defected to the United States, but it is true that Geng Shuang failed in the competition for China’s Foreign Minister and Liu Jianchao was promoted to China’s Foreign Minister.

Now that Xi Jinping has reactivated the people of Wang Qishan’s faction,
Trying to repair relations with the United States
So naturally, for the Democratic Progressive Party to be re-elected as the President of Taiwan, the Republic of China
has been accepted as a fait accompli
Xi Jinping dare not impact the existing international order of the United States.

Think about it, did Ke Wenzhe’s $200 million incident happen after Xi Jinping visited San Francisco, USA?
Why is Xi Jinping so stingy, he only offered 200 million US dollars?
Why not $2 billion.

That’s it for today
thank you all
