






1998年1月至1999年1月,34岁的李干杰在湖南省岳阳市平江县挂职,担任中共岳阳市平江县委副书记。当时的岳阳市长是周昌贡 (1997年12月 – 2000年1月)。周昌贡就是掏了30万给薄一波出书的王茂林提拔的。薄熙来是如假包换的习近平派系。1995年4月,湖南省委书记王茂林提拔习仲勋秘书曹志斌任湖南省委副秘书长。李干杰薄熙来余党,他不抓,我才奇怪呢。















1971年9月13日早晨,张发云(空政秘书处处长、江腾蛟秘书)夜里没睡好,昏昏沉沉到办公大楼上班,他发现楼前停着很多车,有的车挂着陆军牌照。办公室人来人往乱糟糟的。李瑞昌(空政干部部部长)瘸着腿对他说:“跑飞机了,上面有周。张发云以为是周恩来, 没想到是周宇驰王德春(空政群工部副部长 从大连疗养提前回来,搞不清空军大院发生了什么事情,就去张发云家打听。张发云躺在床上,嘴里连连说“我要当反革命了,我要当反革命了”。王德春什么消息也没有打听出来, 反而更糊涂了



2009年9月30日之前,43岁的马立新任东海舰队(现为东部战区海军)第二十二或第四十二潜艇支队支队长,驻地宁波。当时的东海舰队司令是徐洪猛 海军中将(2006年8月—2009年12月)。徐洪猛就是吴胜利担任东海舰队司令期间的直接下属。吴胜利刘华清提拔的。刘华清邓小平安排带枪进常委,保证江泽民交权给胡锦涛的上将。

2017年10月,马立新以东部战区参谋长助理的身份公开亮相。当时的东部战区司令是刘粤军 上将(2016年1月 – 2019年),刘粤军早期是张万年秘书欧金谷提拔的。是胡锦涛派系的。2019年10月1日,共匪篡权70周年阅兵式上,时任北部战区副参谋长马立新作为方队长,在首次亮相阅兵场的“领导指挥方队”受阅。当时的北部战区司令是李桥铭 上将(2017年8月—2022年9月)。李桥铭早期就是刘粤军提拔的。就翻来覆去就是那么几个人。





Li Shulei was arrested, did Xi Jinping regret it? Why was Wang Chunning arrested? The factional background of Ma Lixin, deputy commander of the Navy

Hello everyone, Wang Chunning, commander of the Armed Police Force, has been arrested. Zhang Hongbing, political commissar of the Armed Police Force of Hu Jintao’s faction, replaced Wang Chunning, commander of the Armed Police Force of Xi Jinping’s faction, to attend Wang Xiaohong’s meeting. It’s tiring for officials. If they don’t attend important meetings like this, it can only prove that they have been arrested. Officials need to want to clock in every day. Hu Jintao has arrested 6 of Xi Jinping’s generals and replaced 1 general, Wang Xiubin. Xi Jinping’s generals arrested by Hu Jintao are

  1. Defense Minister Li Shangfu
  2. Army Political Commissar Qin Shutong
  3. Navy Political Commissar Yuan Huazhi
  4. Military Commission Miao Hua
  5. Eastern Commander Lin Xiangyang
  6. Armed Police Commander Wang Chunning
    There are still 7 generals of Xi Jinping who are still breathing, you can just guess. Yesterday someone told me that Xu Qiling, deputy chief of staff of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was promoted by Fan Changlong. Fan Changlong is Jiang Zemin’s man. If Xu Qiling was promoted by Fan Changlong, then Xu Qiling is Jiang Zemin’s man. Xu Qiling may have accompanied Liu Qi to the Zhuhai Air Show, and Liu Qi is Jiang Zemin’s man. Let’s look at the remaining 7 generals and 6 generals of Xi Jinping. Just call them over and give them a dice. Whoever comes out is the one to be arrested.

I lined up the 6 people, which does not represent what happened in reality, but is just talk. Rocket Force Commander Wang Houbin, I don’t know why he was not arrested. He Hongjun, Executive Deputy Minister of the Political Work Department, and He Weidong, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission. In fact, He Hongjun and He Weidong have already appeared and reported that they are safe. He Hongjun attended Liang Guanglie’s funeral, and He Weidong forced himself to go online at the Zhuhai Air Show to report that he is safe. It is hard to say whether they can have a soft landing in the future. Liu Qingsong, Political Commissar of the Eastern Theater Command, Wang Haijiang, Commander of the Western Theater Command, and Chang Dingqiu, Commander of the Air Force. These are all the order I randomly arranged, and they may not follow this order. Xi Jinping is really left alone this time.

