



第一部分  周度舆情概述    3

第二部分   焦点舆情简析    4

一、商贸领域犯罪频发… 4

1、合同诈骗案频发… 5

2、大连实德迷局… 5

二、非法集资领域案件… 6

1、江阴农行支行长外逃案… 7

2、江苏常熟跑路美女老板身在上海… 9

3、温州金融改革试点… 10

二、两大侵犯知识产权案… 13

1、苹果身陷唯冠与作家维权联盟两重侵权指责… 13

2、美公司抢注中超商标案… 17

第三部分   一周财经要闻    18

1、3月新增信贷或达9000亿元 预计CPI上涨3.2%左右… 18

2、食用油提价 企业“看涨”后市减缓出货… 18

3、逾七成公司分红 营收大增36%净利下降8%. 18

4、全球股市无精打采 美财报季难指望… 19

5、银监会:将继续加强小微企业金融服务… 19

6、银行高利润难掩资产质量下降… 19

7、3月全国楼市 平添一丝暖意… 20

8、经济增速继续放缓 宏观政策有望适度宽松… 20

第一部分  周度舆情概述




关键词:大连实德  江阴农行  温州试点  金融改革  苹果盗版

第二部分   焦点舆情简析

一、 商贸领域犯罪频发














1、 江阴农行支行长外逃案





对此,嘉兴在线原载题为江阴农行行长携巨款出逃 为何能如此顺利?的报导,表达了对银行内部监管制度的不满。报导中提到,孙峰的顺利出逃充分证明,即使经历了余振东出逃案这样不堪回首的案例,至少在银行体系内,对握有重权的官员的监管依然是形同虚设。





值得一提的是,近日饱受负面舆论之苦的江阴农行一方面以最快的速度进行了人事调整,另一方面不断的借助媒体发表正面信息以重塑正面的社会形象,如“ 江阴支行热销传世之宝实物黄金 打造农行特色品牌深耕中小微金融服务 农行江阴支行创新五心服务水平抱团取暖 农行江阴支行化解中小企业融资难题等多篇报导均是近日集中发布,可惜转载数量不能与负面报导的数量相提并论,其危机公关的效用并未达到。


























二、 两大侵犯知识产权案

中国涉及知识产权的诉讼案件数量近几年来持续快速增长。根据最高人民法院公布的数据显示,2010年全国地方法院新收知识产权民事一审案件42931件,比上年增长40.18%;审结知识产权民事一审案件41718件,比上年增长36.74%。在新收案件中,著作权案件24719件,比上年增长61.54%;商标案件8460 件,比上年增长22.5%;专利案件5785件,比上年增长30.82%



以树大招风来形容现在的苹果公司再合适不过了。尽管4S、new iPad放慢了创新的脚步,但仍然挡不住创纪录的销量,随之而来的新麻烦就是商标权与版权。

2011年12月,深圳市中级人民法院就美国苹果公司诉唯冠科技(深圳)有限公司商标权权属纠纷案作出一审判决,原告苹果公司败诉,并确定系争iP ad商标权属于被告深圳唯冠。由于苹果iP ad在中国市场所获得的商业成功,本案引起了广泛的社会关注。

据悉,被告深圳唯冠是唯冠国际集团旗下子公司,于2001年经注册获得了iP ad商标在我国内地的商标专用权。而唯冠国际集团旗下另一个子公司台湾唯冠于2000年在多个国家和地区分别注册了iP ad商标。2009年,在苹果公司推出iPad产品之前,一家英国公司与台湾唯冠达成协议,台湾唯冠将其iPad全球商标以3 .5万英镑的价格转让给该公司,此后该公司又以10万英镑的价格将iPad全球商标转让给苹果公司。

但当苹果公司在中国大陆销iPad时,深圳唯冠方面提出:台湾唯冠与深圳唯冠为两个独立的公司,台湾唯冠无权处分属于深圳唯冠的商标权,iPad在中国大陆的商标权属于深圳唯冠,而非苹果公司。为此,苹果公司起诉深圳唯冠,要求判决iP ad商标直接归苹果公司所有。在一审中,深圳市中院驳回了原告诉讼请求,并判定iP ad商标属于深圳唯冠。(图四)


然而,正当苹果身陷iPad商标权纠纷未得解脱之时,3月15日,苹果的应用商店又成了公益组织作家维权联盟的“重点关照对象”。在苹果的应用商店App Store中,有很多制作成应用程序的电子书,读者可以以很便宜的价格甚至免费下载到自己的终端上阅读。然而,这些书的作者却拿不到一分钱的分成。换句话说,苹果的应用商店里在贩卖盗版电子书。

