
谢玉瑞 , 孙春兰 , 马后良 – 《科技资讯》 – 被引量: 13 – 2013年
孙春兰 , 马后良 , 谢玉瑞 – 《科技资讯》 – 被引量: 0 – 2013年
2013年,21岁的谢玉瑞在山东潍坊市安丘市兴安街道农业综合服务中心工作,在《科技资讯》杂志上以第一作者和孙春兰 ,马后良发表论文《北方果树脱病毒及栽培技术研究》,被引用13次。
2017年,25岁的谢玉瑞与当时29岁的白人丈夫达斯汀·赫夫(Dustin Huff)生下了大儿子。
2021年,29岁的谢玉瑞与当时33岁的白人丈夫达斯汀·赫夫(Dustin Huff)生下了二儿子。
2023年12月8日,31岁的山东潍坊裔佛罗里达女子谢玉瑞(Yurui Xie)和她35岁的白人丈夫达斯汀·赫夫(Dustin Huff)被逮捕,被指控犯有两项严重虐待儿童罪和一项忽视儿童罪,保释金60万美元。
上周五(12月8日),31岁的华人谢玉瑞(Yurui Xie)和她35岁的丈夫达斯汀·赫夫(Dustin Huff),因在工作时将他们6岁和2岁的孩子锁在临时搭建的笼子里长达数小时而被捕!据悉,有时这对夫妻还会在夜间或离开家时这样做。
这夫妻俩都是佛罗里达大学(University of Florida)的员工,佛州大学官员证实,他们目前处于行政休假(停职)状态。
对此,谢玉瑞诉苦称,6岁的儿子患有多动症,且不听话,他们试图为孩子找after school的托儿所,但因为他不听话的行为,没有托儿所要他,她只能下班休息的时候把儿子放到围栏里。但是,把孩子放在围栏里不会超过几个小时,因为赫夫很快就下班了。
2021年11月,康州亚裔母亲凯莉·卡维亚撒(Kerry Lyn Caviasca)就因为与男友前往佛州度假独自将两个未满12岁的孩子留在家中2天2夜而被捕,面临4项重罪起诉。
在凯莉外出期间,这两个孩子依靠糖果、零食和Uber Eats外卖生活了两天两夜。
她被控两项伤害未成年风险罪及两项威胁他人安全(reckless endangerment)二级罪名,执法专家丽萨·达迪欧(Lisa daddio)表示,这些指控都是重罪,最终她以5000元的保释金获释。
2018年12月,一位名叫泰勒·库明斯(Taylor Cumings)的母亲在上班时将4岁和7岁的儿子留在家中,因忽视被抚养人而被捕。
2018年10月,丹妮尔·莉娜·皮尔逊(Danielle Lena Pearson)在将她的三个孩子,年龄在6个月到4岁之间,留在屋内超过两个小时后被捕。
在2016年,一位名叫苏珊·特瑞利恩(Susan Terrillion)的母亲因将她8岁和9岁的孩子单独留在度假屋内而被捕,当时她跑出去45分钟去取食物。
The Florida woman from Weifang, Shandong who was arrested for putting a young child in a cage is named Xie Yurui, not Xie Yurui
The Chinese-American Florida woman’s name is Xie Yurui, not Xie Yurui
A deleted page on the University of Florida website showed that Xie Yurui was hired as a full-time employee in June 2019 as a safety manager in the plant pathology department.
Research on Virus Removal and Cultivation Technology of Northern Fruit Trees
This article is based on the author’s many years of experience in technical services for northern fruit trees, and takes the research object of northern fruit tree virus removal methods and virus-free fruit tree cultivation technology. The paper first discusses the virus types of northern fruit trees, virus-free research and cultivation…
Xie Yurui, Sun Chunlan, Ma Houliang – “Science and Technology Information” – Number of citations: 13 – 2013
Fruit tree pest control strategies based on ecological and biological control technologies
This paper takes fruit tree pest control as the research object. The paper first analyzes the main types of fruit tree pests, and then discusses the occurrence trends and main factors of fruit tree pests. On this basis, the paper analyzes the research status of fruit tree pest control technology, and finally…
Sun Chunlan, Ma Houliang, Xie Yurui – “Science and Technology Information” – Number of citations: 0 – 2013
Restore Xie Yurui’s life trajectory
In 2013, 21-year-old Xie Yurui worked at the Agricultural Comprehensive Service Center of Xing’an Street, Anqiu City, Weifang City, Shandong Province. He published a paper “Research on Virus Removal and Cultivation Technology of Northern Fruit Trees” in the magazine “Science and Technology Information” with Sun Chunlan and Ma Houliang as the first author. , cited 13 times.
In 2016, 24-year-old Xie Yurui published an article “The Current Situation and Development Strategies of Facility Cultivation of Fruit Trees in the North” in the 13th issue of “Modern Agricultural Science and Technology”, which shows that Xie Yurui seems to still be living in China.
In 2017, 25-year-old Xie Yurui gave birth to her eldest son with her then 29-year-old white husband Dustin Huff.
In June 2019, 27-year-old Xie Yurui was hired as a full-time employee by the University of Florida as the safety manager of the Phytopathology Department.
In 2021, 29-year-old Xie Yurui gave birth to her second son with her then 33-year-old white husband Dustin Huff.
On December 8, 2023, Yurui Xie, a 31-year-old Florida woman from Weifang, Shandong, and her 35-year-old white husband Dustin Huff were arrested and charged with two counts of aggravated child abuse and one count of child neglect, with bail set at $600,000.