I just joined in the fun. I don’t know that these people are really going to be arrested. I don’t know why they have to arrest them in the order I said. I don’t know why they are so cooperative. I just said the day before yesterday that there is very little information about the submarine force, and it is not as easy to find information as the army. The information about the navy and the air force is less than that of the army. I said that Hu Zhongming has not been arrested, so he may not be Xi Jinping’s man. He is Hu Jintao’s man. As a result, he really announced a new deputy commander of the navy today, named Ma Lixin, who was promoted to lieutenant general. According to the current situation, Ma Lixin must be Hu Jintao’s man. It is impossible to arrest Xi Jinping’s people and promote them at the same time.

Arresting and promoting at the same time was the situation before the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. At that time, it was local officials, and those who were arrested were basically Xi Jinping’s people. But 70%~80% of those who were promoted were also Xi Jinping’s people. So Xi Jinping could still handle it at that time. Now they are not allowed to promote Xi Jinping’s people. After the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, none of Xi Jinping’s people were promoted. They are arresting Xi Jinping’s people while not allowing them to promote them. Then Xi Jinping’s people will be arrested soon. It can’t last more than half a year. I personally think that Hu Jintao wants to arrest all of Xi Jinping’s generals, leaving no one behind, and eradicate the roots.

If you don’t believe it, let’s wait and see. No generals will be left behind. The lucky ones will retire, and the unlucky ones will go to Qincheng. The Politburo Standing Committee members, Xi Jinping, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, all retired. The Politburo members, except Wang Yi, Shi Taifeng, Li Hongzhong, Zhang Guoqing, Chen Min’er, and Yuan Jiajun. These 6 people should not be Xi Jinping’s people. I don’t know if it’s accurate. I haven’t studied Shi Taifeng yet, but I guess he is not Xi Jinping’s person. The other 5 people are basically certain that they are not Xi Jinping’s people. Whether they are Hu Jintao’s people or Jiang Zemin’s people. We won’t go into details.

The remaining 11 people are all Xi Jinping’s people, either retired or sent to Qincheng. It is impossible for all of them to go to Qincheng, at least one, usually two, and three are possible. I dare not imagine more, and one or two must be arrested to kill one to warn the rest. I just picked 5 people at random. I’m just making it up. If it’s accurate, it’s just a coincidence. It’s right to say something wrong. Because they are too cruel, they may just send him off with an obituary like Wu Bangguo and Liang Guanglie. I can’t stand this. The first person, I know the reason, Li Ganjie. He has a background in singing red and fighting black, and a background in Bo Xilai. To be precise, he has a background in Bo Yibo. If he has a background in Bo Xilai, he will definitely not be able to escape.

From January 1998 to January 1999, 34-year-old Li Ganjie was on a temporary assignment in Pingjiang County, Yueyang City, Hunan Province, serving as the deputy secretary of the Pingjiang County Committee of Yueyang City. The mayor of Yueyang at that time was Zhou Changgong (December 1997-January 2000). Zhou Changgong was promoted by Wang Maolin, who paid 300,000 yuan to help Bo Yibo publish a book. Bo Xilai is a genuine member of Xi Jinping’s faction. In April 1995, Wang Maolin, secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, promoted Cao Zhibin, secretary of Xi Zhongxun, to be the deputy secretary-general of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee. Li Ganjie is a remnant of Bo Xilai. I would be surprised if he is not arrested.

Everyone must believe in common sense. Why does Xi Jinping want to implement the Bo Xilai policy without Bo Xilai?
Everyone must believe in common sense. Why does Xi Jinping want to implement the Bo Xilai policy without Bo Xilai? He is desperately reversing the situation. It is not the son who inherits the father’s business, but the younger brother who inherits the elder brother’s business. The younger brother Xi Jinping has taken on the career of the elder brother Bo Xilai. If Xi Jinping and Bo Xilai are not from the same family, why does Xi Jinping want to implement the Bo Xilai policy without Bo Xilai? Why does Xi Jinping want to renew the Chinese passport for the son of the elder brother Bo Xilai, Bo Guagua? Bo Guagua is Xi Jinping’s nephew and godson.

The other people are all speculations. They must know that they have something going on, but it is not as obvious as Li Ganjie. Li Ganjie has been rumored to have been arrested, but I think this news is not necessarily accurate. Netizens spread that Li Shulei was arrested and Zhong Shanshan expressed his loyalty to the new Minister of Propaganda. It is unknown whether the news is accurate or not. I don’t know whether the news is accurate or not. I get news very slowly, and I always read other people’s news. There are many rumors, some of which are indeed unreliable. Some are just that there is no smoke without fire. You still have to make your own judgment.

Hu Jintao’s strategic goal is to support Zhou Jinxing as the next general secretary. There should be other general secretaries in the middle. All officials who hinder Zhou Jinxing from becoming the next general secretary will be cleared out, and gods will be killed, and Buddhas will be killed. As for why Hu Jintao sees Zhou Jinxing and why he wants to support Zhou Jinxing to take office, I won’t elaborate. In fact, Zhou Jinxing’s background is very clear. You can see it by just looking at it.

