1954年第一批进入柴达木盆地的484名石油勘探队员后来出了一个省委书记,名叫尹克升(1932-2011),北京通州人,能诗擅文,每天还写日记。 在中国石油工业史上,他有看这祥浓墨重彩的两笔:1976年指挥涩北天然气勘探会战,1979年拍板开发孕斯库勒油田。据中央电视台新闻联播:1990年岁尾,孕斯库勒油田进入全国百万吨油田的行列;1996年以后,涩北天然气通过几条管道,源源不断地输往各个城市有力地促进了中国西部的经济发展和社会进步。尹克升1979年任青海石油管理局局长,1983年任青海省委常委、副省长,1985年袒任青海省委书记,可以说是历史选择了这个柴达木石油人。1995年6月1日,青海油田迎来了建局40周年的大喜日子,演出大型音乐舞蹈史诗《创业之歌》。专程赴往敦煌石油基地参加大会的尹克升用一口非常动听的北京活做了一今非常精彩的发言一一《让柴达木石油精神永放光芒》,并即兴赋诗一首:“青海油田四十年.吃尽天下苦千般。石油儿女经百战,辽阔盆地换新颜。艰苦奋斗坎坷路,造就英雄数方干。二次创业展宏团,风流人物看今天。”
曹随文1965年毕业于北京地质学院. 曾任青海石油管理局办公室主任、青海省委办公厅主任、省委秘书长等职。 1966年7月22日,咸深2井喜喷工业油流,日产800多立方米,油田上下一片欢腾,职工家属载歌载舞。管理局调遣勘探处地震队、重磁力队赴华岩山(咸水泉构造的中高点)修路, 曹随文所在的291队也在其列。筑路工地红旗招展,歌声飞扬,同志们顶烈日,冒风沙,一身土,一身汗。 紧张艰苦的劳动中, 大家互相关照,情同手足,经常是一块西瓜、一杯清茶, 你让我,我让你。 曹随文在黑板上写了一篇宣传稿,即此河南坠子《一个馍》:“收工回来洗罢脸,同志们开始用晚餐,晚风习习送凉爽,欢笑声洒在食堂前。 卖饭的炊事员是大个儿,名叫兴盛姓是袁。 老袁一边把饭卖,一边还在做宣传:‘有面条,有馒头,瓜片豆角味道鲜。 同志们吃好干劲大,拿下东方大油田。’说笑间发生一件事,不知底细可真稀罕。买饭的小张拿着一个馍,老袁他偏偏要回这个馍。 小张说:‘这个馍我不给你。’老袁说:‘不给我你就不能吃面条。 ’小张说:‘是我不小心把馍掉地下,我就应该吃这个馍。 ’老袁说:‘你们每天修路多辛苦,咋忍心让你吃沾了土的馍。 ’还是老袁眼明手快. 从小张手里夺回了那个馍,顺手端给小张面条一碗,紧接着又给小张换了一个馍。只见小张眼里含着泪,望着老袁半天没话说。若问小张是干啥的,他本是技术员名叫新河。 这虽是筑路工地一件小事,却是那同志情义一曲歌。 唱到这里停住板, 下一回咱再把好人好事说。 ”
Yin Kesheng, who promoted Zhao Leji, was a close confidant of Hu Yaobang
Editor’s note: I repost these contents just to verify historical data. It does not mean that I agree with their views.
Because they are all from the 1980s, and the content is so stinky, too left-wing, and too communist, I really can’t stand it.
Mainly to research Zhao Leji’s origins and the history of the Ministry of Land and Resources.
Because the second navy of the Chinese Communist Party that invaded Taiwan, the China Coast Guard, is affiliated with the Ministry of Land and Resources/Ministry of Natural Resources.
The battle for the leadership of the oil gang is one of the three main threads in the history of the CCP.
Xi Jinping prepares to invade Taiwan this year
And foreign propaganda is trying its best to hide Xi Jinping’s strategic intentions
Destroy Taiwan’s will to resist
Delay Taiwan’s preparation time for war
Increase the probability of success of Xi Jinping’s invasion of Taiwan
External propaganda is the real fifth column of Taiwan
During Yin Kesheng’s tenure as Secretary of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee, Zhao Leji was promoted step by step from deputy director of the Department of Commerce, director, and vice governor.
