
莎拉陪着习近平在旧金山观光,先从市场街北边的主要商业和观光文化景点开始,浏览了联合广场,从联合广场往北经过板街的法国区,通过都板街(Grant Avenue)“天下为公”的牌坊下进入唐人街,沿着唐人街进入小意大利的北滩。中午在小意大利最著名的餐馆“臭玫瑰”(The Stinking Rose)用餐,这里的菜肴都有大量的蒜,习近平直呼过瘾。下午又去了科伊特塔(电报塔)和榛子街,这些景点均位于区内的电报山上。再回到渔人码头浏览39号码头及吉尔德利广场(Ghirardelli Square),从39号码头搭船前往恶魔岛和天使岛。回到饭店已经精疲力尽。莎拉提议去唐人街餐馆吃饭,习近平说有点累了不想去,莎拉说那是一家新开的陕西风味餐馆,习近平眼睛一亮说“好好,那就赶紧去。”
那是一家位于旧金山Jackson Street的中餐馆,招牌上写了一个御字,据说是慈禧太后在逃难流落到陕西期间,一位当地厨师为老佛爷准备的菜肴。进门后进入里边一间雅间,出来招呼客人是这家店老板,问习近平要点什么菜?习近平点了一道羊肉泡馍,肉夹馍,陕西凉皮,和孜然羊肉,老板惊奇地问习近平那么熟悉陕西菜肴,习近平呵呵一笑说“我在那里插队三年,我对那里的陕西菜是再熟悉不过了。”当得知习近平是在陕西延川县文安驿公社梁家河大队插队经历,老板惊喜地说“额也是延川县的,今天可见到亲人了。”原来老板是胡宗南的部下,后来去了台湾,又辗转来到美国,开一家餐馆度曰。习近平听说是台湾来的老兵,就有点坐立不安。老板开了一瓶陕西西风白酒要习近平尝尝,并说今天的饭菜全部免单,习近平赶紧说不行。在老板和莎拉的苦劝下,习近平才勉强坐下来喝酒。不过这个白酒一喝,就勾起了他的回忆,当年插队时曾经与王岐山喝过这个酒,至今这个味是久久难忘。饭后,老板请习近平在贵宾簿上签名留念,习近平欣然命笔“陕西佳肴,中西合璧,习近平,1985年5月11日于旧金山”,老板拿出一盒中国出的西湖龙井茶送给习近平,习近平再三推辞,在莎拉和老板的劝说下,只好收下。
On May 11, 1985, Xi Jinping visited San Francisco
On May 11, 1985, Xi Jinping visited San Francisco
Sarah accompanied Xi Jinping on sightseeing in San Francisco. She started from the main commercial and tourist cultural attractions on the north side of Market Street, then visited Union Square. From Union Square to the north, she passed through the French Quarter on Grant Avenue and passed through Grant Avenue. Enter Chinatown under the “Gong” archway, and enter North Beach in Little Italy along Chinatown. At noon, we dined at The Stinking Rose, the most famous restaurant in Little Italy. The dishes here have a lot of garlic, and Xi Jinping said he was addicted to it. In the afternoon, we went to Coit Tower (Telegraph Tower) and Hazel Street. These attractions are located on Telegraph Hill in the district. Return to Fisherman’s Wharf to visit Pier 39 and Ghirardelli Square, then take a boat from Pier 39 to Alcatraz Island and Angel Island. I returned to the hotel exhausted. Sarah suggested going to a Chinatown restaurant for dinner. Xi Jinping said he was a little tired and didn’t want to go. Sarah said it was a newly opened Shaanxi-style restaurant. Xi Jinping’s eyes lit up and he said, “Okay, then go quickly.”
