
大家好,先祝大家耶诞快乐。愿这耶诞节带给你和平、爱和喜乐。让我们在这个美好的季节里,怀抱感恩的心,珍惜身边的每一个人。“在至高之处荣耀归于神,在地上平安归于他所喜悦的人。”(路加福音 2:14)愿你和你的家人在这个耶诞节中感受到无尽的祝福和温暖。耶诞快乐! 有人说中国有1亿的基督教人口,如果有一个亿的话,那么就是排在美国,巴西,俄罗斯之后的,第四大基督教人口的国家。











这名网友说,授衔仪式缺了陆军政委秦树桐,武警司令王春宁,海军政委袁华智以及最不能理解的陆军司令李桥铭。请解析下李桥铭到底是哪部分的人 被拿下的传言可能性大吗


桌子底下怎么操作那是另外一回事情。赵正永案也是一个道理。什么习近平六次批示。那都是赵乐际天天给习近平上眼药。我之前, 专门有一个影片分析过,赵正永就是习近平的马仔。再说了,赵正永疯了吗?习近平批示6次秦岭案他都不查。就是习近平给赵正永打电话,不让赵正永查的。就是秦岭案,只要会派系分析,那些涉案官员全部都是习近平的马仔。如果赵正永不是习近平的话,赵正永假装召开省委会落实习近平的批示。实际上不执行不就行了。糊弄一下习近平不就行了。






Merry Christmas, the latest list of military blood changes. Is Xi Jinping cured? No one still cares about him, no more two teacups

Hello everyone, I wish you all a happy Christmas. May this Christmas bring you peace, love and joy. Let us embrace a grateful heart and cherish everyone around us in this beautiful season. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to those with whom he is pleased.” (Luke 2:14) May you and your family feel endless blessings and warmth this Christmas. Merry Christmas! Some people say that China has 100 million Christians. If there are 100 million, then it is the fourth largest Christian country after the United States, Brazil and Russia.

Yesterday’s video had a technical failure and the second half of the export failed. I originally said a joke, I don’t know if you noticed that Xi Jinping only had one teacup. Two teacups have always been a joke that many people hype. Until now, no one has figured out why Xi Jinping uses two teacups. Regardless of why Xi Jinping used two teacups, I think there are three possibilities. The first is that Xi Jinping’s illness has healed. The second is that Xi Jinping was temporarily called to the Military Commission to confer the rank of general on Chen Hui. Xi Jinping was acting temporarily, so there was no time to prepare two teacups for him. The third possibility is that this Xi Jinping is a fake Xi Jinping.

I think Xi Jinping should have been temporarily called to the Military Commission to perform. Anyway, Xi Jinping’s treatment is getting worse and worse. His security treatment when he goes out has been downgraded. He didn’t dare to spend the night in Hong Kong before, and now no one cares about him. He spends the night in Macau. Even two teacups are not prepared for Xi Jinping.

Wall Street stocks closed early on Christmas Eve. Driven by the strong performance of technology stocks, the four major U.S. stock indexes closed higher today, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose nearly 400 points, opening the curtain for the stock market’s historical year-end rally.

Japanese Foreign Minister Iwaya Takeshi was invited to visit China on the 25th. This will be the second visit of a Japanese foreign minister to China since April last year. During the talks, Iwaya Takeshi may once again ask China to implement the consensus reached between the leaders on resuming imports of Japanese aquatic products in response to China’s complete suspension of imports of Japanese aquatic products. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on the 24th that the two sides are expected to discuss the resumption of imports of Japanese aquatic products. Regarding the rumor that Japanese aquatic product imports will be resumed in the first half of next year, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning replied that he still did not give in, saying that he would adjust and gradually resume compliant Japanese aquatic product imports based on scientific evidence.

China is still hesitant. Let’s talk about basic common sense. Will Japan harm its own citizens? Japan discharged nuclear waste water into its own sea, not into China’s sea. With China’s food safety level, eating gutter oil every day, it still thinks that Japanese aquatic products have problems.

Reply to netizens: Yang Cheng, member of the Standing Committee of Xinjiang Autonomous Region and political commissar of Xinjiang Military Region, is appointed as political commissar of Western Theater Command
Chen Hui, political commissar of Military Aerospace Academy, is appointed as political commissar of Army
Yang Zhiliang, political commissar of Navy of Southern Theater Command, is appointed as political commissar of Navy
Yu Qingjiang, deputy commander of Air Force, is appointed as commander of Armed Police Force
Leng Shaojie, deputy political commissar of Central Theater Command, is appointed as political commissar of Navy
Liu Entao, deputy director of Navy Political Department, is appointed as director of Rocket Force Political Department
Zhou Junqiang, director of Air Force Political Department of Eastern Theater Command, is appointed as director of Army Political Department

I will give you a guess, which may not be accurate. It takes at least two hours, or even 10 hours to accurately judge a person’s faction. Some people cannot figure out his faction in a month. Yang Cheng, member of the Standing Committee of Xinjiang Autonomous Region and political commissar of Xinjiang Military Region, is appointed as political commissar of Western Theater Command, tentatively Guo Boxiong.

