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612 中政委交办 刘纪珍 山西省吕梁市柳林县高家沟乡宋家寨村前宋家寨004龙王庙各都 柳林县 2009年9月10日下午,柳林县陈家湾村村民陈宇祥等6人闯入陈家湾中学校园以暴力威胁等手段向其儿子高国强索取钱财,遭到拒绝后,陈宇祥及其同伙对其儿子进行殴打,致使其昏迷,后送至医院诊断为“创伤后应激障碍”。来访人报案后,当地公安机关一直说陈宇祥等人没有达到刑事责任年龄,且高国强仅为轻伤。经询问来访人,来访人不知道陈宇祥等人的真实年龄,且未进行伤情鉴定。来访人对此不服,要求解决。 吕梁 政法社会治安治安案件 刑侦 王小宾 纪检书记

394 公安部交办 李翠连 山西省吕梁市 方山县 2011年 吕梁 查处案件 – 受案立案 刑侦 张润明 副局长 方山县

400 公安部交办 李清旺 山西省吕梁市中阳县 中阳县 反映赵应平团伙除非法持有枪支外,还涉嫌非法拘禁、贩毒、殴打他人等违法犯罪行为。对公安机关仅就非法持有枪支起诉不服。 2011年 吕梁 查处案件 – 举报案件线索 刑侦 郭振华 党委委员 中阳县

429 公安部交办 苗剑鹏 山西省吕梁市临县白头乡呼家洼 临县 反映苗候骆殴打,抢劫其1000元钱,对公安机关处理不服。 2010年 吕梁 申诉 – 其他 刑侦 张奋国 副局长 临县

435 公安部交办 任国民 山西省吕梁市离石区 离石区 控告村委会主任涉黑,雇佣黑社会分子故意伤害他人,要求查处。 详见附件。 2011年 吕梁 查处案件 – 举报案件线索 刑侦 刘东平 副局长 离石区

457 公安部交办 王建基 山西省吕梁市汾阳市南街10号 汾阳市 反映汾阳市演武镇演武村支书任永高等私藏枪支,侵占公款,欺压百姓,要求立案查处。 2010年 吕梁 查处案件 – 举报案件线索 刑侦 马世剑 副局长 汾阳市

477 公安部交办 武永明 山西省吕梁市孝义市居义村 孝义市 举报村党支部书记、村长郭增福涉黑涉恶问题。 2010年 吕梁 查处案件 – 举报案件线索 刑侦 霍明川 副局长 孝义市

481 公安部交办 辛海生 山西省吕梁市交口县塔上村龙泉巷161号 交口县 反映2011年4月3日,其家被盗,丢失财产估计100万元,要求立案查处。 2011年 1905年7月3日 吕梁 查处案件 – 受案立案 刑侦 孔计全 副局长 交口县

521 公安部交办 张志文 山西省吕梁市中阳县宁乡镇城北居委会城内二郎坪50号 中阳县 其2011年4月26日因琐事被杨健、杨雄、薛小军等砍伤,经法医5月27日鉴定为轻伤,刑侦队已经立案并将凶手网上通缉,但是有的嫌疑人至今仍经常出现在电视节目上无人去抓,要求将凶手抓捕归案。 2011年 1905年7月3日 吕梁 查处案件 – 抓捕在逃人员 刑侦 李彦平 副局长 中阳县


《陕西渭南市刑警支队2: 中政委公安部交办上访案》

《陕西渭南市刑警支队2: 中政委公安部交办上访案》




Origin: The museum curator was pushed out of business by the district chief
Official Response: Museum Director Pushed to Close by District Chief
According to the official Weibo news of Luliang North Wudang Ancient Weapons Museum, Shanxi Luliangshan Revolutionary Museum issued a closing announcement on May 8, saying: “Curator Gao Yufeng was insulted by the district chief Zhang Haiwen when he was working in the Lishi District government, pushed him down and injured him, 120 ambulance

I will send you some information about petitions in Luliang, Shanxi, so that you can have a direct understanding of the darkness in the area.

