一、所住房屋因规划设计变更造成遮挡,客厅、橱房、卧室等终日不见阳光,2004年市规划委出具过其房屋存在遮挡问题的证明(无文字证明),曾多次找北京住总房地产开发有限责任公司(以下简称“住总公司”),要求住总公司赔偿其15万元人民币,依据是同楼XXX居民曾获得5万元人民币的赔偿,但住总公司未能满足其要求,只答应赔偿其2万元,王桂桐不同意,以回迁住房规划设计变更出现遮挡造成房屋贬值、遮挡耗电费、搬家奖励费等问题将住总公司诉讼至东城区人民法院, 2005年6月20日,东城区人民法院判决住总公司赔偿其5000元人民币,给付其搬家奖励费5000元,驳回其他诉讼请求。北京第二中级人民法院于2005年9月19日终审裁定,双方均按原审法院判决执行。王桂桐不服,便要求政府部门协调。
王桂桐先后多次到市信访办、区信访办、天安门等地区上访。 2010年区“两会”召开期间王桂桐到会场散发上访材料。今年全国“两会”期间朝阳门街道办事处按照区维稳办工作要求,每日安排工作人员找王桂桐谈话,做思想工作。派出所未对其采取任何看管措施。其反映联防人员辱骂其孩子一事是因为王桂桐外出,看到蹲守盗窃自行车嫌疑人的联防人员,王桂桐认为是在监视她,所以辱骂联防人员引发冲突,此事派出所领导已接待解决。
朝阳门派出所接分局信访办转文王桂桐信访材料后,于2011年9月29日、10 有5日分别由副所长、政委与王桂桐联系,王桂桐称:早忘记给政法委写信的内容了。不和派出所谈。不到派出所去,也不允许派出所领导到家中找她,并且挂断电话。
Chaoyangmen Police Station’s report on Wang Guitong’s petition
Sub-bureau Letters and Visits Office:
The Letters and Calls Office of the sub-bureau of Chaoyangmen Police Station referred Wen Wang Guitong to report that the Chaoyangmen Police Station prevented her from going to the relevant departments to appeal and was forcibly guarded. The leaders of the police station attach great importance to it and have a detailed understanding of the situation reported by Wang Guitong. The specific situation is now replied as follows:
Wang Guitong (female, 43 years old, address: Room 504, Unit 7, Building 8, Chaonei Nanxiao Street) is a key petitioner. It reflects the problem:
- The house I live in is blocked due to planning and design changes, and the living room, cupboard, bedroom, etc. are not exposed to sunlight all day long. In 2004, the Municipal Planning Commission issued a certificate (no written certificate) of the problem of blocking the house, and I asked the Beijing Residential Bureau many times. The Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the head office”) requested the head office to compensate it 150,000 yuan, based on the fact that the residents of 601 in the same building had received compensation of 50,000 yuan, but the head office failed to meet its request , only agreed to compensate him 20,000 yuan, but Wang Guitong disagreed, and sued the head office to the Dongcheng District People’s Court on the grounds that the housing depreciation caused by the change in the planning and design of the relocated housing, the power consumption of the shelter, and the incentive fee for moving were caused by the shelter, etc., in June 2005. On the 20th, the Dongcheng District People’s Court ruled that the head office should compensate her 5,000 yuan and pay her a moving incentive fee of 5,000 yuan, and rejected other claims. The Beijing No. 2 Intermediate People’s Court made a final ruling on September 19, 2005, and both parties implemented the judgment of the original court. Wang Guitong refused to accept it, so he asked the government departments to coordinate.
- Reflecting on the issue of his treatment in the Jingshan Sub-district Office.
- He went to the Chaoyangmen Sub-district Office to ask for a solution, but was scuffled by the staff.
Wang Guitong went to the City Appeal Office, District Appeal Office, Tiananmen Square and other areas to appeal for many times. During the “Two Sessions” in the district in 2010, Wang Guitong went to the venue to distribute petition materials. During the “two sessions” of the country this year, the Chaoyangmen Sub-district Office, in accordance with the work requirements of the District Stability Maintenance Office, arranged for staff to talk to Wang Guitong every day and do ideological work. The police station did not take any custody measures against him. It reflected that the joint defense personnel abused her child because Wang Guitong went out and saw the joint defense personnel squatting on the suspect who stole the bicycle. Wang Guitong thought they were watching her, so the insults to the joint defense personnel caused conflicts. The leaders of the police station have received and resolved the matter.
On August 26, 2010, Wang Guitong was administratively detained by the Dongcheng Public Security Bureau for five days for obstructing the execution of official duties by the police. After that, he repeatedly reported his detention to the relevant departments. The Dongcheng Court also conducted an administrative litigation trial on this matter, and believed that the administrative penalty imposed by our bureau in accordance with the corresponding laws complied with the legal procedures.
Chaoyangmen Police Station received the sub-bureau’s Letters and Calls Office’s transfer of Wen Wang Guitong’s letters and visits materials, and on September 29 and October 5, 2011, the deputy director and political commissar contacted Wang Guitong respectively. Wang Guitong said: I forgot to write to the Political and Legal Committee. up. Do not talk to the police station. She did not go to the police station, nor did she allow the leaders of the police station to look for her at home, and hung up the phone.
The Chaoyangmen Police Station arranged for Wang Guitong to take corresponding work measures based on stability maintenance work, without any other factors. Therefore, we believe that the problems reflected in Wang Guitong’s petition materials are not true.
Chaoyangmen Police Station
October 17, 2011