- 1 四中全会习蔡下,增补袁陈进常委,21大接班,22大周姜接班。重庆市副市长张国智的派系分析。张又侠为何秘密访问越南?
- 2 中国人的收入一直没有想象中那么高
- 3 范集湘是习远平的人
- 4 王彤宙是习远平的白手套
- 5 越南国家主席梁强会见中共中央军委副主席张又侠
- 6 张又侠没有提习近平的名字
- 7 在福建可能提拔习近平的,只有两个人
- 8 只有贾庆林能够提拔习近平
- 9 张国智符合正部级35岁定律
- 10 李强用吴政隆当自己的大秘,因为吴政隆是包叙定的秘书
- 11 杨庆育在和薄熙来如鱼得水的黄奇帆担任市长时就支持温家宝
- 12 改朝换代,自然是不能用前朝的人
- 13 江胡习武后,江山再重头
- 14 王俊叶落归根
- 15 赵乐际给习近平上眼药,习近平能批示说不查吗?
- 16 王岐山的女婿黄耀文就是国新控股的副总
- 17 贺国强解散了针对胡锦涛的专案组
- 18 陈良宇不可能是胡锦涛抓的
- 19 吴官正是陈云朱镕基的马仔
- 20 英文翻译






贺国强是胡锦涛的人,因此他不可能提拔习近平,那么只有贾庆林能够提拔习近平了。要先把谁提拔总书记这个问题搞明白。贺国强是胡锦涛的铁杆亲信从公开资料就可以查到。1999年6月 – 2002年10月,56岁的贺国强担任重庆市委书记。当时的重庆市委秘书长是腾久明(1999年10月 – 2002年6月),腾久明先后给廖伯康和贺国强担任过大秘。
1986年7月 – 1988年12月,腾久明已经是重庆市委秘书长了。当时重庆市只不过是一个地级市,属于四川省。当时的重庆市委书记廖伯康,就是邓小平派系的吧。邓小平是四川人。赵紫阳也是四川官员。又是1980年代。不用细查资料,很可能是邓小平赵紫阳胡锦涛派系的。1983年到1993年四川省委书记杨汝岱,是唯一一个敢于公开吊唁赵紫阳的副国级官员。当然不能说四川官员都是邓小平胡锦涛派系的。只能说1980年代和1990年代早期,可能性很大。忠县县委书记黄登银回忆,当时是省委书记杨汝岱亲自打电话来万州要人。很快,忠县县长郭金龙调入省城,成为省委农研室副主任。郭金龙是杨汝岱亲自打电话要人调到四川省委的。郭金龙的大秘就是胡春华。



关国亮这个案子很复杂,我就不展开了。我给大家说一个关键的证据就行了。感兴趣大家可以去看这本书里的内容。简单说就是关国亮和胡锦涛有点关系。关国亮应该是去巴结黄菊,巴结胡锦涛家的亲戚。谢企华是宝钢的老总,朱镕基的马仔。朱镕基为了扶习近平上位指使谢企华去举报关国亮,就是为了对付胡锦涛。 后来朱镕基和习近平合伙成立了一家公司叫做国新控股。谢企华去当第一任老总。当时谢企华都已经67岁了,还不退休,可见习近平派系的都想终身连任。



At the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, Xi Jinping and Cai Jing were replaced by Yuan Chenjin as members of the Standing Committee. The 21st CPC National Congress will take over, and Zhou Jiang will take over at the 22nd CPC National Congress. Factional analysis of Chongqing Vice Mayor Zhang Guozhi. Why did Zhang Youxia secretly visit Vietnam?
Hello everyone, Chongqing Vice Mayor Zhang Guozhi is a member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee. Let me tell you about Zhang Guozhi’s factional background. It involves “Sing Red and Fight Black”. Chongqing cannot avoid the topic of “Sing Red and Fight Black”. The general backstage of “Sing Red and Fight Black” sent people to report Hu Jintao and Huang Ju. This is why Xi Jinping was able to take office and why he was able to become the general secretary. Why he was able to become the third general secretary. These are the two cases, the Guan Guoliang case and the Huang Guangyu case. It was the offensive and defensive battle between the general backstage of “Sing Red and Fight Black” and Hu Jintao before Xi Jinping came to power. The general backstage of “Sing Red and Fight Black” helped Xi Jinping take office and become the general secretary, which led to everything today. I accidentally witnessed this period of history. Let me tell you briefly. Because Zhang Guozhi is the deputy mayor of Chongqing, this paragraph must be mentioned to explain Zhang Guozhi’s factional background clearly.