在App Store中涉嫌侵权的电子书程序总共有近百部,书的价格从几元到十几元不等,甚至免费。在这些电子书热卖时,所得收入却和作者半毛钱关系都没有。为此,作家维权联盟在今年3·15之际向苹果公司索赔5000万元人民币。
















第三部分   一周财经要闻

1、3月新增信贷或达9000亿元 预计CPI上涨3.2%左右


2、食用油提价 企业“看涨”后市减缓出货


3、1409份已公布上市公司2011年报显示:逾七成公司分红 营收大增36%净利下降8%


4、全球股市无精打采 美财报季难指望







7、3月全国楼市 平添一丝暖意


8、经济增速继续放缓 宏观政策有望适度宽松













Public Opinion Analysis Weekly Report of the Economic Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security March 26, 2012 – April 8, 2012
Public Opinion Analysis Weekly Report of the Economic Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security

March 26, 2012 – April 8, 2012

 Table of contents

Part I Overview of Weekly Public Opinion 3

Part II Brief Analysis of Focus Public Opinion 4

  1. Frequent crimes in the business sector… 4
  2. Frequent cases of contract fraud… 5
  3. Dalian Shide puzzle… 5
  4. Cases in the field of illegal fund-raising… 6
  5. The escape case of Jiangyin Agricultural Bank branch chief… 7
  6. The boss of Changshu, Jiangsu, who runs the road, is in Shanghai… 9
  7. Wenzhou Financial Reform Pilot… 10
  8. Two major intellectual property infringement cases… 13
  9. Apple is caught in double accusations of infringement by Proview and Writers Rights Alliance… 13
  10. US company preemptively registers the Chinese Super League trademark… 17

Part Three Weekly Financial Highlights 18

New credit in January and March may reach 900 billion yuan, and the CPI is expected to rise by about 3.2%… 18

  1. The price increase of edible oil makes the company “bullish” and slows down shipments in the market outlook… 18
  2. More than 70% of companies paid dividends, revenue increased by 36%, and net profit decreased by 8%. 18
  3. The global stock market is sluggish, and the US earnings season is difficult to count on… 19
  4. China Banking Regulatory Commission: Will continue to strengthen financial services for small and micro enterprises… 19
  5. Banks’ high profits cannot hide the decline in asset quality… 19

In July and March, the national property market added a touch of warmth… 20

  1. Economic growth continues to slow down, and macro policies are expected to be moderately loose… 20

Part I Weekly Public Opinion Overview
In this monitoring cycle, “Xinhua Data” conducted key monitoring on more than 800 mainstream print media in mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, 300 large-scale websites, and forums and blogs of 26 well-known websites. There are 8,002 pieces of public opinion information within the scope, including 7,347 pieces of various case reports, 168 pieces of financial and economic reports, 51 pieces of special reports on the battle of solving crimes, and 436 pieces of other types of information such as case news and early warning information. (Figure 1)

From the monitoring data of domestic major economic crime cases, a total of 7,347 related news reports were monitored, among which cases in the commercial and trade field received the highest degree of media attention. The number of related news reports was 2,677, including 148 original reports and 2,529 Reprinted reports accounted for 34.4% of the relevant information on criminal cases; followed by criminal cases in the field of illegal fund-raising, the number of related news reports was 1,855, including 92 original reports and 1,763 reprinted reports, accounting for 25.2% of the number of case reports; Regarding intellectual property cases, the number of related news reports was 1,276, including 67 original reports and 1,209 reprinted reports. (Figure II)

Judging from the content of the reports, the media’s dissemination of economic crime cases has a clear focus. The fields of business and trade, illegal fund-raising and intellectual property have become the most concentrated areas of media reports, with the number of reports exceeding a thousand. In the last issue, MLM and financial fields, which received more media attention, performed flatly in this issue, and the number of reports remained at more than 500.

Keywords: Dalian Shide, Jiangyin Agricultural Bank, Wenzhou pilot, financial reform, Apple piracy

Part II Brief Analysis of Focus Public Opinion

  1. Frequent crimes in the business sector
    This week, a total of 2,677 reports of various crimes in the business field were monitored, ranking first among all crimes. One of the types of crimes that received the most media attention was contract fraud cases. A total of more than 600 related reports were monitored, accounting for this 22.4% of the total number of reports in the field. On the other hand, Xu Ming, chairman of Dalian Shide Group, was investigated by relevant departments for economic cases. There were more than 500 related reports. Investigation is the main thing, and more detailed reports need to be further excavated.
  2. Frequent cases of contract fraud
    There are various types of crimes in the commercial and trade field. During the monitoring period, the contract fraud cases that frequently occurred across the country were the ones that received the most media attention. They are characterized by fabricating facts, concealing the truth, setting Traps and other means to defraud the other party’s property. The number of relevant reports exceeds 600, including a large-scale focus report, which is the largest relocation housing contract fraud case in Beijing. (Picture 3)
  3. Dalian Shide puzzle
    It was confirmed by two independent sources that on the evening of March 15, Xu Ming, chairman of Dalian Shide, was controlled by relevant departments due to alleged economic cases. The subsequent news is that China Construction Bank, which has a close business relationship with Dalian Shide, has begun to pursue Shide’s loan and has stopped lending to it in its entirety. At present, the leading group of the board of directors is led by his elder brother, vice chairman Xu Bin, to act as the chairman of the company. A week later, Chen Chunguo, president of Shide Group, was also investigated.

