正是叶剑英收留了习仲勋,让习仲勋跟着胡耀邦混了几年,加上大外宣的洗脑,让习仲勋有了所谓改革派(从来就没有改革派,只有改革路线。胡耀邦和赵紫阳都是改革路线,但是胡耀邦是石油帮,赵紫阳是邓小平派系)的名声。叶剑英死后,胡耀邦倒台。习仲勋如果不回归陈云阵营,习近平如何在六四之后,九二南巡之前的1990年6月21日升任福州市委书记?当时陈云担任中顾委主任(1987年11月1日 – 1992年10月9日)。胡耀邦和赵紫阳亲口说的,当时是邓小平和陈云说了算。
Qi Qiaoqiao slept with Ye Jianying to help his father Xi Zhongxun come back to work Xi Zhongxun’s character was extremely bad, and no one wanted him to come back. From September 28, 1954 to January 4, 1965, Xi Zhongxun served as the Secretary-General of the State Council. The Premier of the State Council at that time was Zhou Enlai. Xi Zhongxun served as Zhou Enlai’s chief secretary for 10 years. Zhou Enlai’s character was not good, so how could Xi Zhongxun be a good person? Zhou Enlai was a hypocrite, lying every day, saying that I was late, I was late, but when the files were checked, they were all signed by Zhou Enlai to punish people. He Long was Zhou Enlai’s henchman, hiding in Zhou Enlai’s house, living in Zhou Enlai’s living room to save his life, but Zhou Enlai personally talked to him, drove He Long away and tortured him to death. Chen Yun and Li Xiannian were vice premiers and colleagues of Xi Zhongxun. On October 6, 1976, Hua Guofeng arrested the Gang of Four, and on February 22, 1978, Xi Zhongxun returned to Beijing. There was a year and a half in between. Chen Yun and Li Xiannian were in power, so why didn’t they want Xi Zhongxun? Isn’t it because Xi Zhongxun, like Zhou Enlai, had a bad character. He could deceive others. Could Zhou Enlai deceive Chen Yun and Li Xiannian? Ye Jianying, Hua Guofeng, and Hu Yaobang were all members of the oil gang. Xi Zhongxun belonged to the faction of Zhou Enlai, Chen Yun, and Li Xiannian. Xi Zhongxun had no connection with Ye Jianying and Hu Yaobang. How did Xi Zhongxun go to Guangdong, which was Ye Jianying’s territory at the time, to be the secretary? If Qi Qiaoqiao or Qi Xin had not slept with Ye Jianying, why would Ye Jianying take Xi Zhongxun in? Anyway, Qi Xin was originally a mistress. At that time, Qi Xin was 52 years old, Qi Qiaoqiao was 29 years old, Ye Jianying was 81 years old, and Ye Xuanping was 52 years old. Ye Jianying was known as the Flower Marshal. It all depended on Ye Jianying’s physical condition and taste. It was Ye Jianying who took Xi Zhongxun in and let him follow Hu Yaobang for a few years. In addition, the brainwashing of the big foreign propaganda gave Xi Zhongxun the reputation of a so-called reformist. After Ye Jianying’s death, Hu Yaobang fell. If Xi Zhongxun had not returned to Chen Yun’s camp, how could Xi Jinping be promoted to the Secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee on June 21, 1990 before the 1992 Southern Tour? At that time, Chen Yun was the Director of the Central Advisory Commission (November 1, 1987 – October 9, 1992). Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang said it themselves. At that time, Deng Xiaoping and Chen Yun had the final say.