

单位: 安外大街派出所                


姓名     孙瑞生 

性别     女

年龄     52

单位     中石化设计院退休

现住址 东城区安德里北街25号5楼1406号     

联系电话    13691206257

主要要求    该人曾到市局反映,2010年3月被人以诱导的方式骗取孙瑞生等四人共计20万元,其中孙瑞生五万元,后报案到建国门派出所,大兴分局经侦支队,东城分局经侦支队,一直无果,该人称再无人管,就用煤气罐炸死嫌疑人。后于2012年二月再次来到经侦支队报案,到现在没有回复。




部分有理    V

以往过激行为   到市局信访办信访,扬言没有单位立案就用煤气罐炸死嫌疑人。

稳控措施    对该人建立7人的监控小组,由小区民警任组长,小组成员为陈雨(35岁,东城区安德里北街23号院)、齐洁(45岁,东城区安德里北街甲25号院)、闫雪(33岁,东城区安德里北街25号院平房)、杨育颖(27岁,东城区青年湖北街2号楼)、方荣茂(56岁,东城区青年湖东里)、焦娇(29岁,东城区旧故楼外大街六铺炕),小区民警王鑫进行监控。已通知该人监护人其女儿王京思进行看护,也发动了原单位对其进行教育。

主管民警联系电话  王鑫 13810004697  

主责领导联系电话  曹铁兵13501125545      主管局领导


《北京东城公安分局上访记录4: 兩會信訪穩控人員》






Letter and visit materials of Sun Ruisheng on Anwai Street
Completing the report on the work of the key persons in letters and visits

Unit: Anwai Street Police Station

Time: February 24, 2012

Name Sun Ruisheng

Gender: Female

age 52

Unit Sinopec Design Institute retired

Current address: No. 1406, 5th Floor, No. 25, Andli North Street, Dongcheng District

Contact number 13691206257

The main requirement is that the person reported to the Municipal Bureau that in March 2010, Sun Ruisheng and other four people were defrauded of a total of 200,000 yuan, of which Sun Ruisheng was 50,000 yuan, and then reported to the Jianguomen Police Station, Daxing Branch Economic Investigation Detachment , The economic investigation detachment of the Dongcheng Branch has been fruitless. The person said that if no one is in charge, he will blow up the suspect with a gas tank. Later, in February 2012, I came to the Economic Investigation Detachment to report the case again, but there has been no reply until now.

Is it reasonable



Partially rational V

In the past, I went to the petition office of the municipal bureau for excessive behavior, threatening to blow up the suspect with a gas tank if no unit filed a case.

The stability control measures established a monitoring team of 7 people for this person, with the community police as the team leader. The team members are Chen Yu (35 years old, No. 23 Andli North Street, Dongcheng District), Qi Jie (45 years old, Andli, Dongcheng District) Courtyard A, No. 25, North Street), Yan Xue (33 years old, bungalow at No. 25 Andli North Street, Dongcheng District), Yang Yuying (27 years old, Building 2, Qingnianhubei Street, Dongcheng District), Fang Rongmao (56 years old, Youth Lake, Dongcheng District Dongli), Jiao Jiao (29 years old, Liupu Kang, Jiugulouwai Street, Dongcheng District), and Wang Xin, a policeman from the community, monitored them. The person’s guardian has been notified that his daughter Wang Jingsi will take care of her, and the original unit has also been mobilized to educate her.

Contact number of the police in charge Wang Xin 13810004697

The contact number of the responsible leader is Cao Tiebing 13501125545, the leader of the competent bureau