Industrial and commercial data show that Xu Ming holds 25.3% of the shares of Shide Group, and Chen Chunguo holds 11.5% of the shares. Shide Group ranked 66th among the top 500 private enterprises in China in 2011, with an annual turnover of 12.1 billion yuan.

According to the in-depth investigation report of the “Economic Observer”, Shide Group, a huge multi-industry private enterprise group, officially entered the real estate development industry in 2009, and seems to be facing a huge financial crisis. Real estate has become the chief culprit of Shide’s crisis. . Since last year, Shide Group’s multi-party financing efforts have not achieved good results, while Gordon International (Hong Kong) Investment Co., Ltd., the overseas investment and financing platform of Shide Group, gradually surfaced during the investigation process. Gordon Company plays an extremely critical role in the huge capital operation map of Shide Group.

Hong Kong Gordon has been trying to contact various funds or investment banks and banks that can provide financing and investment for Shide Group’s domestic real estate projects, trying to save the extremely tight real estate projects in China.

It is understood that Shide is currently planning to pledge the equity of Huahui Life Insurance held by its subsidiaries Beijing Fund, Dalian Sande, Dalian Ruide and Dalian Wanpeng to relevant institutions. In the medical industry, Shide is planning to sell its resources. It is reported that Shide is discussing the sale of Shenzhen Longzhu Hospital with China Resources Group, and the two parties have completed several rounds of negotiations.

Since this incident has not been officially confirmed, it has not triggered in-depth commentary reports. According to statistics, during the monitoring period, various media published a total of 26 relevant original reports and reprinted more than 600 reports, including not only comprehensive mass print media in various places, such as “Yangcheng Evening News”, “New Express”, “Sanqin Metropolis Daily, Beijing News, Shenzhen Evening News and Qianjiang Evening News, etc., also include Xinhuanet, People.cn, Sohu.com, Sina.com, Tencent.com, NetEase, Phoenix.com and other current authoritative portal websites. At the same time, the financial and economic media also showed great concern. “21st Century Business Herald”, “Economic Observer”, “Shanghai Securities News”, “Business Weekly”, Finance and Economics National News Network and Daily Economic News Network all participated in the report.

  1. Cases in the field of illegal fund-raising
    In this issue, a total of 1,855 reports related to illegal fund-raising cases were monitored, including 92 original reports and 1,736 reprinted reports. The case of the Jiangyin fortress sub-branch president of the Agricultural Bank of China, which had already received wide media attention last week, continued its strong dissemination trend in this issue, with the number of related reports reaching 687. Another “Changshu beauty” case also had new developments. The suspect was found in Shanghai, which also attracted more than 700 media reports.

At the same time, Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council presided over an executive meeting of the State Council on March 28, and decided to establish the Wenzhou Financial Comprehensive Reform Pilot Zone. The reform plan of the local government of Wenzhou City, which has been brewing for more than five months, has finally been approved for trial implementation. Since then, private finance will be transformed from underground to aboveground, and will be subject to national financial supervision, and will be further standardized, thereby alleviating the high level of economic cases caused by this in areas with developed private economies.

  1. The escape case of the branch manager of the Jiangyin Agricultural Bank of China
    The incident mentioned in the previous report that the president of the Fortress branch of the Jiangyin Agricultural Bank defrauded several relatives and friends of more than 100 million yuan in his own name and fled abroad with his family on December 28 last year triggered a larger scale of public opinion during the monitoring period. The major media have carried out more detailed reports from the perspectives of the suspect’s background, experts and scholars’ remarks, and criminal psychology. Although the official information of the case has not been updated so far, this does not prevent the media from exploring the details of the case. , and heated discussions among netizens.

The background of the criminal suspect (Sun Feng): Sun Feng only had a technical secondary school degree. He was able to enter the Agricultural Bank of China and was promoted quickly because his father, Sun Yucai, had an inseparable relationship with the old president of Jiangyin Agricultural Bank, Xu Linren. Xu Linren, who is nearly 80 years old, once served as the president of Jiangyin Agricultural Bank and is a leading figure in Jiangyin’s financial circle.

