



在外国知乎 Quora 以及其他社交媒体上,经常会有人问这个问题:“为什么中国人老吐痰呢?”



一位俄罗斯人在《环球时报》这样吐槽中国人吐痰:“我不知道中国人为什么要随地吐痰,但是他们就是这样做,随时随地。我真是怀疑,中国人从取得 2008 年奥运会主办权后的那一刻起,是否意识到这对于中国来说已成为民族灾难。”









在中国,有超过 50% 的人患有咽炎,尘肺病患者有 600 万之多,肺癌是中国的第一大癌,慢性支气管炎更是继心脏病、脑卒中之后的第三大致死疾病。小时候我也得过支气管炎,病情严重时,吸一口气就会立刻转化成痰堵在胸口,那滋味确实不好受。




据研究,烟草中有超过 3000 种化学物质,这些化合物有很强的致癌活性,是肺癌的最高危因素。

中国有 3 亿多烟民,占全世界吸烟总人数的三分之一,是第一大烟民国。此外,中国还有 7 亿二手烟民。据调查,在一个丈夫吸烟、妻子不吸烟的家庭里,妻子得肺癌的机会比丈夫要高 1 倍~3 倍。丈夫吸烟量越大,妻子患癌机会越大。



煎、炒、炸的烹调手段,使油烟不可避免影响到人的呼吸系统。女性癌症患者很多是这个原因:长期在厨房做饭,接触高温油烟,患肺癌的危险性增加 2 倍~3 倍。


有高达 15% 的肺癌患者因为职业和环境导致的,比如长期接触铍、镉、硅、福尔马林等物质,长期吸入工业废气,都会增加肺癌的发病率。



所以,如果把肺不好归为国人吐痰的主因,那绝对是给自己找借口。毕竟国人的吐痰习惯已经延续千百年了,它不是环境变坏才有的。很久以前,阳光明媚,天蓝水绿,没有沙尘暴,没有 PM 2.5,人们还是随时随地、没有顾及的啐上一口。










“扣好钮扣,勿吐痰”是最基本的要求。1934 年,蒋介石针在南昌演讲,指出了当时的人们有多脏,并倡导“有合乎礼义廉耻的新生活,就从不乱吐痰做起”。










鲁迅在《阿 Q 正传》中做了非常生动的描述:

他(阿 Q)癞疮疤块块通红了,将衣服摔在地上,吐一口唾沫,说:  "这毛虫!"

或许,这才是中国人热爱吐痰的终极奥义:你做不到大声喊出 CNM,但可以冲着他的背影吐口痰。




Where do Chinese people get so much phlegm to spit out?
One Way Street Bookstore©One Way Street Bookstore©

This article is from the WeChat public account: One Way Street Bookstore (ID: onewaystreet2013), author: Gu Gu Gu Gu

The Chinese love to spit, and the whole world knows this.

On foreign Zhihu Quora and other social media, people often ask this question: “Why do Chinese people keep spitting?”

The veteran in the picture above said that he lived in China for a period of time, and found that people often spit and blow their noses on the street, and even eat ramen without restraint, which is really strange.

With such myths in mind, many foreigners seek answers online. In their view, in addition to “why does a person spit”, there is also “where do you get so much phlegm?”

A Russian complained about Chinese spitting in the “Global Times”: “I don’t know why the Chinese spit everywhere, but they do it anytime, anywhere. I really doubt that the Chinese won the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games. Did you realize that this has become a national disaster for China from the moment after that?”

Real warriors don’t bother to spit on the ground, they only spit in each other’s faces when fighting

Having lived in this country for a long time, I don’t think spitting is a big deal. Unexpectedly, spitting has become our “national disaster” in the eyes of foreigners.

But when you think about it, there’s nothing wrong with calling spitting our national disaster, and it’s even apt. Behind the liking for spitting is a big problem of national health and culture.