Navy Deputy Commander Ma Lixin is Hu Jintao’s man
I’ll find out for you why the new Navy Deputy Commander Ma Lixin is Hu Jintao’s man. I’m not 100% sure. Navy Commander Hu Zhongming and Navy Deputy Commander Ma Lixin are both officers from submarine forces. They originally hid under the sea every day, so there is not much information about them. Just to say in general, Hu Jintao’s people are hiding in China’s political depressions, Shanxi, Yunnan, Ningxia. These provinces have never produced any Politburo Standing Committee members or Politburo members. Only then can Xi Jinping agree to Hu Jintao or Li Keqiang to promote a few officials there. Hu Jintao hides his people in foreign countries, in Tibet, and in Cuba. Cuban Ambassador Ma Hui was summoned back to his country, which alarmed the United States and led to Sullivan’s visit to China.

The military is the Rocket Force and the Submarine Force. Both of these places involve nuclear weapons. They require professional talents and long-term training. It took more than 10 years to get to the era when Hu Jintao was in power. Just to say in general, not all of them are like this. Hu Jintao hid his faction’s officials in cold offices.

China has only 6 submarine forces in total, and only the Northern Theater Command, the Eastern Theater Command, and the Southern Theater Command have navies. Mongolia has no navy, and China’s Western Theater Command and Central Theater Command have no navy either. Only the Northern Theater Command and the Southern Theater Command have nuclear submarine forces. They are in Qingdao and Sanya. The mountain was hollowed out, and nuclear submarines were stored underneath. Nuclear submarines dived directly into the cave. The East China Sea Fleet is the Eastern Theater Navy, and it does not have nuclear submarines. The two submarine units of the East China Sea Fleet have their home ports in Ningbo. The port conditions are not as good as those in Qingdao and Sanya, and it is impossible to station nuclear submarine units.

Hu Jintao deliberately made Ma Lixin a carrot model soldier, and 18 years later, only Ma Lixin was promoted

On May 21, 2006, Hu Jintao personally wrote the name of the “Love the Army and Martial Arts Model Soldier” medal. In June 2006, 40-year-old Ma Lixin was established as the only “First Youth Love the Army and Martial Arts Model Soldier” in the Navy. The Chairman of the Military Commission at that time was Hu Jintao. There were a total of 10 Martial Arts Model Soldier, and Ma Lixin might have been selected by Hu Jintao at the beginning.

So I repeatedly emphasize the 35-year-old ministerial level law. The lieutenant general of the army corresponds to the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee in the local area. Or the deputy secretary of the party group of the State Council ministry. There are only 31 deputy secretaries of provincial party committees in China. To be promoted to such a high level, one must know the general secretary. That is, Ma Lixin must know one of Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao or Xi Jinping. Because local officials can know the prime minister, but the military can only know the chairman or vice chairman of the CMC. Ma Lixin knew Hu Jintao when he was 40 years old and became one of the 10 elite soldiers among the 2 million Chinese military. Ma Lixin may have known Hu Jintao when he was 37 or 38 years old, or even earlier.

The military is more concerned with seniority than local officials. So the local government has the law of ministerial level at the age of 35, while the local government has the law of generals at the age of 40. Those who can be promoted to generals and lieutenant generals in the Chinese military must have known the chairman of the CMC before the age of 40. At most, they are vice chairmen of the CMC. The generals promoted by Xi Jinping are those who knew Gu Hui and other generals of Xi Jinping’s faction before the age of 35 or 40. Because Gu Hui knew Zhou Enlai or Chen Yun. Chen Yun must have some military power. Because all the veterans of the Communist Party of China came from the military. Chen Yun was originally the secretary of the Northeast Bureau. Including Deng Xiaoping, they all came from the military.

Zhou Enlai was the de facto vice chairman of the Military Commission. Pick any military factory in China during the Cultural Revolution. Which one was not signed and agreed by Zhou Enlai? Zhou Enlai did not hold the title of vice chairman of the Military Commission, but he was actually the vice chairman of the Military Commission. I found this most ridiculous historical data. Prove that Lin Biao was Zhou Enlai’s lackey.

Zhang Fayun, secretary of Jiang Tengjiao, thought Zhou Enlai had run away, and did not expect Lin Biao to run away.

On the morning of September 13, 1971, Zhang Fayun (director of the Air Force Secretariat and secretary of Jiang Tengjiao) did not sleep well at night and went to work in a daze. He found that there were many cars parked in front of the building, some of which had army license plates. The office was in a mess with people coming and going. Li Ruichang (head of the Air Force Cadre Department) limped and said to him: “The plane ran away, and Zhou was on it.” Zhang Fayun thought it was Zhou Enlai, but it turned out to be Zhou Yuchi. Wang Dechun (Deputy Minister of the Air Force Political Department) came back early from recuperation in Dalian. He didn’t know what happened in the Air Force compound, so he went to Zhang Fayun’s house to inquire. Zhang Fayun was lying on the bed, saying “I want to be a counter-revolutionary, I want to be a counter-revolutionary.” Wang Dechun didn’t find out anything, but became more confused.