Preparations for fleeing: Sun Feng, as the head of the branch, needs to go abroad and needs approval from the Agricultural Bank of China system according to the regulations. However, the police investigation found that Sun Feng has completed the procedures for going abroad. According to an approval form of the Agricultural Bank of China for leaving the country for private reasons obtained by media reporters, the destination, the date of departure and the reason for leaving the country must be filled in when leaving the country. The opinions and signatures of the person in charge of the department, the personnel director of the superior branch, and the branch president are required. Affected by the Sun Feng incident, the main leadership positions of the bank have been adjusted recently, and the original president has resigned.

After Sun Feng escaped, he contacted the case of Yu Zhendong, the former president of Kaiping Sub-branch of the Bank of China, etc. “Why the bank president can escape easily” has once again become a hot topic of public discussion. (From 1993 to 2001, Yu Zhendong, the former president of Kaiping Branch of the Bank of China, and others embezzled and embezzled billions of yuan in public funds, and fled to the United States after committing the crime. Zhendong was deported and sent to China.)

In this regard, Jiaxing Online originally published a report titled “Why did the Jiangyin Agricultural Bank president flee with a huge sum of money so smoothly?”, expressing dissatisfaction with the bank’s internal supervision system. The report mentioned that Sun Feng’s smooth escape fully proved that even after experiencing such an unbearable case as Yu Zhendong’s escape, at least in the banking system, the supervision of officials with great power is still in vain.

Sun Feng’s escape once again sounded the alarm for the loose management of officials in the banking system. If the relevant parties still just reflect on the facts as they were in the case of Yu Zhendong and deal with them in a headache-like manner instead of improving the supervision and supervision mechanism, then similar cases may happen again.

Relevant experts and scholars can’t help expressing their opinions. Chen Xiangmin, director of the Economic Crime Investigation Department of China Criminal Police Academy, has participated in the investigation of many cases of bank employees engaging in financial fraud. It is due to the bank’s lack of effective control and supervision of its internal staff.

In response to this, netizens’ comments were sharper than before. Sina netizen “Versace” even broke the news: Sun Feng held a Singapore passport before he fled. China currently does not recognize dual nationality. When Sun Feng obtains a Singaporean passport, his Chinese citizenship should be revoked, but Sun Feng still serves as the bank president. I don’t know how many Sun Fengs there are in the country?

A netizen named “Dahewang Wu” made a more succinct statement: China’s financial industry is currently facing the problem of too much power at the top. , lawless. Some netizens even angrily identified the major state-owned banks as the behind-the-scenes drivers of the current credit card chaos and private usury.

It is worth mentioning that the Jiangyin Agricultural Bank, which has suffered from negative public opinion recently, has made personnel adjustments at the fastest speed on the one hand, and on the other hand has continuously released positive information through the media to reshape its positive social image, such as “Jiangyin Sub-branch A number of reports have been released recently, such as hot-selling handed down treasures and physical gold to create a unique brand of Agricultural Bank of China”, “deeply cultivating small and medium-sized financial services for Agricultural Bank of China Jiangyin Sub-branch to innovate five-centered service level”, “holding together for warmth, Agricultural Bank of China Jiangyin Sub-branch to resolve financing problems for small and medium-sized enterprises” and so on. Unfortunately, the number of reprints cannot be compared with the number of negative reports, and the effectiveness of its crisis public relations has not been achieved.

  1. The owner of Changshu, Jiangsu, who runs the road, is in Shanghai
    On March 28, Gu Chunfang, the legal representative of Suzhou Kaiweilong Trading Co., Ltd. who “run away” on the evening of March 3 was found in Shanghai.

It is reported that after Gu Chunfang “ran away”, the financing attitudes of banks and bosses have changed, and many local banks no longer approve the joint guarantee loan business. Creditors are also talking about loans.

An official of the Changshu Municipal Party Committee told the media that Changshu is an area where the export-oriented economy and the private economy developed earlier, and it is also the “first brand” of the private economy in Jiangsu Province. In recent years, Changshu has seen a net increase of 7,659 private enterprises, and a net increase of registered capital of private economy of 42.427 billion yuan. The local real economy is dominated by light textiles, clothing, and small electromechanical industries. The industry threshold is low and there are many labor-intensive enterprises. Among the private bosses, people like Zhou Siyang and Gu Chunfang are only a minority, and their living conditions cannot represent the development status of the local private economy.

Gu Chunfang’s recent whereabouts have been widely concerned by the media. The reason behind it is actually that problems in private lending have been happening all the time, and this incident is quite representative. The phenomenon of running away is mainly concentrated in the southeast coastal areas, which is related to the large number of local small and micro enterprises. : With the development of the economy, especially the development of private enterprises, the scale is getting larger and larger, and the demand for funds is also increasing. At the same time, private credit activities, lending activities, and financial activities are becoming more and more active. If there is no one With a good framework of laws and regulations and a good market supervision mechanism, it is very likely that one or another problem will appear during the operation process, and some social conflicts caused by this kind of running away or follow-up problems of borrowing will also appear.