Several petition cases
No. Source of the case Name of petitioner Detailed address of household registration Brief case information Time of petition Involved prefectures and cities Appeal for petition Leader of the detachment entrusted with the case Organizer
Name Title

  1. Liu Jizhen, assigned by the Political Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Liu Jizhen, Songjiazhai Village, Gaojiagou Township, Liulin County, Luliang City, Shanxi Province Six people broke into the campus of Chenjiawan Middle School and demanded money from his son Gao Guoqiang by means of threats of violence. After being rejected, Chen Yuxiang and his accomplices beat his son until he fell into a coma. impediments”. After the visitor reported the case, the local public security agency kept saying that Chen Yuxiang and others had not reached the age of criminal responsibility, and that Gao Guoqiang was only slightly injured. After questioning the visitor, the visitor did not know the real age of Chen Yuxiang and others, and no injury appraisal was carried out. The visitor was dissatisfied with this and asked for a solution. Lvliang Political, Legal, Social and Public Security Cases Criminal Investigation Wang Xiaobin Disciplinary Inspection Secretary

394 Handled by the Ministry of Public Security Li Cuilian Fangshan County, Luliang City, Shanxi Province 2011 Luliang Investigated and dealt with the case – Accepted and filed criminal investigation Zhang Runming Deputy Director Fangshan County

400 Li Qingwang assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Zhongyang County, Luliang City, Shanxi Province Zhongyang County In addition to illegal possession of guns, Zhao Yingping’s gang is also suspected of illegal detention, drug trafficking, and beating others. Dissatisfied with the prosecution of the public security organs only for illegal possession of guns. 2011 Lvliang Investigate and deal with the case – report the clues of the case Criminal investigation Guo Zhenhua Party committee member Zhongyang County

429 Handled by the Ministry of Public Security Miao Jianpeng Hujiawa Linxian, Baitou Township, Linxian County, Luliang City, Shanxi Province Reported that Miao Houluo was beaten and robbed of 1,000 yuan, and refused to accept the handling of the police. 2010 Luliang Appeal – Other Criminal Investigation Zhang Finguo Deputy Director Lin County

435 Ren Guomin, assigned by the Ministry of Public Security, Lishi District, Luliang City, Shanxi Province Lishi District, accused the director of the village committee of being involved in gangsters and hired gangsters to intentionally hurt others, and demanded investigation and punishment. See attachments. 2011 Lvliang Investigate the case – report the clues of the case Criminal Investigation Liu Dongping Deputy Director Lishi District

457 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Wang Jianji No. 10 South Street, Fenyang City, Luliang City, Shanxi Province Fenyang City Reported that Ren Yonggao, party secretary of Yanwu Village, Yanwu Town, Fenyang City, had hidden guns, embezzled public funds, and oppressed the people. 2010 Luliang Investigate and deal with cases – report clues to the case Criminal Investigation Ma Shijian Deputy Director Fenyang City

477 Handled by the Ministry of Public Security Wu Yongming Juyi Village, Xiaoyi City, Lvliang City, Shanxi Province Xiaoyi City Reported village Party branch secretary and village chief Guo Zengfu’s involvement in gangsters and evil. 2010 Lvliang Investigate the case – report the clues of the case Criminal Investigation Huo Mingchuan Deputy Director Xiaoyi City

481 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Xin Haisheng No. 161, Longquan Lane, Tashang Village, Jiaokou County, Luliang City, Shanxi Province Jiaokou County Reported that on April 3, 2011, his home was stolen and his property was estimated to be 1 million yuan. Requested to file a case for investigation. 2011 July 3, 1905 Lvliang Investigate and deal with the case – Accept the case and put it on file Criminal investigation Kong Jiquan Deputy Director Jiaokou County

521 Zhang Zhiwen assigned by the Ministry of Public Security, Chengbei Neighborhood Committee, Ningxiang Town, Zhongyang County, Lvliang City, Shanxi Province, Zhongyang County, No. 50, Erlangping, Zhongyang County. On April 26, 2011, he was hacked by Yang Jian, Yang Xiong, Xue Xiaojun, etc. for trivial matters. It was identified as a minor injury, and the criminal investigation team has filed a case and wanted the murderer online. However, some suspects still appear on TV programs and no one has been caught, demanding that the murderer be arrested and brought to justice. 2011 July 3, 1905 Lvliang Investigate the case – arrest fugitives Criminal investigation Li Yanping Deputy Director Zhongyang County