It was Zhang Fayun, Jiang Tengjiao’s secretary, who was a core member of Lin Biao’s joint fleet. Zhang Fayun didn’t expect Lin Biao to run away. Zhang Fayun thought Zhou Enlai ran away. Think about the night of September 13, when the whole country was banned from flying. How did Lin Biao’s Trident take off? The person who tied the bell must be the one to untie it. Zhou Enlai personally called to issue the ban on flying. Zhou Enlai didn’t approve it, so how did Lin Biao’s plane take off? Who shot Lin Biao down with a missile and destroyed the evidence? Wasn’t it Zhou Enlai? Of course, those who opposed Mao Zedong at that time must have been the righteous party. But what about now? Many things in history cannot be said. We need to extend the timeline and look at one thing comprehensively.

So Xi Jinping’s influence in the military The power came from Zhou Enlai and Chen Yun, and Xi Zhongxun was Zhou Enlai’s chief secretary. In September 2002, 36-year-old Ma Lixin was appointed as the captain of the newly formed Chinese-made 039 Song-class conventional-powered submarine 314. The 314 submarine should belong to the 42nd Submarine Detachment or the 22nd Submarine Detachment, with its home port in Ningbo, Zhejiang, and belongs to the East China Sea Fleet. Some materials say that the 314 submarine belongs to the 2nd Submarine Detachment of the North Sea Fleet, which should be wrong information. The 314 submarine visited Hong Kong.

Before September 30, 2009, 43-year-old Ma Lixin served as the captain of the 22nd or 42nd Submarine Detachment of the East China Sea Fleet (now the Eastern Theater Navy), stationed in Ningbo. The commander of the East China Sea Fleet at the time was Xu Hongmeng Lieutenant General of the Navy (August 2006 – December 2009). Xu Hongmeng was Wu Shengli’s direct subordinate during his tenure as Commander of the East China Sea Fleet. Wu Shengli was promoted by Liu Huaqing. Liu Huaqing was a general arranged by Deng Xiaoping to bring a gun into the Standing Committee to ensure that Jiang Zemin handed over power to Hu Jintao.

In October 2017, Ma Lixin made a public appearance as the assistant chief of staff of the Eastern Theater Command. The commander of the Eastern Theater Command at that time was General Liu Yuejun (January 2016 – 2019), who was promoted by Zhang Wannian’s secretary Ou Jingu in the early days. He was from the Hu Jintao faction. On October 1, 2019, at the military parade marking the 70th anniversary of the Communist bandits’ usurpation of power, Ma Lixin, then deputy chief of staff of the Northern Theater Command, was the captain of the “leadership and command team” that made its first appearance on the parade ground. The commander of the Northern Theater Command at that time was Li Qiaoming General (August 2017-September 2022). Li Qiaoming was promoted by Liu Yuejun in the early days. It’s just the same few people over and over again.

In June 2023, Ma Lixin appeared in public reports as the deputy minister of the National Defense Mobilization Department of the Central Military Commission. On June 15, 2023, a seminar and exchange meeting on the high-quality development of militia construction in Shanxi Province was held in Yangquan City. Ma Lixin, deputy minister of the National Defense Mobilization Department of the Central Military Commission, Wu Wei, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and executive vice governor, Deng Yuen, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and commander of the Provincial Military Region attended the meeting, and Xu Baolong, political commissar of the Provincial Military Region, presided over the meeting. Wu Wei, executive vice governor of Shanxi, has just been transferred from Shanxi to the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee. We have just analyzed that Wu Wei has the background of Wen Jiabao and Hu Jintao.

Ma Lixin and Wu Wei appearing in the same frame may be a coincidence, or it may not be a coincidence. Why did Ma Lixin go to Shanxi to mix with Wu Wei, a henchman of Hu and Wen, just after becoming the deputy minister of the National Defense Mobilization Department of the Central Military Commission? Is this a coincidence or intentional? I have no evidence, why are these two people, Ma Lixin and Wu Wei, involved together. Maybe it’s just a coincidence, but they are from the same faction.

So I have basically analyzed the factional background of Ma Lixin, the deputy commander of the navy. So Hu Jintao arrested Yuan Huazhi, the political commissar of the navy, probably to make room for Ma Lixin, the deputy commander of the navy. I feel that Hu Jintao will not stop until all of Xi Jinping’s generals are arrested. Let’s wait and see. Guess who will be arrested next.