There are 12 main tasks in the “Overall Plan for the Wenzhou Financial Comprehensive Reform Experimental Zone in Zhejiang Province” approved on March 28, many of which involve private lending. Can the relevant local management departments also provide private loans? Borrowing to take the lead in providing a corresponding platform to ensure the maximum safety of this behavior? We will wait and see.

  1. Wenzhou financial reform pilot
    Against the backdrop of the country’s increased rectification of private financial institutions and the frequent occurrence of private lending cases, the once-hot private lending market is rapidly cooling down. Since the beginning of this year, both the central and local governments have intensified efforts to clean up, inspect, and supervise illegal private lending activities, which has a certain deterrent effect on institutions and individuals involved in illegal private lending activities. In Wenzhou, where private lending is more prevalent, according to the monitoring data of local official agencies, the annual interest rate of private lending in Wenzhou has dropped from the previous 25% to the current level. About 21%.

Qi Qi, president of the Zhejiang Higher People’s Court, revealed during this year’s National Two Sessions that the number of private lending cases accepted by Zhejiang courts is on the rise, with 87,741 cases accepted in 2010 and 93,067 in 2011. Due to the attractiveness of usury, a large number of professional moneylenders have emerged in some places, and some investment companies, consulting companies, pawn shops, guarantee companies and other intermediary institutions have also stepped in private lending activities.

Even some bank employees acted as brokers for private lending, taking advantage of the loopholes in bank management to manipulate bank credit funds to flow into the private sector in order to obtain interest margins. Under the pressure of usury, borrowing companies become very vulnerable. Once the capital chain is broken, a series of crises will be triggered.

In this context, Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council presided over an executive meeting of the State Council on March 28 and decided to establish the Wenzhou Financial Comprehensive Reform Pilot Zone.

The meeting pointed out that Wenzhou’s private economy is developed, private funds are abundant, and private finance is active. In recent years, some small and medium-sized enterprises in Wenzhou have experienced capital chain breaks and business owners leaving, which has had a certain impact on economic and social stability. Carrying out comprehensive financial reform, effectively solving outstanding problems in Wenzhou’s economic development, guiding the standardized development of private financing, and improving the ability of finance to serve the real economy are not only crucial to the healthy development of Wenzhou, but also important to the country’s financial reform and economic development. meaning of exploration. The meeting approved the implementation of the “Overall Plan for Comprehensive Financial Reform Pilot Zone in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province”, which requires innovation in systems and mechanisms to build a diversified financial system that matches economic and social development, so that financial services can be significantly improved, and the ability to prevent and resolve financial risks has been significantly enhanced , the financial environment has been significantly optimized, providing experience for the national financial reform.

The meeting determined twelve major tasks for comprehensive financial reform in Wenzhou:

(1) Standardize the development of private financing. Formulate management measures to standardize private financing, establish a private financing record management system, and establish a sound private financing monitoring system.

(2) Accelerate the development of new financial organizations. Encourage and support private funds to participate in the reform of local financial institutions, and initiate the establishment or shareholding of new financial organizations such as village banks, loan companies, and rural mutual aid cooperatives in accordance with the law. Qualified microfinance companies can be restructured into village banks.

(3) Develop professional asset management institutions. Guide private funds to establish venture capital enterprises, equity investment enterprises and related investment management institutions in accordance with the law.

(4) Study and carry out pilot projects of individual overseas direct investment, and explore the establishment of standardized and convenient direct investment channels.

(5) Deepen the reform of local financial institutions. Encourage state-owned banks and joint-stock banks to set up small business credit institutions under the premise of meeting the conditions. Support financial leasing companies and other non-bank financial institutions to conduct business. Promote the shareholding reform of rural cooperative financial institutions.

(6) Innovate and develop financial products and services for small and micro enterprises and “agriculture, rural areas and farmers”, and explore the establishment of a multi-level financial service system. Encourage all banking institutions within the jurisdiction of Wenzhou to increase credit support for small and micro enterprises. Support the development of financial leasing enterprises for small and micro enterprises and “agriculture, rural areas and farmers”. Establish a comprehensive service center for small and micro enterprise financing.

(7) Cultivate and develop local capital markets. Carry out non-listed company share transfers and technology, cultural and other property rights transactions in accordance with laws and regulations.

(8) Actively develop various bond products. Promote more enterprises, especially small and micro enterprises, to obtain financing through the bond market. Establish and improve the re-guarantee system for small and micro enterprises.