Chinese people’s income has never been as high as imagined
Recently, a picture of Chinese income has become popular again. In fact, Chinese people’s income has never been as high as imagined, but people have not paid attention to the data. First of all, the per capita disposable income is announced regularly. Secondly, the current average income in China is 39,218 yuan/year (3,268 yuan/month). In addition, according to a report by the National Development and Reform Commission in 2021, there are 964 million people in China with a monthly income (household average) below 2,000 yuan, and 547 million people with a monthly income below 1,000 yuan.
Fan Jixiang is Xi Yuanping’s man
Fan Jixiang, who was arrested 9 years after his retirement, was arrested, and Fan Jixiang, the former chairman of China Power Construction, was prosecuted. Regarding the amount of embezzlement by Fan Jixiang, the former chairman of China Power Construction, I have found 4 versions,
A. 900 billion
B. 970 billion
C. 2.7 trillion
D. 13 trillion
Which answer do you think is more reliable?
Wang Tongzhou is Xi Yuanping’s white glove
In March 2006, Fan Jixiang served as the general manager of China Hydropower Construction Group. In September 2011, Fan Jixiang served as the chairman of China Power Construction. In November 2009, Wang Tongzhou served as the deputy general manager. Wang Tongzhou is the white glove of Xi Yuanping Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group. Brother Xi Jinping is responsible for stirring up trouble in the South China Sea, and younger brothers Xi Yuanping and Wang Tongzhou are responsible for taking over the business of island reclamation in the South China Sea. Just think about it, who dares to take such a business in the South China Sea except Xi Yuanping, and who can take it?
Wen Jiabao’s confidant Li Xi arrested Fan Jixiang if he couldn’t catch Wang Tongzhou. If he wanted to catch Wang Tongzhou, he had to catch Xi Yuanping. Wang Tongzhou is Xi Yuanping’s white glove, that is, Xi Yuanping’s accountant, cashier, and custodian of the small treasury.
From September 2012 to June 2018, Wang Tongzhou served as the general manager of China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group. Does the name of this company sound familiar? It is Xi Yuanping’s company. Xi Yuanping is the president of the China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Association, and the China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Association and the China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group. The names are so similar, is it a coincidence? There are so many coincidences in this world.
From June 2018 to August 2020, Wang Tongzhou served as the Party Secretary and Chairman of China Nonferrous Mining Group Co., Ltd. Aren’t Nonferrous and Minmetals the companies of Chen Quanxun, the secretary of Wu Bangguo, and Liang Qing, the son-in-law of Zhu Rongji?
From August 2020 to date, Wang Tongzhou has served as the Party Secretary, Chairman and President of China Communications Construction Group Co., Ltd.
On August 26, 2020, the United States included 24 Chinese companies on the sanctions list because these companies “helped the Chinese military build artificial islands in the South China Sea.” Among the “sanctioned” Chinese companies are at least 5 subsidiaries of China Communications Construction Group.
What is the origin of the “sanctioned” Chinese companies? It is Xi Yuanping’s company, Xi Yuanping’s henchman, Xi Yuanping’s white glove Wang Tongzhou serves as the chairman of the company. In other words, Xi Jinping is desperately creating friction in the South China Sea. The main purpose of building artificial islands in the South China Sea is to grab business for his younger brother Xi Yuanping. All the money earned from the island-building business belongs to Xi Yuanping, and all the money goes into the pockets of Xi Jinping’s family.
In October 2024, the Jiangxi Procuratorate filed a public prosecution against Fan Jixiang for suspected bribery and bribery by using influence in accordance with the law. Think about it, Fan Jixiang has been retired for 9 years. He is just a state-owned enterprise boss. What influence can an incumbent state-owned enterprise boss have? Not to mention a retired one. Isn’t it because he knows Xi Yuanping. These officials just go to Fan Jixiang, get to know Xi Yuanping through Fan Jixiang, and run for office with Xi Jinping? If Fan Jixiang didn’t know Xi Yuanping, what influence could he have? He has been retired for 9 years. Bribing the incumbent boss is fine. Fan Jixiang is retired. What is the purpose and significance of bribery?