Chinese people have a lot of phlegm because they have the most fragile lungs in the world
“My dad used to spit a lot in China, but he basically stopped spitting after I went to Australia.” You may have heard a lot of such words. A real phenomenon is that many Chinese people go to countries with beautiful mountains and rivers. After that, the problem of spitting was immediately corrected.

Spittoon, evidence of excessive phlegm in Chinese people

“Our Chinese physique seems to be different from that of foreigners, and we have a lot of phlegm. It’s not that foreigners don’t spit, because foreigners also have trachea and bronchi, and the mucous membranes also inevitably have secretions, which are also called phlegm. After they have phlegm, they will also After spitting it out, do they cough it into the mouth and then swallow it down the esophagus? But they don’t have a spittoon, so there’s nowhere to spit it out. They think it’s not appropriate to spit on the ground blatantly, so most of them use handkerchiefs, probably no one. I would like to wash that kind of handkerchief, so I changed it to a paper towel that was thrown away after use, and what to do with the paper towel after use, whether to stuff it in the ashtray or put it in your pocket to return to Yi Xijun, it’s up to you.”— ——”Spittoon” Liang Shiqiu
Admittedly, some people have no choice but to spit because their lungs are so fragile.

In China, more than 50% of people suffer from pharyngitis, and there are as many as 6 million pneumoconiosis patients. Lung cancer is the number one cancer in China, and chronic bronchitis is the third leading cause of death after heart disease and stroke. When I was young, I also suffered from bronchitis. When the condition was severe, taking a breath would immediately turn into phlegm and get stuck in the chest. It was really unpleasant.

The lungs are good, the appetite is good, the food is delicious, and the body is great

Why do Chinese people have bad lungs? There are three main reasons.

One is smoking, including first-hand smoke and second-hand smoke.

According to research, there are more than 3,000 chemical substances in tobacco. These compounds have strong carcinogenic activity and are the highest risk factors for lung cancer.

There are more than 300 million smokers in China, accounting for one-third of the total number of smokers in the world, and it is the largest smoking country in the Republic of China. In addition, there are 700 million second-hand smokers in China. According to surveys, in a family where the husband smokes and the wife does not smoke, the chance of the wife getting lung cancer is 1-3 times higher than that of the husband. The more the husband smokes, the greater the chance of the wife developing cancer.

It is a pity that our country did not start to completely ban smoking until the past two years. However, the ban on smoking in European and American countries in the last century has achieved results – the incidence of lung cancer in American men has dropped to the third place.

The second is Chinese cooking.

Cooking methods such as frying, frying, and deep-frying make oily fumes inevitably affect the human respiratory system. This is the reason for many female cancer patients: Cooking in the kitchen for a long time, exposed to high-temperature cooking fumes, increases the risk of lung cancer by 2-3 times.

The third is occupation and environment.

Up to 15% of lung cancer patients are caused by occupation and environment, such as long-term exposure to beryllium, cadmium, silicon, formalin and other substances, and long-term inhalation of industrial waste gas, which will increase the incidence of lung cancer.

Bad lungs have become the biggest problem threatening the health of Chinese people, which directly leads to a result: modern people have a lot of phlegm.

But if you have a lot of phlegm, you don’t necessarily have to vomit everywhere. The old father above stopped spitting when he arrived in Australia, probably because Australia itself is very clean everywhere. Do you have the nerve to throw garbage on a spotless street without a single peel? In the same way, in a very clean environment, everyone does not spit, and you are embarrassed to spit.

Therefore, if poor lungs are attributed to the main cause of spitting in the country, it is definitely an excuse for yourself. After all, Chinese people’s spitting habit has lasted for thousands of years, and it is not caused by the deterioration of the environment. A long time ago, the sun was shining, the sky was blue and the water was green, there was no sandstorm, no PM 2.5, people still took a sip anytime, anywhere, without consideration.

Spitting is the “quintessence of the country”
Why spit everywhere? Can’t wrap it in paper and throw it in the trash? In fact, spitting is the same as jumping in line and running a red light. It is the selfishness in our bones that is at work.