(9) Expand the scope of insurance services, innovate and develop insurance products that serve professional markets and industrial clusters, and encourage and support commercial insurance to participate in the construction of the social security system.

(10) Strengthen the construction of the social credit system. Promote the construction of government integrity, business integrity, social integrity, and judicial credibility, and promote the construction of small and micro enterprises and rural credit systems. Strengthen credit market supervision.

(11) Improve the local financial management system, prevent a regulatory vacuum, and prevent systemic and regional risks. Establish a comprehensive statistical system for the financial industry and strengthen monitoring and early warning.

(12) Establish a risk prevention mechanism for comprehensive financial reform. Clearly define the responsibility boundary of local financial management, strengthen and implement the responsibility of local governments to deal with financial risks and maintain local financial stability.

  1. Two major intellectual property infringement cases

The number of litigation cases involving intellectual property rights in China has continued to grow rapidly in recent years. According to the data released by the Supreme People’s Court, in 2010, local courts across the country newly accepted 42,931 first-instance civil intellectual property cases, an increase of 40.18% over the previous year; 41,718 civil first-instance intellectual property cases were concluded, an increase of 36.74% over the previous year. Among the newly accepted cases, there were 24,719 copyright cases, an increase of 61.54% over the previous year; 8,460 trademark cases, an increase of 22.5% over the previous year; 5,785 patent cases, an increase of 30.82% over the previous year.

The sharp rise of intellectual property litigation cases also proves the awakening of Chinese enterprises’ intellectual property awareness from the negative side. During the monitoring period, we monitored a total of 1,276 reports on intellectual property infringement cases, including 67 original reports and 1,209 reprinted reports. The Apple infringement case and the US company’s preemptive registration of the Super League trademark are very eye-catching in many reports, forming a large-scale focus.

  1. Apple is caught in the double infringement accusation of Proview and Writers Rights Alliance

The current Apple company cannot be described as a big tree attracting the wind. Although 4S and the new iPad have slowed down the pace of innovation, they still cannot stop the record-breaking sales, and the new troubles that follow are trademark rights and copyrights.

In December 2011, the Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court made a first-instance judgment on the trademark ownership dispute case between Apple Inc. of the United States and Proview Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. The plaintiff Apple Inc. lost the lawsuit and determined that the IP ad trademark rights in dispute belonged to the defendant Shenzhen Proview Technology Co., Ltd. crown. Due to the commercial success of the Apple iPad in the Chinese market, this case has attracted widespread social attention.

It is reported that Shenzhen Proview, the defendant, is a subsidiary of Proview International Group, and obtained the exclusive right to use the iPad trademark in mainland my country through registration in 2001. Proview Taiwan, another subsidiary of Proview International Group, registered the iPad trademark in several countries and regions in 2000. In 2009, before Apple launched the iPad product, a British company reached an agreement with Taiwan Proview, Taiwan Proview transferred its iPad global trademark to the company at a price of 35,000 pounds, and then the company paid another 100,000 pounds The price will transfer the iPad global trademark to Apple.

However, when Apple sold the iPad in mainland China, Shenzhen Proview pointed out that Taiwan Proview and Shenzhen Proview are two independent companies, and Taiwan Proview has no right to dispose of the trademark rights belonging to Shenzhen Proview. The trademark rights belong to Shenzhen Proview, not Apple. For this reason, Apple sued Shenzhen Proview, demanding that the IP ad trademark be directly owned by Apple. In the first instance, the Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court rejected the plaintiff’s claim and ruled that the IPad trademark belonged to Shenzhen Proview. (Figure 4)

Apple appealed to the Guangdong Provincial Higher People’s Court in January 2012, and the second instance was held on February 29. Although the judgment of the second trial has not yet been pronounced, with the launch of Apple’s new generation of iPad and the visit of Apple’s CEO to China in late March, the social impact of the case has further fermented, and the future direction of the case is of concern. The revelations to come are thought-provoking.

However, just when Apple was caught in the iPad trademark dispute, on March 15, Apple’s App Store became the “key focus” of the non-profit organization Writers’ Rights Protection Alliance. In Apple’s App Store, there are many e-books made into applications, and readers can download them at a very cheap price or even free of charge to read on their own terminals. However, the authors of these books do not get a penny of the cut. In other words, Apple’s app store is selling pirated e-books.

There are nearly a hundred e-book programs suspected of infringement in the App Store, and the price of the books ranges from a few yuan to more than ten yuan, or even free. When these e-books are hot, the income has nothing to do with the author. For this reason, the Writers Rights Protection Alliance claimed 50 million yuan from Apple on the occasion of March 15 this year.