It was a Chinese restaurant on Jackson Street in San Francisco. The sign had the word “imperial” written on it, which was said to be a dish prepared by a local chef for Lafayette when the Empress Dowager Cixi fled to Shaanxi. After entering the door, he entered a private room inside and came out to greet the guests. He was the owner of the store and asked Xi Jinping what dishes he would like. Xi Jinping ordered a dish of mutton steamed buns, roujiamo, Shaanxi Liangpi, and cumin mutton. The boss asked in surprise that Xi Jinping was so familiar with Shaanxi cuisine. I couldn’t be more familiar.” When it was learned that Xi Jinping had the experience of jumping in the Liangjiahe brigade of Wen’anyi Commune in Yanchuan County, Shaanxi Province, the boss said with surprise, “Well, he is also from Yanchuan County, and I can see his relatives today.” It turned out that the boss was Hu Zongnan’s subordinate, and later I went to Taiwan, then came to the United States and opened a restaurant to spend my days. Xi Jinping felt a little restless when he heard that he was a veteran from Taiwan. The boss opened a bottle of Shaanxi Xifeng Baijiu and asked Xi Jinping to try it, and said that all meals today were free of charge. Xi Jinping quickly said no. After the boss and Sarah’s persuasion, Xi Jinping reluctantly sat down to drink. However, as soon as he drank this liquor, it brought back his memories. He had drank this liquor with Wang Qishan when he was jumping in the queue, and the taste has been unforgettable for a long time. After the meal, the boss asked Xi Jinping to sign the guest book as a souvenir. Xi Jinping happily wrote, “Shaanxi delicacies, a combination of Chinese and Western, Xi Jinping, in San Francisco on May 11, 1985.” The boss took out a box of West Lake Longjing tea from China and gave it to Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping repeatedly declined, but with the persuasion of Sarah and his boss, he had no choice but to accept.
After returning to the hotel, Xi Jinping saw that the members of the group had not returned, so he took a bath alone and watched TV. Remembering the tea leaves given by the boss, he opened the tea bucket and prepared to make tea. When he opened it, Xi Jinping was surprised. Inside was a stack of U.S. bills, several pieces of paper and a photo. The first piece of paper is an anti-communist affidavit, signed by Xi Jinping. The photo shows the scene when Xi Jinping signed the anti-communist oath, with Sarah and the restaurant owner behind him. The last piece of paper is a letter of appointment, which reads: “Comrade Xi Jinping is hereby appointed as the leader of the 11th Group of the Chinese Mainland Special Operations Team. The code name is X53. The superior is W49. The main task is to stay on standby and be assigned by the superior when necessary. Mission.” There was also 10,000 US dollars in cash in the tea bucket. Xi Jinping was so frightened that he turned pale and stayed in his chair speechless for a long time. After regaining consciousness, Xi Jinping went to the next room to find Sarah. Xi Jinping asked Sarah tremblingly what happened? Sarah said, “We know that your father has been persecuted by the Communist Party for more than 20 years, so we want to help you get rid of the Communist Party’s rule. This operation was jointly planned by me and the Taiwan Intelligence Department. I hope you can understand.” Xi Jinping said, “It turns out that you are careful Designed to deal with me.” Sarah nodded and smiled. Xi Jinping said, “I will never do anything like being a Kuomintang agent. I can’t take the money even if I’m beaten to death.” Sarah said, “Then you go and pay it back to the restaurant owner. Oh, I forgot to tell you, boss.” His name is Liu Gang, and he is the head of Taiwan’s North American Intelligence Station. If you return the money to him today, tomorrow’s newspapers will probably publish the anti-communist affidavit you signed. You don’t want to ruin your future!” Xi Jinping was so angry. His mouth was trembling, he turned around and rushed out of the house, slamming the door shut with a “squirt” sound.
In the middle of the night, Xia Wenyi returned to the hotel with several members of the group happily. He was lucky today and actually won several hundred dollars. Xia Wenyi knocked on Xi Jinping’s door to tell him today’s results. Unexpectedly, Xi Jinping coldly told him that all league members were not allowed to go out tomorrow and would study at home. Xia Wenyi was stunned and didn’t dare to ask why, and returned to the room listlessly.
On May 13, at San Francisco International Airport (SFO), Xi Jinping and his party took a United Airlines Boeing plane to return to China, and Sarah went to see them off. When Xi Jinping entered the security gate, Sarah called out “Jinping” and she extended five fingers on one hand and three fingers on the other to greet Xi Jinping. X53!, Xi Jinping had a cold war. A member of the delegation asked translator Xia Wenyi what this foreigner’s gesture meant. Xia Wenyi replied vaguely, “It seems to mean a safe journey.” Xi Jinping glared at the translator and said, “Fuck you, the United States.” He turned around and walked quickly towards the aircraft cabin.