东交民巷派出所关于网络公共关系平台网民反映问题督办单的回复情况 编号:G2011064


2011年7月26日下午15时许,东交民巷派出所副所长张戬带领社区民警赵琦,在分局治安支队王东平等人配合下,一起来到东交民巷28号红都商务会馆信达证券,并在红都商务会馆物业公司负责人宋春生(电话:13910138676)配合下,一起到信达证券大厅进行检查。证券大厅人员稀少,秩序正常,没有发现有人在大厅内进行赌博活动。民警马上组织物业公司和证券公司(负责人:孙军 65286372)开会。会议上,通报了证券公司有人打牌,扰乱正常秩序现象。但是,证券公司负责人称:日常有人打牌,但是不存在赌博行为。下一步,证券公司加强对股民的宣传,确保股民在证券公司内,杜绝打牌现象。红都物业也主动与证券公司加强联系,共同维护秩序,杜绝股民借助看股市期间,进行赌博。





《北京东城公安分局上访记录7: 东交民巷派出所》


东交民巷派出所关于网络公共关系平台网民反映问题督办单的回复情况 编号:G2011064








Dongjiaominxiang Police Station’s Response to the Supervision Form of Internet Public Relations Platform Netizens Reporting Issues No.: G2011064
On July 26, 2011, the Dongjiaominxiang Police Station received a supervision form (number: G2011064) from netizens on the network public relations platform. On July 25, 2011, the sub-bureau received a public relations platform from the city bureau and transferred the notification form for netizens to report problems, and notified Sina Weibo netizens to report to the city bureau microblog platform that there were often investors from Cinda Securities who gathered in the Hongdu Business Club in Dongjiaomin Lane, Dongcheng District to gamble. Moreover, it seriously disturbs the residents, and the property management has repeatedly interfered with no effect. According to this content, the public security detachment of the sub-bureau and the Dongjiaominxiang police station immediately investigated and dealt with it.

At about 15:00 on July 26, 2011, Zhang Jian, the deputy director of the Dongjiaominxiang Police Station, led the community police officer Zhao Qi, and with the cooperation of Wang Dongping and others from the Public Security Detachment of the sub-bureau, they came to Cinda Securities, Hongdu Business Club, No. 28 Dongjiaominxiang. With the cooperation of Song Chunsheng (Tel: 13910138676), the person in charge of Hongdu Business Club Property Company, they went to the hall of Cinda Securities for inspection. The securities hall was sparsely populated and the order was normal, and no one was found to be gambling in the hall. The police immediately organized a meeting between the property company and the securities company (person in charge: Sun Jun 65286372). At the meeting, it was reported that someone in the securities company was playing cards and disturbing the normal order. However, the person in charge of the securities company said: some people play cards every day, but there is no gambling. In the next step, the securities company will strengthen the publicity to the stockholders to ensure that the stockholders are in the securities company and prevent the phenomenon of playing cards. Hongdu Property also took the initiative to strengthen contact with securities companies to jointly maintain order and prevent investors from gambling while watching the stock market.

On July 26, 2011, our police station asked the community police to conduct uninterrupted inspections of securities companies in their daily work, and deal with them according to law if found. From now on, the police station will establish a contact system with Hongdu Property Company and Cinda Securities Company to report the situation to each other. Once it is found that some stockholders do not listen to dissuasion and gamble in the lobby of the securities company, the police will immediately go to the scene to investigate and deal with it according to law.

Dongjiaominxiang Police Station

July 26, 2011