Vietnamese President Luang Cuong meets with Zhang Youxia, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China
Vietnamese President Luang Cuong meets with Zhang Youxia, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China. Li Qiang has been acting as general secretary, and Zhang Youxia has been acting as chairman of the Military Commission. The situation is exactly the same as what I summarized on August 15, 2024. At least the situation has been like this for more than two months. In the recent video of Li Qiang’s inspection, the CCTV camera has expressed it very clearly. Only the general secretary can give so many close-up shots. Li Qiang is the current acting general secretary. I said that Wen Jiabao will serve as the chief adviser of the political reform group. Didn’t Wen Jiabao and Li Ruihuan come out before the National Day?
If Zhang Youxia is acting as chairman of the Military Commission, he doesn’t need to listen to Xi Jinping. He can do whatever he wants, or Zhang Youxia’s boss can do whatever he wants. This is not a big deal. China’s defense minister is originally of low rank. Even if China’s defense minister was a state councilor in the past, his rank was low. The current Dong Jun is nothing. There are thirty or forty generals in China. Dong Jun is disliked by other countries for his low rank. Dong Jun’s words don’t count. Isn’t this a waste of other countries’ time?
And Vietnam is also a communist country. They are all dictatorships and they all play communism. Vietnam has a deeper understanding of the logic of China’s internal operation than other countries. Everyone plays the same game. If China has any movement, Vietnam can easily see through it. After the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, Vietnam was the first to visit China. Normal countries will first safeguard their own national interests. They cannot know China’s inside story for nothing, so they must maximize their interests. They must realize their own national interests. Vietnam visited China, and Sullivan of the United States also visited China. Everyone can see that there is something strange about Vietnam’s Su Lin’s visit to China and Sullivan’s visit to China.
Zhang Youxia did not mention Xi Jinping’s name
The intelligence organizations of the United States and Vietnam cannot be idle. After obtaining China’s intelligence, they must make judgments and choices that are beneficial to their own countries. And everyone should pay attention, this is a manuscript issued by the Vietnam News Agency. China has no way to censor it. Everyone pays attention to this detail. Vietnamese President Luong Cuong, on the contrary, mentioned Xi Jinping once as a courtesy. Zhang Youxia did not mention Xi Jinping’s name.
You see, Zhang Youxia said that his visit to Vietnam is to concretize the consensus reached by the top leaders of the two parties and the two countries, and to promote the cooperation and exchanges between the two countries’ militaries in defense and security. Zhang Youxia emphasized that the two sides continue to unswervingly follow the path established by the top leaders of the two parties and the two countries, and at the same time strengthen cooperation in various fields, aiming to build a community of shared destiny with strategic significance and bring benefits to the people of the two countries. Zhang Youxia did not mention Xi Jinping’s name. China has not yet reported Zhang Youxia’s visit to Vietnam. If China reports the news of Zhang Youxia’s visit to Vietnam, everyone should pay attention. Whether it is Xinhua News Agency or People’s Daily, they will definitely deceive everyone and fool China’s leeks. Everyone should pay attention to the difference between the official Chinese report and the official Vietnamese report if the Chinese government reports it. Just see if China will tamper with Zhang Youxia’s speech. Zhang Youxia did not mention Xi Jinping’s name in the official report issued by Vietnam. Vietnam News Agency is equivalent to China’s Xinhua News Agency. When it comes to the relationship between the two countries, the Vietnamese government cannot write it casually. I guess it is possible that the official Chinese report will tamper with the content of Zhang Youxia’s speech. Everyone wait and see, pay attention. Don’t believe even the punctuation of the Communist Party’s words.
There are only two people who can promote Xi Jinping in Fujian
Let’s take a look at Zhang Guozhi’s factional background. Let’s talk about the “sing red” and “fight black” thing. Zhao Pu of the Song Dynasty claimed that he could rule the world with half of the Analects. He Guoqiang is a key figure in understanding Chinese politics. As long as you know that He Guoqiang is Hu Jintao’s iron confidant, and not the Jiang faction or Zeng Qinghong fooled by the big foreign propaganda. You can understand more than half of China’s politics. The big foreign propaganda gang is Xi Jinping’s people, who are specifically whitewashing Xi Jinping. They are all Communist bandits. Because He Guoqiang is very special, in terms of time and space, there are only two people who can promote Xi Jinping in Fujian, one is He Guoqiang and the other is Jia Qinglin.