It is worth mentioning that Apple’s response to this incident disappointed the executive of the Writers’ Rights Alliance. The person in charge of Apple once claimed that the Chinese company has no say in this matter, and cannot even express any opinions on this matter to the outside world. It can only wait patiently for the lawyers and relevant people in the US headquarters to give an explanation. However, after the 3.15 rights protection action of the Writers’ Rights Protection Alliance was exposed by the media, it seems to have achieved results. Apple gave its first official reply, “As a company with intellectual property rights, we understand the importance of protecting intellectual property rights. When we receive complaints, we will respond promptly and appropriately.”

Relevant reports have aroused heated discussions among netizens in the past few days. Most netizens expressed their support for the collective rights protection of Chinese writers, and believed that Apple’s infringement may discourage writers’ enthusiasm for creation and affect the healthy development of my country’s original literature.

Some netizens said that rejecting piracy and consciously safeguarding intellectual property rights are the bottom line that any business should stick to. As a world-renowned seller, the Apple App Store not only failed to take the lead, but touched the bottom line and became a pioneer of piracy. It can be seen from this incident that Apple only regards China as a sales market with broad prospects, and leaves the protection of intellectual property rights of Chinese citizens behind.

Hualong.com’s comment titled “Don’t Let “Apple” Become a Platform for Intellectual Property Infringement” stated that no matter how the information communication technology is upgraded, the talent and knowledge of writers are still the core elements of literary creation, and the value of their creative labor must be reflected. Even if Apple distributes these works for free, it should be authorized by the authors. Apple infringes on the rights and interests of Chinese writers, and responds slowly after receiving complaints. It is neither in line with business ethics nor the spirit of copyright protection, and it is inconsistent with the innovative ideas it has always advocated. It should be severely punished by law.

Some netizens said that the current electronic publishing industry still has problems such as insufficient protection of intellectual property rights, and the legislative process should be accelerated, the crackdown on various piracy activities should be strengthened, and the enthusiasm of original creators should be protected. Netizens believe that in today’s society, the development of the Internet has made the possibility of information dissemination unprecedentedly increased. At the same time, piracy has become easier, the cost of infringement is relatively low, and the cost of rights protection is high, which is one of the important reasons for the occurrence of Internet infringement.

Some netizens believe that in recent years, piracy that harms the interests of authors has not only appeared in the Apple Store, and online piracy and infringement have made it hard for original authors to guard against. In March last year, dozens of writers jointly denounced Baidu Wenku, saying that many works included in Baidu Wenku did not obtain their authorization at all.

During the two sessions of the country this year, well-known writers from the literary and art circles also slammed the phenomenon of online piracy, and called on the country to speed up the legislative process and intensify the crackdown on various piracy. Zhang Kangkang, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, believes that my country’s current copyright law has lagged behind and cannot meet the new problems of digital copyright protection after the great development of the Internet in recent years. The survival and development of cultural and creative industries such as cultural and creative industries have brought severe challenges.

Data show that in 2011, Apple obtained 676 patents in the United States alone, and this figure does not include authorizations from other countries around the world. Apple has been sparing no effort in its own patent protection. It is reported that Apple has spent at least billions of dollars in patent litigation with companies such as Samsung, Motorola Mobility and HTC. No wonder Jobs said that without intellectual property rights, there would be no Apple.

However, the reality is that Apple is becoming a defendant in more and more infringement lawsuits. (Figure 5)

Some analysts pointed out that “Apple’s patent policy has already had problems. If it does not reflect on the nature of its successive infringement lawsuits in time, Apple, which started with patents, will eventually be destroyed on the issue of patents.” However, Apple has always relied on knowledge. The property rights are well known, but now there are signs of infringing other people’s patents, which is obviously not the behavior that a large and prestigious company should behave. What is particularly worrying is that Apple has no sincerity in handling infringement lawsuits. If things go on like this, the positive image of representing intellectual property rights and patents is likely to be destroyed.

Through the data, we sorted out the initial media attention. There were 14 original reports on the trademark rights of Proview and Apple’s iPad, and more than 800 reprinted reports; there were 9 original reports on the Writers’ Rights Alliance accusing Apple of piracy. The number of reprinted reports exceeded 300, all of which formed a strong public opinion offensive.

  1. The case of American companies rushing to register the Chinese Super League trademark

The trademark “中超” registered by American Continental International Co., Ltd. was approved by the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. The Chinese Football Association immediately sued and asked the court to revoke the approval of the trademark. On the morning of March 29, the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court ruled in the first instance to revoke the decision of the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board.

Most of the media that reported on this incident were Xinhua Net, People’s Daily Online, China Broadcasting Network, Beijing Youth Daily, Morning News, Shenyang Evening News, Information Times, etc. The number of reports exceeded 200. Because of this incident, the facts are clear, and the revoked party has not indicated that it will file an appeal, so the news is mostly factual reports, and there is no large-scale commentary market.