Qinghai is considered a place of exile
At that time, only Hu Yaobang went to Qinghai three times among the top leaders of the CCP, and he was always received by Yin Kesheng.
Li Xi was promoted by Lu Hao and Zhao Leji
Wen Jiabao served as a deputy to the National People’s Congress in Gansu for ten years, and Lu Hao followed Wen for ten years.
Yin Kesheng
The first batch of 484 oil exploration team members who entered the Qaidam Basin in 1954 later had a provincial Party committee secretary named Yin Kesheng (1932-2011), a native of Tongzhou, Beijing, who was good at poetry and writing, and wrote a diary every day. In the history of China’s petroleum industry, he has made two significant achievements: commanding the Sebei natural gas exploration campaign in 1976, and making the decision to develop the Yuskule oil field in 1979. According to CCTV News: At the end of 1990, the Yueskule Oilfield entered the ranks of the country’s million-ton oil fields; after 1996, Sebei natural gas was continuously transported to various cities through several pipelines, which effectively promoted the development of western China. economic development and social progress. Yin Kesheng was appointed director of the Qinghai Petroleum Administration Bureau in 1979, member of the Standing Committee of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee and deputy governor in 1983, and secretary of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee in 1985. It can be said that history chose this Qaidam oil man. On June 1, 1995, Qinghai Oilfield celebrated the 40th anniversary of its establishment and performed a large-scale music and dance epic “Song of Entrepreneurship”. Yin Kesheng, who made a special trip to Dunhuang Petroleum Base to attend the conference, gave a very wonderful speech in a very beautiful Beijing style – “Let the spirit of Qaidam Petroleum shine forever”, and composed an impromptu poem: “Qinghai Oilfield Four In the past ten years, we have endured all kinds of hardships. The vast basin has taken on a new look. The hard work has created many heroes. Let’s look at today’s heroes.”
Cao Suiwen (Editor’s note: Cao Suiyi is the Great Secretary Yin Kesheng)
Cao Suiwen graduated from Beijing Institute of Geology in 1965. He once served as Director of the Office of Qinghai Petroleum Administration Bureau, Director of the General Office of Qinghai Provincial Party Committee, and Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee. On July 22, 1966, Well Xianshen 2 erupted with industrial oil flow, with a daily output of more than 800 cubic meters. The oil field was full of joy, and the families of employees sang and danced. The Administration dispatched the seismic team and the gravity and magnetic team of the Exploration Department to Huayan Mountain (the middle and high point of the Saltwater Spring structure) to build roads. Cao Suiwen’s 291 team was also among them. At the road construction site, red flags were fluttering and songs were flying. The comrades braved the scorching sun and wind and sand, covered in dirt and sweat. During the intense and arduous labor, everyone cared for each other and felt like brothers, often with a piece of watermelon and a cup of tea. You let me, and I let you. Cao Suiwen wrote a propaganda manuscript on the blackboard, which is this Henan pendant “A Steamed Bun”: “After returning from work and washing their faces, the comrades began to have dinner. The evening breeze brought coolness, and laughter spread in front of the canteen. The cook who sells rice The clerk was a big man, his name was Xingsheng and his surname was Yuan. While selling the rice, Lao Yuan was still making publicity: “There are noodles, steamed buns, melon slices and beans that are delicious. Comrades eat well and are very motivated to win the Dongfang Oilfield.” “One thing happened while joking. It’s really rare that I don’t know the details. Xiao Zhang, who was buying rice, wanted to return this steamed bun. “I won’t give it to you,” said Old Yuan. “You can’t eat noodles if you don’t give them to me.” Xiao Zhang said, “I accidentally dropped the buns on the ground, so I should eat this buns.” Lao Yuan said, “How can I bear to let you eat it because you work hard every day to build roads.” The steamed bun with dirt on it. But Lao Yuan was smart enough to take the steamed bun back from Xiao Zhang’s hand and handed him a bowl of noodles. Then he gave Xiao Zhang another steamed bun with tears in his eyes. , looking at Lao Yuan speechless for a long time. If you ask Xiao Zhang what he does, his name is Xin He. Although this is a small thing at the road construction site, it is a song of comradeship. Hold on, let’s talk about good people and good deeds next time.”