Only Jia Qinglin can promote Xi Jinping
He Guoqiang is Hu Jintao’s people, so he can’t promote Xi Jinping, so only Jia Qinglin can promote Xi Jinping. We must first figure out the issue of who will promote the general secretary. It can be found from public information that He Guoqiang is Hu Jintao’s close confidant. From June 1999 to October 2002, 56-year-old He Guoqiang served as the Secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee. The Secretary-General of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee at that time was Teng Jiuming (October 1999-June 2002), who served as the chief secretary to Liao Bokang and He Guoqiang successively.
From July 1986 to December 1988, Teng Jiuming was already the Secretary-General of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee. At that time, Chongqing was just a prefecture-level city, belonging to Sichuan Province. Liao Bokang, the Secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee at that time, must have been from the Deng Xiaoping faction. Deng Xiaoping was from Sichuan. Zhao Ziyang was also a Sichuan official. It was the 1980s again. There is no need to check the information carefully, it is very likely that he was from the Deng Xiaoping, Zhao Ziyang and Hu Jintao faction. Yang Rudai, the Secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee from 1983 to 1993, was the only vice-state-level official who dared to publicly mourn Zhao Ziyang. Of course, we cannot say that all Sichuan officials are from the Deng Xiaoping and Hu Jintao faction. We can only say that in the 1980s and early 1990s, it is very likely.
Zhang Guozhi meets the 35-year-old law of ministerial level
Let’s look at Zhang Guozhi. In July 1999, 26-year-old Zhang Guozhi graduated with a master’s degree and started working as a probationary civil servant in the Chongqing Municipal Planning Commission. In July 2000, 27-year-old Zhang Guozhi served as a deputy director of the Planning Department (Western Office) of the Chongqing Municipal Development and Planning Commission. I mentioned the 35-year-old law of ministerial level. When Zhang Guozhi was 27 years old, she met someone who wanted to promote her to the ministerial level. Zhang Guozhi was just 51 years old and was already a member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee. In the future, she will definitely be a ministerial level, or even a vice-state level. Within 3 years, if she is promoted to deputy secretary of the provincial party committee before the age of 54, she will be a vice-state level.
In 2000, at the turn of the century, the CPC Central Committee decided to officially launch the Western Development. As the only municipality directly under the central government in western China, how to seize the opportunity is crucial to the comprehensive development of Chongqing’s economy. The municipal party committee and the municipal government attached great importance to this work and established the Chongqing Western Development Leading Group with He Guoqiang, the municipal party committee secretary, as the group leader, Bao Xuding, the municipal party committee deputy secretary and acting mayor, and Wang Hongju, the municipal party committee deputy secretary and deputy mayor, as deputy group leaders. The Chongqing Western Development Leading Group is the leader of the city’s implementation of the western development strategy. In October 2002, He Guoqiang and Bao Xuding both left Chongqing, and their successors were Huang Zhendong, Wang Yang, and Wang Hongju.
Li Qiang used Wu Zhenglong as his chief secretary because Wu Zhenglong was Bao Xuding’s secretary
He Guoqiang and Wang Hongju are both from the Hu Jintao faction. Bao Xuding and Wang Yang are both from the Jiang Zemin faction. Why did Li Qiang use Wu Zhenglong as his chief secretary? Because Wu Zhenglong was Bao Xuding’s secretary. So Li Qiang used Wu Zhenglong as his chief secretary to show his loyalty to Bao Xuding’s faction. I am not sure what faction Bao Xuding belongs to, but he is most likely from Jiang Zemin’s faction. Bao Xuding is related to the machinery industry. He once served as the Minister of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. After retirement, he served as the Honorary President of the China Machinery Industry Federation. Jiang Zemin is also related to the Ministry of Machinery Industry. Therefore, from any perspective, Li Qiang is Jiang Zemin’s man, not Xi Jinping’s faction.