On the whole, during the monitoring period, the media focused on the dissemination of economic crime cases. The fields of commerce and trade, illegal fund-raising and intellectual property became the most concentrated areas of media reports, with the number of reports exceeding a thousand. In the last issue, MLM and financial fields, which received more media attention, performed flatly in this issue, and the number of reports remained at more than 500.

Part III Weekly Financial Highlights

New credit in January and March may reach 900 billion yuan, and the CPI is expected to rise by about 3.2%

Major economic and financial data for March and the first quarter will be released today. Analysts predict that the year-on-year growth rate of GDP in the first quarter will drop to about 8.5%, and the year-on-year increase of CPI in March will be about 3.2% or slightly higher. New credit in March will reach 900 billion yuan, the highest monthly level this year.

  1. The price of edible oil has increased, and the company is “bullish” in the market outlook to slow down shipments

The edible oil market has returned to price increases, and market leaders Yihai Kerry and COFCO have begun to increase the prices of their brands. Analysts told reporters that some oil companies have slowed down shipments because they are “bullish” in the market outlook, which may cause tension between supply and demand and further increase expectations for price increases.

  1. 1,409 published 2011 annual reports of listed companies show that more than 70% of the companies paid dividends, revenue increased by 36%, and net profit decreased by 8%.

According to WIND statistics, as of April 8, 1,409 listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen had released their annual reports for 2011, achieving a total operating income of 17.78 trillion yuan, an average increase of 35.89% compared with the previous year, and net profits. The total amount was 1.66 trillion yuan, and the average growth rate was negative 8.04%. According to statistics, a total of 1,063 companies are involved in dividend distribution, accounting for 75.4% of the companies that have published annual reports. Among them, 54 companies have completed dividend distribution, 30 companies are waiting for implementation, and 979 companies have released dividend distribution plans.

  1. The global stock market is sluggish, and the US earnings season is difficult to count on

The minutes of the Federal Reserve’s March meeting directly poured cold water on the bulls who had the illusion of the third round of quantitative easing (QE3), and then the non-agricultural employment data disappointed investors. At the same time, Spain once again became the new focus of the European debt crisis. Just when investors’ mentality is extremely fragile, the US stock market earnings season will debut this week, and global stock markets will face another test.

  1. China Banking Regulatory Commission: Will continue to strengthen financial services for small and micro enterprises

The China Banking Regulatory Commission held the launching ceremony of the “China Banking Small and Micro Enterprise Financial Service Achievement Exhibition and Publicity Month Activities” yesterday. Shang Fulin, chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, pointed out at the ceremony that the department will continue to promote the implementation of differentiated policies in the next step and urge banking financial institutions not to Fully implement the basic requirement of serving the real economy and better serve small and micro enterprises.

  1. Banks’ high profits can hardly hide the decline in asset quality

208.445 billion, 169.439 billion, 121.956 billion, 50.735 billion, 27.285 billion and 25.505 billion yuan. This is the 2011 net profit list handed over by six listed banks including ICBC, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of Communications, Shanghai Pudong Development and Industrial Development Bank. However, even with such a beautiful performance, since the beginning of the year, institutions have reduced their holdings of 628 million bank shares through 20 large transactions, of which 10 were sold at a 10% discount, 2 were sold at a 91% discount, and 1 was sold at a 12% discount. Deal, which seems irrational.

In fact, this behavior of institutional investors is a true reflection of the hidden worries behind the glitz of the banking industry. The published annual report data of listed banks shows that the deterioration of asset quality has become an industry trend, and the situation of both the balance of non-performing loans and the ratio of non-performing loans has formed.

In July and March, the national property market added a touch of warmth

Among the 40 cities monitored across the country in March, the transaction area of 33 cities showed a month-on-month increase. Among them, affected by multiple factors such as the increase in supply by real estate companies, active sales promotion, and the correction of first-home loan interest rates, the rigid demand in the ten major cities was released intensively, and the transaction volume all increased month-on-month. However, it should be pointed out that the recovery of transaction volume is still at a relatively low level, and it is expected that “price for volume” will still be the main tone of the national property market in the second quarter.

  1. Economic growth continues to slow down, and macro policies are expected to be moderately loose

Since the first quarter of last year, my country’s economic growth rate has declined for four consecutive quarters. From the analysis of economic data, the GDP growth rate in the first quarter of this year is likely to continue to fall, and it is expected to drop to about 8.5%. Although the prices of consumer goods such as vegetables and refined oil rebounded, the overall price increase was still in the process of falling steadily.

In view of the initial signs of insufficient domestic demand and the uncertain outlook for world economic recovery, analysts predict that macroeconomic policies will continue to be pre-adjusted and fine-tuned, and policy measures such as loosening monetary policy and promoting moderate investment growth are expected to be introduced.