My husband is white. The annual salary of a dual-income family is less than US$100,000. The woman argues that there is nothing that can be done about her son’s ADHD.
Last Friday (December 8), 31-year-old Chinese Yurui Xie and her 35-year-old husband Dustin Huff were arrested for locking up their 6-year-old and 2-year-old children at work. Arrested for hours in a makeshift cage! It is reported that the couple sometimes also do this at night or when leaving home.
The couple are both employees of the University of Florida, and University of Florida officials confirmed that they are currently on administrative leave.
A page removed from the university’s website showed that Yurui Xie was hired full-time in June 2019 as a safety manager in the plant pathology department; Huff was hired full-time in December 2017 and is described as a Biological scientist working in the UF/IFAS Department of Horticultural Sciences.
According to the 2022 employee salary report on the university’s official website, Xie Yurui and Huff’s combined annual income is less than $100,000. This is not a high salary in Florida, a state with high consumption. Therefore, some netizens speculated that the two people might have used this method to take care of their children in order to save the cost of a nanny.
They are currently charged with two counts of aggravated child abuse and one count of child neglect, with bail set at $600,000.
The incident began when a 6-year-old boy told his teacher that he didn’t want to go home because his father would build a cage and lock him in it while his mother was at work.
After receiving the call, police officers visited the boy’s home and discovered that the couple had another 2-year-old child.
When deputies entered the boy’s bedroom, they saw a “large unsanded wooden enclosure made of pressure-treated 2-by-4 boards that appeared to be a makeshift cage,” according to the arrest report.
The cage has a door with two stainless steel barrel bolts that is closed, leaving only a few inches of room on the railing to look out.
The 6-year-old boy told police that his dad made the cage for him and that he would be locked in the cage when he got home from school, sometimes until 7 a.m. the next morning when he had to leave again to go to school. . Other times, when the child came home from school and his mother was at work, he would be put in the cage and released when his father came home from college, police said.
The boy told police he was also forced to “wear pull-ups,” which are diapers for toddlers, while he was in the cage overnight, but was allowed to go to the bathroom during the day, the arrest report said. The 2-year-old was placed in another makeshift cage, police said. The 6-year-old boy showed police how his parents used an overturned crib and placed it on a mattress on the floor before placing the 2-year-old in it.
In this regard, Xie Yurui complained that her 6-year-old son suffered from ADHD and was disobedient. They tried to find an after school nursery for the child, but because of his disobedient behavior, there were no nurseries for him. She could only take him during her break from get off work. Put the son in the pen. But leaving the kid in the playpen won’t last more than a few hours, as Hef soon gets off work.
Police sources said the children had been removed from the home and given to the care of a host family by the DCF department.
As the children left, the 6-year-old said, “I don’t want anybody to get in trouble. I just don’t want to be in a cage,” the arrest report said.
If convicted, Xie Yurui and Hef will not only have their futures ruined and be directly expelled from the university, but will also be sentenced to up to five years in prison and fined up to $5,000.
The University of Florida has removed the photos of Xie Yurui and Huff from its official website and banned them from entering the school.
Although Xie Yurui and Hef have been arrested, there are still many enthusiasts concerned about the psychological condition of the two children.
“It doesn’t mean that both children will be affected for life,” said the lead therapist at the Children’s Advocacy Center in Gainesville. “Healing is possible, although complex trauma can be difficult.”
According to relevant laws in some states in the United States, children under the age of 12 are not allowed to be alone at home, even if “no more than a few hours” as Xie Yurui said.
If both parents are unable to stay home due to violations of the law or restrictions, the administrative department that makes the decision will send the minor child to a designated boarding family or child welfare bureau for management.
In November 2021, Kerry Lyn Caviasca, an Asian mother from Connecticut, was arrested for leaving her two children under the age of 12 at home alone for 2 days and 2 nights when she and her boyfriend went to Florida for vacation. , facing four felony charges.
It is reported that Kelly is also a public school teacher at a local school.
The two children relied on candy, snacks and Uber Eats for two days and nights while Kylie was away.
Kavyasa’s ex-husband went to the police in December to report that his wife, who had custody of him, may have left the children at home alone because he discovered that the children did not attend school on Monday, November 22, and that he had not been able to attend school that weekend. Get in touch with them. When he asked his father to check at home, he still could not find the children.
She was charged with two counts of endangering a minor and two counts of second-degree riskless endangerment. Law enforcement expert Lisa Daddio said that these charges were both felonies. In the end, she was fined with a $5,000 fine. Released on bail.
There are many similar examples
In December 2018, a mother named Taylor Cumings was arrested for child neglect after leaving her 4- and 7-year-old sons at home while at work.
In October 2018, Danielle Lena Pearson was arrested after leaving her three children, aged 6 months to 4 years old, inside the house for more than two hours.
In 2016, a mother named Susan Terrillion was arrested for leaving her 8- and 9-year-old children alone at a vacation home while she ran out for 45 minutes to get food.
When it comes to how old a child can be independently at home, there are some differences in the specific age regulations in each state. Parents and guardians need to ask local lawyers about the legal regulations and be careful to avoid making big mistakes by “taking it for granted”.
Currently, the following three states have enacted relevant laws, and the legal ages are as follows:
Illinois: 14 years old
Maryland: 8 years old
Oregon: 10 years old
If you live in these three states, you must abide by the law, otherwise the consequences of violating it will be serious.
In the remaining 47 states, although there are no provisions in state law, many state governments or courts have formulated a guideline (Guideline), or based on expert opinions, put forward the minimum age recommendation for parents to leave their children at home alone.