So why is Zhang Guozhi from He Guoqiang, that is, Hu Jintao’s faction, and not Wang Yang, that is, Jiang Zemin and Li Qiang’s faction? In September 2009, 36-year-old Zhang Guozhi served as the director of the Planning Department of Chongqing Development and Reform Commission. At that time, the director of Chongqing Development and Reform Commission was Yang Qingyu. Let’s take a look at Yang Qingyu. Yang Qingyu was appointed as the director of Chongqing Development and Reform Commission in May 2006. At that time, the Secretary of Chongqing Municipal Party Committee was Wang Yang, and the Mayor of Chongqing was Wang Hongju. Bo Xilai’s “Sing Red and Fight Black” was to seize power from Wang Hongju with the support of Zhu Rongji, which led to Wang Hongju’s resignation. Bo Xilai also wanted to further seize power from Hu Jintao and Li Keqiang.
Yang Qingyu supported Wen Jiabao when Huang Qifan, who got along well with Bo Xilai, was mayor.
However, on March 14, 2012, Wen Jiabao delivered a famous speech at the press conference of the Second Session that the Cultural Revolution would come again. On March 15, 2012, at 11:20 a.m., the Chongqing delegation, which had just finished the National People’s Congress, took a plane back to Chongqing. The Chongqing Daily described that NPC deputies Liu Guanglei and Cheng Yiju walked at the front of the team, and the deputies happily said: “This is a democratic, united, pragmatic and progressive conference, which was very successful.” NPC deputy Yang Qingyu said that he saw the opportunities and direction of Chongqing’s development from the “Government Work Report” delivered by Premier Wen Jiabao.
On this day, a city-wide meeting of leading cadres in Chongqing was being held at Yuzhou Hotel. Mayor Huang Qifan presided over the meeting, and two members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and two deputy ministers of the Organization Department and the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee were present. At the meeting with a serious atmosphere, Zhang Jinan, deputy director of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, announced new personnel appointment and removal decisions: Comrade Zhang Dejiang concurrently serves as member, standing committee member and secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Committee, and Comrade Bo Xilai no longer concurrently serves as secretary, standing committee member and member of the Chongqing Municipal Committee; Comrade He Ting is nominated as the candidate for deputy mayor of Chongqing, and Wang Lijun is dismissed from the position of deputy mayor of Chongqing. The appointment and removal of He Ting and Wang Lijun are handled in accordance with relevant legal provisions.
In other words, on the day when Bo Xilai was dismissed, Wu Bangguo’s henchman, who was as good as Bo Xilai in singing red and fighting black, and Huang Qifan, Zhu Rongji’s henchman, were still serving as mayors of Chongqing. Yang Qingyu had already dared to express his support for Wen Jiabao. This shows that Yang Qingyu is from the Wen Jiabao faction, that is, the Hu Jintao faction. Therefore, we can also roughly judge that Zhang Guozhi is from the Hu Jintao faction. She meets the 35-year-old law of ministerial level. Only those who have met the general secretary or the prime minister before the age of 35 can become ministerial level, and even vice-ministerial level also requires such conditions. Zhang Guozhi met He Guoqiang when he was 27 years old. Knowing He Guoqiang had the same effect as knowing Hu Jintao. Because He Guoqiang is Hu Jintao’s staunch confidant.
Zhang Guozhi worked in Chongqing Western Office as soon as he graduated from graduate school. At that time, the leader of Chongqing Western Development Group was He Guoqiang, and Wang Hongju, a confidant of He Guoqiang and Hu Jintao, also served as deputy leader. Until Bo Xilai went to Chongqing, Bo Xilai took down Wang Hongju by singing red and fighting black, relying on the support of Zhu Rongji and Wu Bangguo, and replaced him with Huang Qifan who was like a fish in water with Bo Xilai. Reply to a netizen: Can the blogger tell me what the recent transfer of 24 department-level cadres indicates? I have already said this, but you may not have seen it.
When changing dynasties, naturally, people from the previous dynasty cannot be used.