Chen Hui, political commissar of Military Aerospace Academy, is appointed as political commissar of Army. This is basically 100%, 99% certain. Xu Qiliang is Hu Jintao’s man. Chen Hui was in the Wenchuan earthquake. Hu Jintao once personally commanded Chen Hui. Chen Hui, Jiang Zemin and Xi Jinping have never had any intersection.

Yang Zhiliang, the political commissar of the Southern Theater Command Navy, is appointed as the political commissar of the Navy, and Wu Shengli is tentatively appointed
Yu Qingjiang, the deputy commander of the Air Force, is appointed as the commander of the Armed Police Force, and Xu Qiliang is tentatively appointed
Leng Shaojie, the deputy political commissar of the Central Theater Command, is appointed as the political commissar of the Navy, and Fan Changlong/Zhang Youxia is guessed
Liu Entao, the deputy director of the Political Department of the Navy, is appointed as the director of the Political Department of the Rocket Force, and Wu Shengli is tentatively appointed
Zhou Junqiang, the director of the Political Department of the Air Force of the Eastern Theater Command, is appointed as the director of the Political Department of the Army, and Xu Qiliang is tentatively appointed.

So this list, I roughly look at it, is not very accurate, there is not a single person from Xi Jinping in it. So if it is completely fabricated, this person’s strength is not inferior to mine. You need to understand these officer factions. He can find 7 people who are not from the Xi Jinping faction, which is amazing enough. So I think this list is still credible to a certain extent. It is either Hu Jintao’s people or Jiang Zemin’s political group.

This netizen said that the ceremony was missing Army Political Commissar Qin Shutong, Armed Police Commander Wang Chunning, Navy Political Commissar Yuan Huazhi, and the most incomprehensible Army Commander Li Qiaoming. Please analyze which group Li Qiaoming belongs to and whether the rumor that he was arrested is likely.

I will give my personal opinion, which may not be correct. There are only two possibilities for Li Qiaoming. The first possibility is that Li Qiaoming is Xi Jinping’s man, so he was arrested. Another possibility is that Li Qiaoming is Hu Jintao’s man. Someone handed over black materials, so there is nothing to do. This can refer to the Li Dianxun case. You can refer to the Guan Guoliang case. Guan Guoliang was reported by Xie Qihua under the instruction of Zhu Rongji, and Huang Ju and Hu Jintao were pointed at him. Wu Guanzheng, the then Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, set up a special task force on Guan Guoliang under the instruction of Zhu Rongji. Wu Guanzheng handed over a report to Hu Jintao, and how did Hu Jintao approve it? Hu Jintao can’t say he won’t investigate. The general secretary on the table is always great, glorious and correct.

How to operate under the table is another matter. The same is true for the Zhao Zhengyong case. What about Xi Jinping’s six instructions? That’s all Zhao Leji’s way of putting on Xi Jinping’s coat every day. I’ve previously made a special video analysis that Zhao Zhengyong is Xi Jinping’s lackey. Besides, is Zhao Zhengyong crazy? Xi Jinping’s instructions for the Qinling case were six, but he didn’t investigate it. It was Xi Jinping who called Zhao Zhengyong and told him not to investigate. In the Qinling case, as long as you can do factional analysis, all the officials involved are Xi Jinping’s lackeys. If Zhao Zhengyong is not Xi Jinping, Zhao Zhengyong pretended to convene a provincial committee meeting to implement Xi Jinping’s instructions. Wouldn’t it be enough if he didn’t actually implement them? Wouldn’t it be enough to fool Xi Jinping?

Why didn’t he hold a provincial committee meeting? Xi Jinping didn’t let Zhao Zhengyong hold one. Otherwise, Zhao Zhengyong would be crazy, a provincial party secretary would openly go against the general secretary.

Take the Xinjiang deputy commander Jiao Xiaoping, who was just sentenced, for example. He is Xi Jinping’s man. The big foreign propaganda used Xi Jinping’s black money to whitewash the situation, saying that Jiao Xiaoping is against Xi. How could he be against Xi? Deputy ministerial level anti-Xi, I am also drunk. To oppose Xi, at least the Politburo Standing Committee members have the courage to oppose Xi, right? Or they must oppose Xi under the leadership of the Politburo Standing Committee members. A deputy ministerial level anti-Xi. Can you please stop talking nonsense.

Jiao Xiaoping is the director of the Government and Social Capital Cooperation Center of the Ministry of Finance. Liao Min, the top deputy minister of the Ministry of Finance in charge of the Government and Social Capital Cooperation Center, is the secretary of Liu Mingkang, and Liu Mingkang is the secretary of Jia Qinglin. Jia Qinglin promoted Xi Jinping. So Jiao Xiaoping is Xi Jinping’s lackey. Xi Jinping is destroying the ecology of the Qinling Mountains, and the big foreign propaganda has whitewashed Xi Jinping’s lackey Jiao Xiaoping as anti-Xi, which is too funny.

This netizen said a good way to simply identify factions: those who look smart are most likely Jiang Zemin’s people,
those who look honest but have firm eyes are basically Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao’s people,
those who look loyal but have firm eyes are basically rich people from their hometowns, and are basically Xi Jinping’s people.
This method is amazing, I want to learn it. Okay, thank you all. I wish you all a happy Christmas.