Mr. Lin Yutang once regarded spitting as the “quintessence of the country” in “My Country and My People”:

“The spitting action generally has three beats. The first two beats are the sound of coughing and throat sweeping in preparation for the last spitting. The last spitting is made with an urgent and strong sound, after the Adagio Anxious. If the spitting is aesthetically pleasing, I don’t really mind the airborne germs as I have personally experienced them without feeling any noticeable effect on my health. “
China is a country of etiquette, and it is also a nation that loves cleanliness, but this kind of cleanliness maintains its own cleanliness, not the cleanliness of the public environment. For example, people often keep their homes spotless, but throw rubbish everywhere when they go outside. Liang Qichao once said that since ancient times, Chinese people have strong private virtues and weak public morals, which is exactly the reason. The garbage is thrown away, how can a small mouthful of saliva not work?

If you spit outside, it’s others who are disgusting, and you are the one who feels good. Phlegm is so dirty, if you don’t spit it out, do you still swallow it and digest thousands of bacteria by yourself? Of course, spit it into nature and let it go away with the wind!

Spitting everywhere is a kind of selfishness. This kind of selfishness is often accompanied by arrogance: “What’s wrong with me spitting? You spitting too!

Sun Yat-sen once said: “Spitting, farting, growing long nails, and not washing teeth are all common skills in self-cultivation, and Chinese people don’t check them out. Therefore, although we have great knowledge of self-cultivation, family harmony, state governance, and world peace, Foreigners will think they are barbaric when they meet them. If you practice self-cultivation in a well-organized way, you can pay attention to the slightest actions, and when you meet foreigners, you will not infringe on their freedom with vulgar behavior. , foreigners must be very respectful.”

Based on such advocacy, the “New Life Movement” aimed at national etiquette and rules was launched in the Republic of China, and the “New Life Instructions” (the following small cartoon) was also published.

“Buttons, don’t spit” is the most basic requirement. In 1934, Chiang Kai-shek gave a speech in Nanchang, pointing out how dirty people were at that time, and advocated “a new life in line with propriety, righteousness, integrity and shame, starting from not spitting indiscriminately”.

Although most of the middle school students in Jiangxi are better now, when I came here at the beginning of last year, almost none of them were disheveled, unbuttoned, red and green in clothes, and barbarians It looks like, walking or riding on the street, there is no rule for walking and riding a car, let alone love to clean, and even spit everywhere.

When eating, don’t say that all the food and utensils are messy and filthy, and when eating, some lean their bodies against the wall or door to eat, some sit, some squat, and some sit on the ground, Some stood outside the door. After eating, the crumbs of vegetable soup and rice were scattered all over the floor, making people afraid to get close to them.

Nine out of ten of the clothes of ordinary Chinese people are unbuttoned and their hats are crooked. And for their own bodies, not only do they not know how to take a bath, they don’t even wash their faces.
It’s a pity that although the advocacy is good, “the warehouse knows the etiquette, and the food and clothing are enough to know the honor and disgrace”. There is no sufficient material foundation. People can’t even eat enough. How can they care about cleanliness and personal image?

Moreover, how can we, who are arrogant, accept that Chinese people are required not to spit according to the cleanliness standards of foreigners?

Spitting also has a specific meaning, which is to bluff and embolden yourself.
Before Chinese people fight, there is such a small movement: put five fingers together, clenched into a fist, put it near the mouth, and then spit in the middle, as if through this sacred ceremony, they have obtained endless power.

If it’s not this action, I’ll take it easy

This “spit” is a national characteristic, it represents masculinity, contempt for the enemy, and unyielding under power.

Lu Xun made a very vivid description in “The True Story of Ah Q”:

He (Ah Q) had a rash with red patches, threw his clothes on the ground, spat, and said, “This caterpillar!”
Perhaps, this is the ultimate secret of Chinese people’s love of spitting: you can’t shout out CNM, but you can spit at his back.