When changing dynasties, people from the previous dynasty cannot be used. In fact, there was a large-scale cross-provincial exchange of department-level officials in 2015. You can take a look at the group of officials at that time. In the end, few of them were promoted to ministerial or vice-ministerial level officials. These are all sleight of hand. They are just covering up the truth. Or in other words, they are covering up for Zhou Jinxing and Jiang Dongdong. Zhou Jinxing isThe 22nd General Secretary of the National Congress cultivated by Hu Jintao, Jiang Dongdong is the 22nd Prime Minister cultivated by Jiang Zemin and Li Qiang.
After Jiang and Hu practiced martial arts, the country will be rebuilt
Other officials are covering for them. After Jiang and Hu practiced martial arts, the country will be rebuilt. Empress Wu is Zhou, and Venus is the morning star. Some people are hypocritical to me, Empress Wu, there is no “nothing”. In Chinese culture, homophones and typos are used casually, and they like to use them this way. Playing dumb riddles, guessing riddles. Rumor has it that at the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee, Xi Jinping and Cai Qi will retire together. There are also rumors that Ding Xuexiang and Xi Jinping will retire together. It depends on which one of Cai Qi and Ding Xuexiang is more loyal to Xi Jinping. Ken, advance and retreat with Xi Jinping. Li Qiang took over as general secretary, and he wanted to add Yuan Jiajun and Chen Min’er to the Standing Committee. The 21st National Congress took over as general secretary and prime minister. The general secretary of the 22nd National Congress is Zhou Jinxing, the last general secretary of the Communist Party of China, and the prime minister is Jiang Dongdong.
Wang Jun returns to his roots
This is the version I heard. I don’t know what changes will happen. I’ll give you an example of the cross-provincial exchange of these 24 bureau-level officials. When Zhang Guozhi was the mayor of Dadukou District, Chongqing, Wang Jun was the district party secretary. Wang Jun was transferred to Xinjiang. I don’t know if Wang Jun is considered as one of the cross-provincial exchanges of bureau-level officials. Wang Jun is 58 years old. He was born in Yili Prefecture, Xinjiang. He has been an official in Chongqing for his entire life. Before retiring, he was transferred to Yili Prefecture, Xinjiang as deputy secretary. He will definitely not be promoted again, at most he will go to the National People’s Congress or the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference
This is quite boring in Chinese culture, the so-called return to one’s roots. Or return home in glory. Most officials will not be promoted. They are all cannon fodder. Wang Jun is the one who understands and retired in his hometown, Yili Prefecture, Xinjiang. Finally, I will briefly say a few words about Guan Guoliang’s case. The Guan Guoliang case involved the political struggle between Zhu Rongji and Hu Jintao. Zhu Rongji instructed Xie Qihua to report Guan Guoliang, pointing directly at Huang Ju and Hu Jintao, and Hu Jintao was forced to approve the instructions. I will not read Hu Jintao’s instructions today. This book contains how Hu Jintao addressed Wen Jiabao, right?
Wu Guanzheng set up a special investigation team for Guan Guoliang in accordance with Zhu Rongji’s instructions. After Wu Guanzheng retired, He Guoqiang took over as the Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and He Guoqiang disbanded the special investigation team.
Zhao Leji was trying to deceive Xi Jinping, so could Xi Jinping say no to the investigation?
Hu Jintao clearly knew that Wu Guanzheng was going to investigate Guan Guoliang’s case against himself. He also clearly instructed to investigate. It was the same as Xi Jinping’s instruction to investigate the Qinling case. Wu Guanzheng was trying to deceive Hu Jintao and insisted on investigating Hu Jintao’s cronies. The Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection handed the case report to the General Secretary’s desk, so what would you do? Could the General Secretary say no to the investigation? Many people do not understand the logic of the CCP’s power operation. Zhao Leji is trying to please Xi Jinping, and Zhao Zhengyong is Xi Jinping’s confidant. Zhao Leji, a secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, handed the case report to Xi Jinping, the general secretary’s desk. Could Xi Jinping have said not to investigate?
If Xi Jinping did not call Zhao Zhengyong privately and told him not to investigate. Where did Zhao Zhengyong get the courage? He did not even hold a Shaanxi Provincial Standing Committee meeting. He pretended to hold one, pretended to implement it, pretended to obey but actually did not implement it, and fooled Xi Jinping.
The case of Guan Guoliang is very complicated, so I will not expand on it. I will just tell you a key piece of evidence. If you are interested, you can read the content of this book. Simply put, Guan Guoliang has some relationship with Hu Jintao. Guan Guoliang should have gone to curry favor with Huang Ju and Hu Jintao’s relatives. Xie Qihua is the general manager of Baosteel and Zhu Rongji’s henchman. In order to help Xi Jinping get promoted, Zhu Rongji instructed Xie Qihua to report Guan Guoliang in order to deal with Hu Jintao. Later, Zhu Rongji and Xi Jinping jointly established a company called Guoxin Holdings. Xie Qihua became the first general manager. At that time, Xie Qihua was already 67 years old, but he had not retired yet. It can be seen that Xi Jinping’s faction wanted to be re-elected for life.
Wang Qishan’s son-in-law Huang Yaowen is the vice president of Guoxin Holdings
Wang Qishan’s son-in-law Huang Yaowen is the vice president of Guoxin Holdings. Xi Jinping’s sister-in-law Peng Lijuan’s husband Xu Xingjian is from Cinda Asset Management. Cinda Asset Management and Guoxin Holdings are close business partners. This case can be expanded. Today I will introduce this most important sentence. The special case team established by the Public Security Bureau in November 2007 was actually a case approved by Wu Guanzheng in August, so it was called the 822 special case, and the name was named according to the date of the approval. In November 2009, the Xinhua Life Special Case Team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was disbanded.
He Guoqiang disbanded the special task force against Hu Jintao
To put it simply, Wu Guanzheng instructed to set up a special task force against Hu Jintao, and He Guoqiang disbanded the task force. These two key facts will answer half of the key questions in China’s modern history. First, He Guoqiang is Hu Jintao’s staunch confidant. He could not have promoted Xi Jinping. It could only be Jia Qinglin who promoted Xi Jinping. Second, Wu Guanzheng wanted to arrest both Jiang Zemin’s Chen Liangyu and Hu Jintao’s Guan Guoliang. He wanted to arrest both Jiang Zemin’s people and Hu Jintao’s people. Chen Liangyu could not have been arrested by Hu Jintao. Hu Jintao couldn’t even protect his own Guan Guoliang. How could he arrest Chen Liangyu? It’s useless to rely on the deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection who ranks lower. The possibility is very small.
Chen Liangyu could not have been arrested by Hu Jintao
Since Hu Jintao didn’t arrest Chen Liangyu, then Chen Liangyu couldn’t have been arrested by Jiang Zemin, right? It is the same as the deputy secretary of Tibet, Reting. Reting neither takes Hu Jintao nor Jiang Zemin seriously. This shows that there is a third faction besides Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao. How to explain the Chen Liangyu incident? Right? Hu Jintao was so messed up by Wu Guanzheng that he couldn’t even protect his own people. Why arrest Chen Liangyu? Is he capable of that? Only after He Guoqiang came to power could Hu Jintao control the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. During He Guoqiang’s tenure as the secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the people arrested may have been arrested by Hu Jintao.
Wu Guanzheng is Chen Yun and Zhu Rongji’s lackey
Wu Guanzheng is Chen Yun and Zhu Rongji’s lackey. To be more precise, he may be Li Xiannian’s lackey. Li Xiannian and Liu Yazhou are Chen Yun’s lackeys. What about Jia Qinglin? Since Wu Guanzheng arrested Jiang Zemin’s people, Jia Qinglin promoted Xi Jinping. Jia Qinglin cannot be Jiang Zemin’s people. Jia Qinglin was promoted by Gu Mu. The First Ministry of Machine Building Industry has hundreds of thousands of people scattered across the country. It is impossible for there to be only one faction. Gu Mu’s son Liu Nianyuan and Geng Biao’s second son Geng Zhiyuan were involved in telecom fraud in Myanmar. Xi Jinping was Geng Biao’s secretary. Gu Mu’s secretary Li Hao was the secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee. Why did Xi Yuanping do business in Shenzhen?
You can also think about Huang Ju and Meng Jianzhu. If Huang Ju was Jiang Zemin’s man, why did Hu Jintao help Huang Ju out? Huang Ju’s men still exist after his death. Meng Jianzhu should have been promoted by Huang Ju. Hu and Wen are both in their second term. Isn’t the Minister of Public Security, the knife handle, still one of their own? Okay, thank you everyone.